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writer, graphic designer, student, slacker
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the early 90's
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FMA, Excel Saga, Cowboy Bebop, Sailor Moon, Furi Kuri, Death Note. Black Lagoon
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, May 28, 2008
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
Wednesday, May 28, 2008 1049 hours music: Slippery Dick // Peaches
Hm. It's been awhile. Hope you guys have been alright. Looks like things haven't changed... except the homepage seems a lot emptier. (or is it just me?)
Graduation is tomorrow. I can't say I'm excited about it, because of all the senior crap I've had to do. It's like they're screwing with us. "You're graduating...but not yet! You got XX more days! Hahaha!"
Ugh. I'm so sick of this school and these idiot rednecks.
I've been listening to mostly electronica and some 90's music during my hiatus. I didn't think it was possible, but everything else has managed to become worse. =/
One of my favorite discoveries = Basshunter. He's a Swedish techno artist. His songs/videos are so nerdy, but awesome.
I've been on Gaia pretty often during these past 5 months away from MyO. I think it will remain the #1 site I visit regularly.
I guess that's pretty much it for now. Later!
& I just noticed my friendlist is missing a few people. Awww. =(
[NEW LAYOUT SOON. I suppose...]
love, TaNi-chan
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Thursday, January 3, 2008
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
Thursday, January 3, 2008 1107 hours music: Four Seasons // Namie Amuro
current loves: Khalid Rivera, Crayon Shin-Chan, Yu-Gi-Oh
Well. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year's ^_^
I don't have much to say except I'm going on hiatus.
There's seldom activity on MyO - like, less than usual.
Everyone's either on Myspace, Gaia, LJ, or two of the above so what's the point of keeping this site updated?
Plus, I never have much to say and school work often prevents me from updating regularly (regularly = once a week, or two).
So yeah. I'm on hiatus until... summer, maybe?
We'll see.
love, TaNi-chan
Comments (2) |
Monday, December 17, 2007
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
Monday, December 17, 2007 0634 hoursmusic: Wonder Bout // Utada current loves: Crayon Shin Chan, Death Note, the insane driver, Adam Joseph

...this layout's weird. It's only not aligned on this computer. Hm. Odd. I don't know what to do... leave it be, i suppose? =/
Ummmm. Here's a brief update!
Not much going on. Semester tests are tomorrow and Wednesday. The only ones I possibly have to take are English and Physics. If I do have to take either of those, I'll be pretty worried. >__>
The Algebra III w/ Trig. test is today. It's more of a final exam, like in college, than a semester test; everyone has to take it. I have a 98 in that class... an A+ on this test won't help my grade much. =/
I've had a bunch of work to do in Government last week. Everyone complained about it and it got so annoying! I would hate to see them in college! But we turned in our work and books Thursday! ^___^ No more government!
I'm so glad I don't have to take the semester test! It's gonna be 100 questions!
Little drama going on. But not really. I don't think someone talking about me behind my back and a minor argument is actual drama. *shrugs* 5 more months and I'm effin' done with this b.s.
I've been working on one of my original stories. I think I'll post the first two or three chapters sometime soon. I have to edit a few minor things first. ^_^
I love Prince of Darkness by The Candy Spooky Theater! I don't know if the song's new or not - I'm not up-to-date on recent jrock releases - but it makes me fall in love with them all over again!
I'm running out of shows to watch on television now. Everything I watch has either had a season finale within the past three weeks, or has a season finale this week. =/ And all the promos I've seen for new shows seem dumb. *shrugs*
Hope everyone has a wonderful whatever-you-celebrate!
Here's a joke:
Little Known Christmas Fact
Not long ago and far away, Santa was getting ready for his annual trip...but there were problems everywhere.
Four of his elves were sick, and the trainee elves did not produce the toys as fast as the regular ones so Santa was beginning to feel the pressure of being behind schedule.
Then Mrs. Claus told Santa that her mom was coming to visit. This stressed Santa even more. When he went to harness the reindeer, he found that three of them were about to give birth and two had jumped the fence and were out, heaven knows where. More Stress. Then when he began to load the sleigh, one of the boards cracked and the toy bag fell to the ground and scattered the toys.
So, frustrated, Santa went into the house for a cup of coffee and a shot of whiskey. When he went to the cupboard, he found the elves had hidden the liquor and there was nothing to drink. In his frustration, he dropped the coffee pot and it broke into hundreds of little pieces all over the he kitchen floor. He went to get the broom and found that mice had eaten the straw it was made from.
Just then the doorbell rang and Santa cussed on his way to the door. He opened the door and there was a little angel with a great big Christmas tree. The angel said: "Where would you like to put this tree Santa?"
And that my friends, is how the little angel came to be on top of the Christmas tree.
Later, loves! ^_^ love, TaNi-chan
Comments (2) |
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
Wednesday, November 28, 2007 0644 hours music: Can't Stop // Maroon 5 current loves: Milo Ventimiglia, Death Note, Anna Tsuchiya, forensic sciences, [red] roses, Jonny McGovern, Can't Stop by Maroon 5, Koda Kumi
'K. [edit] The new layout's not aligned. =/ I'll fix that later! I have to get ready for school, after I post this!
But do you guys like it? Simple, yes, but I think it looks stellar.
Hope everyone enjoys the music! ^_^
Well... nothing new or interesting has happened since I last updated. I've gotten a cold, gotten over it, had a five day Thanksgiving vacation, and I went back to school Monday. Joy.
I have an A in Physics! Yay! (Barely. It's an 89.81 or something like that. *shrugs* At least it rounds up.)
But I do have a test today and I'm kinda worried about that.
However, I have figured out that if I fail pretty much every test but complete all of my assignments, I'll be fine. (My definition of fine is a high C or low B.)
TaNi has so many court cases to summarize. No doubt about it - her government teacher is crazy.
I've been working on my novel for NaNoWriMo. I'm definitely not going to make the deadline - 50,000 words by Friday. Nuh-uh, no way. But I'm halfway between the 1/4 mark and the 1/2 mark! That's good, right?
... =(
The season finale of Heroes is next week and that saddens me. But it looks disappointing. Well...this week's episode was disappointing so...*shrugs* I also read a spoiler so... yeah... as long as Peter or Hiro doesn't die, I'm cool. Peter definitely won't, though...I hope Hiro doesn't! ;_;
Damn writers' strike. I think it's almost over now. I missed the news and didn't read the newspaper yesterday. ^^;
I wonder... if a few people went to Hollywood to write scripts, would they be paid more than the writers that are currently on strike?
Gawd. I think A LOT. Perhaps too much. Hm.
Hm. I watched Anna Tsuchiya's PV for Bubble Trip. It was kinda weird... interesting... & entertaining. ^^; But she's still absolutely gorgeous. *le sigh* I want her and her clothes! XD
I've been bored in that department as well. No crushes or anything.
Stupid hick town. Everyone and everything is, like, so mundane. I wish I could meet someone amazing... some girl who could sweep me off my feet... *le sigh*
I drew a picture of anime!TaNi in my gifted class Monday. ^^ I kinda messed it up, though. ;_; If I hadn't messed it up, I would've brought it home and put it on my wall because I'm a total narcissist. (OMG, I think I misspelled that... or did I? *spazdie*)
Totally in love with pretty much everything about Death Note, especially Raito. If more people in real life were like Raito (genius yet self-righteous and a little crazy), I think life would be a little more interesting. If death notes really did exist, life would be hella interesting... but only if I had one. ^^;
Anywho. I dislike L's voice in the dub. It kinda grates, y'know. Everything else is pretty decent. Thank god Viz didn't dub it.
Ugh. I need something good to read. Like, an actual novel.
Here's a joke:
A young man walks into a singles bar with a roll of quarters taped inside the crotch of his jeans. He looks around, then sits next to the most attractive woman there. He was very pleased with himself after he noticed her constantly glancing down at his crotch.
"Hi, there, I'm Jerry," he said, as he went into one of his well rehearsed routines, "and I help produce a T.V. quiz show. Is there any question I can answer for you?"
"As a matter of fact there is," she said as she glanced down once more toward his embellished jeans. "Do you have change for a dollar?"
Again, I don't know when I'll have a chance to update. Busy with school and school work. =/ But I do have a much-needed two week break coming up in December. ^_^ Can't promise anything, though. Also, I'll comment later! Buh-bye! ^^
love, TaNi-chan
Comments (1) |
Monday, November 12, 2007
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
Monday, November 12, 2007 0935 hours
current music: Roses // Meg & Dia current loves: Heroes, & veterans! ^_^
Ah. Thank the Gods for Veteran's Day. I definitely deserve a day off from that miserable place known as high school and the narrow-minded bullshxx I have to deal with pretty much daily.
Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. Been busy with school work, as usual. And NaNoWriMo... I think I'm gunna give up on that, though. I only have 11,757 words + my novel SUCKS.
I can't believe it's already November. Wow. It's getting pretty chilly outside. I'm glad the football team lost their last two games and aren't going to playoffs. But now there's this huge drama about our main coach leaving. And there's a rumor that Propst (The Coach from Hoover on that show Two-A-Days - or whatever it's called - on MTV.) might come here to coach. I don't think he will, though.
There's huge drama going on over him too apparently. He's been on the news and in the newspaper pretty often over the past few months. *shrugs* I don't know what's going on.
A new episode of Heroes comes on tonight. ^_^ That makes me happy.
Heroes = TaNi's new obsession.
I guess I'll put up a new layout sometime during December...even though i love this one (mainly because I'm modeling in the background ^^-). It's going to be really simple, I just incorporated a few new things I learned about HTML.
I haven't listened to a lot of jmusic lately. I haven't fallen in love with anything I've heard since Bubble Trip by Anna Tsuchiya 2 months ago. =/ So I've been listening to mostly old American music, a couple of new songs. Like the first seven tracks on Maroon 5's latest album. And Chad Kroeger + Santana's new song (Into the Night).
Here's a joke:
Earl was enjoying his normal Saturday afternoon activities, (watching bass fishing, eating pork rinds, and drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon) when his wife came storming in the trailer.
"I want you to get up and kick this guy's ass!" she exclaimed.
Earl, being a man of pride, jumped up and said, "What did that bastard do to you?"
She said, "Well I was at the market and I dropped a melon, when I went down to pick it up he looked under my dress."
Earl was fuming now!
"Then he looked me in the eyes and said, 'I would like to fill you up with ice cream and eat it all up!'"
Hearing this Earl immediately sat back down.
She replied, "Well aren't you gonna do something?"
Earl looked at her and said, "I'm not gonna f--- with anyone who can eat that much ice cream."
Not much to say, actually. I just thought I'd update on this lovely day off. I have no clue when I'll update again. It could be next week, or next month. *shrugs*
I'll comment anyone who has updated recently, then I'm going to check out my friends' updates on LJ. Later! ^_^
love, TaNi-chan
Comments (3) |
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
Tuesday, October 30, 2007 0623 hours
current music: Viva la White Girl // Gym Class Heroes
current loves: those really sexy halloween costumes from Spencer's, hot chicks in those really sexy halloween costumes from Spencer's ^__^, Death Note, fake blood, Heroes, shopping, SHOES
Um, heeey. So how's everyone been? It's the same ol' thing everyday with me. School, band, football games. Fun.
I'm working on a song. Mixing it, vocals, lyrics, everything. Gah. It's taking forever to finish! I have new-found respect for bands and artists who release a new CD every year. Then again, they're not busy with normal aspects of life like a daily job or school. Hm.
I have a new addiction. Heroes. Awesome show.
I went to my first AND last dance Saturday, a Halloween dance. First because I've always believed that dances suck. Last because it really did suck. Hn. Go figure. Sometimes, I really hate it when I'm right.
It's probably much better when you don't know anyone there.
I want need to go to a gay bar. Or something.
I'm bored.
It's Senior week! We have crappy dress-up days. I'm only dressing up for two of them, can you guess which ones?
yesterday: senior citizen day,
today: "Opposite" [or cross-dressing] day. WHOO~!,
Wednesday: Halloween,
Thursday: Animal (or slut) day =/,
Friday: Grade Color day (for everyone; ours is neon green. ^^)
Whoo. I hate my senior class. Well, the seniors "in charge". They have really crappy ideas. For serial.
Ummmm. The Death Note dub is decent. Yayness for that.
After hearing the opening and closing themes, I realized how much I miss the old Nightmare. ;_;
Not that their new latest stuff sucks or anything.
A joke:
There's three dogs, a Chihuahua, a Doberman and a Bulldog all sat in a bar having a quiet drink when a great-looking female Collie strolls in. She comes up to them and says, "Whoever can say liver and cheese in a single sentence can have their way with me."
Quickly, the Doberman says, "I love liver and cheese."
The Collie replies, "That's not good enough."
The Bulldog says, "I hate liver and cheese."
She laughs and says, "That's not creative enough."
Finally, the Chihuahua says, "Liver alone . . . cheese mine."
Later, peeps! I'll try to comment later ^^
love, TaNi-chan
Comments (3) |
Monday, October 8, 2007
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
Monday, October 8, 2007 0938 hours
currently watching: Howl's Moving Castle ^_^
current loves: Anna Tsuchiya, ANTM, girls, rainbows
I've been busy. With school and band. Nothing unusual. And I lost my bet. But it's alright, she needs 5$ more than I do.
The power went out at last Friday's game for more than an hour. Got boring after awhile. So I listened to techno music.
All~right. Git yuu summm~~~
I've been thinking a lot lately...about everything. Which is pretty obvious when i type in a lot of incomplete sentences. Like this. That's not good. I hate thinking so much. It makes me all emo and depressed. Speaking of emo...
You Are 44% Emo

You're not emo, but you're plenty thoughtful, unique, and even a little angsty.
Are You Emo?
...according to the pretty accurate quiz site Blogthings, I'm only 44% emo.
Yes, I've been taking quizzes again. I hadn't been to Blogthings in months! I was bored and I had a sudden urge to go there so...yeah. Another fun one:
You Are a Blue Crayon

Your world is colored in calm, understated, deep colors.
You are a loyal person, and the truest friend anyone could hope to find.
On the inside, you tend to be emotional and even a bit moody.
However, you know that people depend on you. So you put on a strong front.
Your color wheel opposite is orange. Orange people may be opinionated, but you feel they lack the depth to truly understand what they're saying.
What Color Crayon Are You?
I'm blue, if I were green I would die~
If all else fails in life, I will become a parody writer/singer known as Weird TaNi. ^_~
But that will not be one of my songs. Everyone thinks those are the actual lyrics to that song. So that's not very original.
Ummm. It's fall break this week. A much needed fall break. I'm gunna chill. Yeeeeah.
Here's a joke...
At the police station, Bubba explained to the police officer why his cousins shot him.
"Well," Bubba began, "We wuz havin' a good time drinking, when my cousin Ray picked up his shotgun and said, 'Hey, der ya fellows wanna go hunting?'"
"And then what happened?" the officer interrupted.
"From what I remember," Bubba said, "I stood up and said, 'Sure, I'm game.'"
I might update later this week...if i have anything else to say. I'm gunna check up on you guys now. Later!
love, TaNi-chan
Comments (6) |
Monday, September 24, 2007
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
Monday, Sept. 24, 2007 0631 hours
current music: Boys //
current loves: Bubble Trip, this layout, band O.O
New layout!!!
I'm an indie-model-type...model-person! ^_^;
So what do you guys think? A bit too much?
*shrugs* I love it!
Although...I messed up somewhere. There's a black bar at the top of this page >_>
I absolutely LOVE Anna Tsuchiya's latest single Bubble Trip! It's, like, retro pop. America needs more retro pop and less emo.
Who else thinks Soulja Boy is the wackest rapper...ever? Why does everyone love that song (Crank That)!? It's dumb! (but the rock remix by Travis Barker makes me hate it less. ^^;)
He's going to be another one hit wonder!
Same deal with Hurricane Chris! (A Bay Bay AKA Hey, You're Gay! by TaNi ^^)
Ugh. Rap these days.
We got "team + game of the week" not last week, but the week before. Camera people were everywhere. It was insanity.
But we lost. Which is good and bad. Good, because of my bet. & Bad, because it's my team. ^^;
They tried to make a the last quarter. 33 - 21 wasn't so bad.
Hm...was it 33-21? Something like that. I don't really pay attention to football. Oops.
We won this week. It's 3 wins, 1 loss.
Yay! (we-might-actually-go-to-play-offs-this-year) yet nay! (holy-shxx-omg-i'm-gunna-lose-that-bet!)
Anyway. Speaking of school and football...everything seems to bore me.
What's the point of 13 years of school? It just seems like way too much time wasted to me.
We don't even need to know half of the stuff we learn!
I'm sick of fake people who complain about less faker people being fake. Heh.
I'm also sick of Christians who tell people not to do things they do all the time.
I met another gay guy and he's not a douchebag! He's wonderful. We would marry if he weren't gay and if I were more into guys. XDD
Wow...that's kinda sad. ;_;
I have 666 visits.
Here's A Joke!
According to the Knight-Ridder News Service, the inscription on the metal bands used by the U.S. Department of the Interior to tag migratory birds has been changed. The bands used to bear the address of the Washington Biological Survey, abbreviated, "Wash. Biol. Surv." until the agency received the following letter from an Arkansas camper:
"Dear Sirs: While camping last week I shot one of your birds. I think it was a crow. I followed the cooking instructions on the leg tag and I want to tell you it was horrible."
XD later, guys!
love, TaNi-chan
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Thursday, September 13, 2007
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
September 13th 0627 hours
current music: egnirys cimredopyh +) an injection // Diru
current loves: parodies, Gaia, Peaches, Tila Tequila
You know who I pity now? The people who butcher songs Yes, kids. Mainly Kids' Bop. It's awful. And to make it worse, the kids are singing along in some of the songs. They're probably, like, poor little orphan minority children. But it's sad. =( I had to listen to it in 3rd period (Business Tech) one day last week.
Oh, and I hate High School Musical. It's a disgrace to all musicals.
Kids and teenyboppers have bad taste. Seriously. >_>
So they're not rescheduling our football game...unless there's a tie at the end of the season or something.
Awesome. We're 2-0 and TaNi's kinda losing a bet that she made *against* her school's team ^^;
Haha. Tomorrow's dress up day is nerd day. I don't have to dress up. Haha.
I've gotten back a bunch of the songs that were deleted on my laptop.
How? Well...I downloaded them. ^^; Heh!
I've been downloading a bunch of other songs too, which is absolutely horrible, I know. I really should support the artists. But atleast I'm not downloading entire CDs. (I absolutely REFUSE to do so. It's not fair and it's not right.) I have downloaded only one or two songs per artist. I *do* listen to everything except country and reggae, after all. And I *do* have an unbelievably huge collection of CDs. x_x
I actually feel 18.
My classmates are *really* immature...mostly the guys, a few chicks *cough*Kaitlyn-or-however-the-hell-ya-spell-her-name*cough*. They're seniors and they act like 6th graders! It's awful!
I would hate to go to the same college they're going to. Someone's gunna say something intelligent in one of their classes, and they're gunna be like "Your mom equals -49m3 divided by m2 - 9m - 20!"
I love Ayumi Hamasaki's new vid. (Too bad I can't remember the name of it right now. =/)
It's hot and she looks so incredibly kick-ass.. It makes me wanna go kick down a door, yell "Byaaah!", and kick someone's ass. Literally. XD
I miss Chappelle's Show! *le sigh*
I've made a new myspace, for those who have me as a friend on there.
Why? Idk exactly. I'm hardly ever on Myspace these days. It's gotten ^^;
Oh, and Hinaru, long time, no see! =D
Joke, anyone?
I couldn't resist!
Later, peeps! I'll check out some sites tomorrow. I'm kinda running out of time here. ^^; love, TaNi-chan
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Tuesday, September 4, 2007
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
September 4th 2007
0607 hours
current music: Viva La White Girl // GCH current loves: your mother.
So, funny story. First football game, we get heavy rain and a thunderstorm. So the game's postponed.
Another funny story. Girls and guys aren't allowed to sit together on the band bus on the way back. XD Luckily, that doesn't really affect me. ^_~ As long as we're on the *same* bus, I'm not complaining. Guys are fun (to hang out with).
I'm 18 now & I still don't look my age. That's a good thing, though. In my opinion. Screw everyone else's.
MyO bores me. More than 75% of the peeps on my friendlist haven't updated in quite awhile.
The water balloon fight dealio on Gaia last week was insanity...but fun. I've never seen so many competitive people in one place. Jeez.
Government's still kicking my butt. I hate band. Everything else is pretty stellar. b^^d
Not much to say. I suppose.
Like I said, MyO bores me.
I might take another hiatus or whatever.
Here's a joke.
Two statisticians were travelling in an airplane from LA to New York. About an hour into the flight, the pilot announced that they had lost an engine, but don't worry, there are three left.
However, instead of 5 hours it would take 7 hours to get to New York. A little later, he announced that a second engine failed, and they still had two left, but it would take 10 hours to get to New York.
Somewhat later, the pilot again came on the intercom and announced that a third engine had died. Never fear, he announced, because the plane could fly on a single engine.
However, it would now take 18 hours to get to new York. At this point, one statistician turned to the other and said, "Gee, I hope we don't lose that last engine, or we'll be up here forever!"
love, TaNi-chan
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