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myOtaku.com: TaMaHoMe CrAzY

Saturday, December 4, 2004

...RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHUUUUUUUGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...LET ME AT HIS TINY LITTLE THROAT.....okay its not tiny...but that's beside the point...the little...he's not little...HOLY FREAKIN' COW! pissing me off evenmore...i hope i never have to talk to him again..his mouth is filled with lies and only want to hurt people...freakin'....i hope MJ never speaks to him again from now on...she's given him enough chances as have i...if he wrongs MJ, he wrongs me ...and i've befriended him although he's told lies before but....AGH...he just needs to leave MJ alone and never open his mouth anywhere near me and i'll be happy....no, 'ECSTATIC'...RAAAAAAAAAAWR!....i'm so sorry MJ i wish i could have helped you in some way...helped you more..i don't know but...::sigh:: i'm sorry MJ, you don't deserve all this crap these people are putting you through. i wish it was me,lai...i really wish it was

(same post on every blog because i don't want to retype the same feelings, thoughts, etc...over and over again...useless)

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