Birthday • 1989-05-26 Gender •
Female Member Since • 2006-05-21 Tammyoko
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
yu yu hakusho chapter 3 shade shows up / the next moring .and shade i not trying to mack u look like the bad guy.. okay
( and why ichoose nathan as muy b-f cause.. something really bad happens to him in the story)
"Madsion .. guess who."said Shade as he put his hands over madsion's eyes. *touch's shade to find out who it is* "Shade .. what ur a vampire when did this happen.."said Madsion as she turned around to face shade."Yesterday .. ain't it great .. now i can turn u into a vampire and we'll live together forever."sai Said Shade as he came closer to madsion. "what about my boyfreind nathan."said Madsion as she fell to the ground. "That dosen't matter caome with me and live forever."said Shade as his eye started glowing. 'Hey Shade .. i'm nathan her boyfreind."Said Nathan ashe grab Madsion of the gorund. "OHhi i'm shade ."said Shade as he shook nathan's hand. "Master" Said Emmi as she run up too Sahde . "Hey Emmi ."said shade as emmi hugged shade. Madsion, i'll talk to you later. "said Shade as he turn and walked away with emmi.