TaMaHoMe CrAzY
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Friday, December 24, 2004
::sigh:: well...i'll be leaving you all for ...a week...going to new york...gonig to be leaving in a few hours...say......3 or 4....hmm...i'm going to freeze to death...or get into a car don't expect me to come back XD....
MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!....since i won't have interent to wish you guys all the happiness.......yea...toddles you guys..^^
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Wednesday, December 22, 2004
....I CANNOT BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!...this release..i guess on dec.16 on i did not know that was going to happen because if i knew i would have not bought 5 ugly (<--WHAT AM I SAYING!?!?!?)..its just that...2 photo albums of joonie...and a 1 hour dvd..i can't..i don't know...i <3 diru but...5 ugly does not = image vol. 1...maybe kyo's poem book = image vol. 1...but...arrgh...and you know what? cost $149.99...holy moly...::cries:: so sad...::sigh:: joonie...
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stupid otaku...just when i thought i was going to be able to change my icon to what i want it to be it pulls this stupid stunt...::sigh::...i changed my icon to joonie...and i was like 'HEY!!!! IT WORKS!!!! YAY!!!' try to change it to kyo->red undies went back to gackt...then i try a non-animated icon (myv's hand in his pants)..and it went back to joonie...what in the world?...i..don't know...anywho...
wow...those were surprisingly...and majorly...easy...the classes that were not worth studying for: english, chorus(we didn't really have a test), geometry(i didn't study anyways), and german (...didn't really study this either) i wasted time on and biology...i studied for history on monday by doing every single question on the study guide and by doing so memorized all the answers. I made flash cards for Biology but didn't really need to because the material was easy to learn and comprehend(for an impaired science person like me)...i studied a little...probably went through the cards what?...twice?...ahhh...highschool midterms was too easy...but...what about >.>...<.<....::whispers:: finals...oooooo danger...::shurg::
...i feel so bad...::sigh::...he finally confessed his.....>.>..."love" monday with a gift..that had a note...and i..didn't know what to do..<.<...i wanted to talk to him yesterday but...i couldn't do it...i wanted to talk to him today..but my bus was late so...::shurg::..i just wanted to tell him we could be friends..but..i'm not interested at the moment..i SHOULDN'T be interested for....what?...3 more years...(<-- dating age)...oooo hyde..lucy in the sky with diamonds...hmm...
paint, paint, was fun...XD...that was just a little weird..but yea. my sister and i finally started on my parents christmas present which is a painting. ...-_-...i must say..i don't like it so far..::cries;: and we worked 6 hours on it for it to turn out to look..kind of weird..BUT i have accomplished something...PAINTING FLOWERS...holy cow...i had to put white on half of the brush and the color of the flower itself on the other half...then stroke was just hard...and i feel accomplished...all is good..DUDE! i just noticed i still have paint on my face XD...we were in the middle of painting and i hear a song that i like so i say 'so beautiful!' at the moment my sister was painting a flower and ..i was lounging because she was in my i thought that she might have thought that i meant her i said 'i meant the song not your's ugly (<-- i was joking)' in response she marked my face...and the samething happended again later on after we had forgotten why she had marked me...we realized that we had done the same thing twice unintentionally
that is it for i'll run off like Feng the Pimp...<.<...XD...i hope you liked that one MJ
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Wednesday, December 15, 2004 must it come...i haven't studied and i'm supposed to answer 80+ and english) history is going to be the worst because i have to answer every single question with a paragraph and then a final essay...there are only 12 questions but..HEY!...i never pay attention in that class because my teacher is the worst of the worst teachers i have ever had in my life...she stands up there and lectures...but i'm not listening because she is so BORING....the woman needs to learn some better teaching skills....and stop dying her hair because she doesn't dye her eyebrows leaving them white and her hair..not white...ugh...that woman..i'm hoping i'll do alright with my geometry midterm...>< i'm scared...and cold...florida is actually cold'm such a wimp..i was shivering and my teeth were chattering this will power at all....::shakes head::...well i don't have much to say today since the past few days have been boring buh baizz
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Friday, December 10, 2004
hey you has been awhile...and even if i did update it was just's see...last friday
PRISM CONCERT: was really wonderful...truly it was...but i don't really feel like talking about it...but...woman's chorale and concert choir was the highlight of my ...8 hours...holy moly....
....i found out his name from one of my friends...who was friends with his friend...or was his friend...who knows? ::shrug::...and he was there...everywhere...and my friend wanted to introduce me to him >.>....but i didn't want i kind of avoided the subject by singing in the bathroom with my friends...>< dude...every corner i turned there he was...i know he's probably really nice because he looks like he would be ...but....i'm sorry....just...not interested..BUT afterwards...i thought...i am such an idiot because if i had become friends with him then that meant MJ could be friends with the guy she likes who is a close friend of the guy that likes it confusing?...i don't like mentioning actual names...because i'm extremely paranoid...<.<...damn stalkers XD...well yes...
....hmm....hold up...the weekend before that
i went to inu-hobit's to finish the filming for rob's musical which was for her life managment was ...quite fun..i don't know how many retakes we had but...>.>...i must say...we had a very fun time...>< my name was spencer...who was a guy...who became a vampire XD....i die
Spencer: tell...zelda..::cough:: i love ..her ::dies::
inu-hobit: nooooo....spencer...::tear::....0.0 THERE'S A BUG!!!!
Spencer: ::jumps up:: HOLY COW!
...o yes...i loved the original stake we were going to use...but...we exchanged it for another because...the original had leaves and had a beard...<.<...yea XD
alright backt to last weekend
...hmmm...what did i do?...nothing...OH but i believe i finished rewatching winter sonata sometime last week...or the week before that.....
WHYYYYYYYYYYYY!?!?!?....WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY!?!?...::sniff::...i want it...but...even doesn't have it...what am i to do to obtain such a beautiful piece of Joonie...::cries::...::wallows::
...dude....i am so sister and i went to the mall to exchange, buy, and eat...we exchanged some lotion...bought ALL, hopefully, of our christmas gifts and ate at Salsa...for 50% off..hehheheheh...well yes...because my sister and i have been so shopping deprieved (because i never let her or myself by anything...-_-...and i mean anything...but i can't contain myself when it comes to manga) we bought plenty of things from claire's...<.<....that's weird...from claire's...>.>....its just that they had these thumb rings that said 'lil sis' and 'big sis' ...we couldn't resist...and there were these flower earrings..that actually looked decent...>.>.....i think we got other things but i don't care...OH! we went to Waldens and she got me Snow Drop 2(i'm so slow...) as an extra part of my gift...and then i couldn't resist buying i want more because i read it all...and...damn Koreans and their compelling stories...i'm so poor...::cries::...there was more to yesterday..but...let's not...
...I GOT....5 UGLY KINGDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DUUUUUUUUUUUDE!!!!!!!!!!....aHAHAHHAHAHHA....HAHHAHAH.....AHHAHAHHAHHAS..okay....yea...i got my parents for christmas to buy me diru's 2003 live tour...5 ugly kingdom and it came in the mail today...YEAAAHHHH!!!...but i can't watch it least...for now i...guess...::sniff::...and the rest of the today was absolutely nothing..shit shit shit...whoa...where did that come from...alright...contain myself...::sigh::..okay...toddles
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Saturday, December 4, 2004
...RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHUUUUUUUGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...LET ME AT HIS TINY LITTLE THROAT.....okay its not tiny...but that's beside the point...the little...he's not little...HOLY FREAKIN' COW! pissing me off evenmore...i hope i never have to talk to him again..his mouth is filled with lies and only want to hurt people...freakin'....i hope MJ never speaks to him again from now on...she's given him enough chances as have i...if he wrongs MJ, he wrongs me ...and i've befriended him although he's told lies before but....AGH...he just needs to leave MJ alone and never open his mouth anywhere near me and i'll be, 'ECSTATIC'...RAAAAAAAAAAWR!....i'm so sorry MJ i wish i could have helped you in some way...helped you more..i don't know but...::sigh:: i'm sorry MJ, you don't deserve all this crap these people are putting you through. i wish it was me,lai...i really wish it was
(same post on every blog because i don't want to retype the same feelings, thoughts, etc...over and over again...useless)
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Monday, November 29, 2004
okay...whoever is commenting...and then not pm'ing doing it to spite all hate me don't you not know what pm is? that the know...private message.........>.> could e-mail me...or something....this driving me crazy...stupid internet..stupid otaku...RAWR!
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Saturday, November 27, 2004
dude.... i don't know who has been commenting on my posts..but...i have no idea what you said...(most likely tonomi)...if you comment...PM me what you said because i won't know what you said...and i won't be able to respond to you if you asked a question...just to catch everyone's eye:
there...i don't feel like updating so...i'll just leave it at that
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Friday, November 26, 2004
my freakin' stupid icon just won't change...i've been wanting to change my icon for at least a month now but it won't let me change it >< RAWR!...i want to use my kyo-->red undies one....but...WHY!?...stupid myotaku...>.>....
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Thursday, November 25, 2004
i'm stupid....
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