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TaMaHoMe CrAzY
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to see Dir en Grey live before they disappear
drawing, singing, reading, writing stories and poetry, ....ehh...and..playing video games
drawing and singing- at least i hope they are haha =x
| TaMaHoMe CrAzY
Friday, October 29, 2004
mannnnn...nothing...ugh...that was a weird way to start my update i must say. myOtaku is really messed up because i cannot look at any comments or change my picture icon-thing and i want to damnit. I have been wanting to change the icon for the longest time now. I got new gravi, dn angel, diru, etc. icons...and i want to use them! rawr...
TWO hours of sleep last night... i would have had no sleep if my sister did not help me by typing my assignment up which took her more than 2 hours (she has free time, plus she owes me). Because i had so little sleep i kept on dozing in my boring and other classes. The 'boring class', would be history (Ginalski needs better teaching skills) and the others were English and German. I only fell asleep in these classes because we were watching a video and none of it captured my interest enough to keep me awake. In history and English i was fine but in German ::shakes head::...I dozed off and when i woke up Frau Tomlinson, my teacher, was standing in front of me with a look of shock on her face. She said 'Linda, i did not expect this from you.' i told her that i only had 2 hours of sleep and she joked, 'that explains what you are wearing today.' Harsh..but funny nonetheless, haha. I was wearing black tights, my hawaiian-ish shoes,one leg warmer, orange skirt over a black one, a red shirt over a black three quarter, and i actually did my hair (it's always chinese movie influenced, haha ><). It doesn't matter anyways because she just shrugged it off, showed me my test score (A : the test was surprisingly easy), and went to the next person. You don't know how freaked out i was when i saw her in front of me ::sigh:: damn brain that does not know when to not sleep. if you want to read about interesting guy you can go to my xanga...i am not retyping the story....that damn bastard...okay he's not that bad but...i have to be angry today because i know the anger will be gone yes. i need to work on project...i've even forbidden myself from using aim for the past 2 weeks...but that has not solved anything ...::shurg:: i guess i cannot change the procrastinator inside of me, nehar. well...anywho...gonna go...partay with a story...o wait!
me b-day party is going to be next saturday...FINALLY! MJ got me a present in Japan and its of Joonie. >< i want to see it so bad because everyone keeps on telling me that it is so cool. ::cries:: joonie...PLUS! MJ is making me a plushie...Liv is making me something too..and i just can't wait until i see my presents ::shines:: OH! i don't know if i already said this but i got Winter Sonata ...2 weeks ago? is my birthday present from my parents which i requested and i'm so happy ::supershine:: surpassing my master at the art of obsesstivety...or maybe we are on par..hmm...::shurg::...okay now...for real this wait! no... bye
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