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myOtaku.com: TaMaHoMe CrAzY

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

  stupid otaku...just when i thought i was going to be able to change my icon to what i want it to be it pulls this stupid stunt...::sigh::...i changed my icon to joonie...and i was like 'HEY!!!! IT WORKS!!!! YAY!!!'...no..i try to change it to kyo->red undies icon...but...it went back to gackt...then i try a non-animated icon (myv's hand in his pants)..and it went back to joonie...what in the world?...i..don't know...anywho...
wow...those were surprisingly...and majorly...easy...the classes that were not worth studying for: english, chorus(we didn't really have a test), geometry(i didn't study anyways), and german (...didn't really study this either).....so i wasted time on english..now...history and biology...i studied for history on monday by doing every single question on the study guide and by doing so memorized all the answers. I made flash cards for Biology but didn't really need to because the material was easy to learn and comprehend(for an impaired science person like me)...i studied a little...probably went through the cards what?...twice?...ahhh...highschool midterms was too easy...but...what about >.>...<.<....::whispers:: finals...oooooo danger...::shurg::
...i feel so bad...::sigh::...he finally confessed his.....>.>..."love" monday with a gift..that had a note...and i..didn't know what to do..<.<...i wanted to talk to him yesterday but...i couldn't do it...i wanted to talk to him today..but my bus was late so...::shurg::..i just wanted to tell him we could be friends..but..i'm not interested at the moment..i SHOULDN'T be interested for....what?...3 more years...(<-- dating age)...oooo hyde..lucy in the sky with diamonds...hmm...
paint, paint, paint...it was fun...XD...that was just a little weird..but yea. my sister and i finally started on my parents christmas present which is a painting. ...-_-...i must say..i don't like it so far..::cries;: and we worked 6 hours on it for it to turn out to look..kind of weird..BUT i have accomplished something...PAINTING FLOWERS...holy cow...i had to put white on half of the brush and the color of the flower itself on the other half...then stroke evenly...and...it was just hard...and i feel accomplished...all is good..DUDE! i just noticed i still have paint on my face XD...we were in the middle of painting and i hear a song that i like so i say 'so beautiful!' at the moment my sister was painting a flower and ..i was lounging because she was in my way...so i thought that she might have thought that i meant her flower..so i said 'i meant the song not your flower..it's ugly (<-- i was joking)' in response she marked my face...and the samething happended again later on after we had forgotten why she had marked me...we realized that we had done the same thing twice unintentionally
that is it for now...now i'll run off like Feng the Pimp...<.<...XD...i hope you liked that one MJ

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