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writer, graphic designer, student, slacker
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the early 90's
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FMA, Excel Saga, Cowboy Bebop, Sailor Moon, Furi Kuri, Death Note. Black Lagoon
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Monday, August 27, 2007
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
August 27th 2007
0545 hours
current music: Misery Business // Paramore
current loves: pretty much everything but school work and band. ^^;
Eyes surprise the sense with the sting of sight
between the color and the black and white of what you see
I feel a stranger coming on to me
I brought it on but I could never be the one to
get to the point and shut up!
ask for her another day
ask for something worth the price you have to pay
the stakes are up and your odds are down
step right up for another round
the spade's up your sleeve
there's sweat on your brow
and I will be damned
if I let you back into this town
you disguised intentions with an olive branch
you made a killing and a lot of fans except for me
the way you speak is contradictory
and all the lies you told got back to me
why don't you get to the point and shut up!
ask for her another day
ask for something worth the price you have to pay
ask for her another day
ask for something worth the price you have to pay
the stakes are up and your odds are down
step right up for another round
step right up for another round
another round you're going nowhere
the stakes are up and your odds are down
step right up for another round, another round, another round
some other town that's going nowhere
**CHORUS** x2
~This Road is Going Nowhere by The Vincent Black Shadow
I love TVBS. They're my favorite American band.
You guys should listen to them!
They're not the oh-so-common emo band. Cassie (vocalist) has a pretty unique voice.
Not many people have heard of them, actually.
If you want to listen to them, I can upload a few songs of theirs I recommend. (Metro, Surgery, and/or This Road is Going Nowhere.)
They're working on their PV for Fears in the Water right now, so it'll be on Fuse soon...
I think I've commented most of you guys since I last updated. Shinkiro, your site screws up my computer for some reason. *shrugs* And I've noticed most of you guys' sites with transparent backgrounds are cut off. It's odd.
I'm working on a new layout. It'll be up by the end of next month or sometime in October.
[Although I like this one a lot.]
School's keeping me pretty busy. The class I thought would be a breeze (Government) is a killer and the class I thought would be killer (Physics) is a breeze (for now). I think it's the teachers, though. Seriously. Everything we do is worth 100 points in Government. That kinda sucks. But I'm doing well in there. I've only made one low grade - a 79. The rest are 100's.
I'm missing several of my mp3s labeled with a number through the letter c. So I'm trying to remember and find everything I'm missing. Right now, I have a pretty lengthy list. Most of them are Ayumi Hamasaki and Aya songs.
Speaking of songs, have you guys heard the Planit B remix of Traveling by Utada Hikaru? I love it, but it's almost 11 minutes long.
Um. Yeah. Nothing interesting has happened since my last update.
Except...I'm going to NYC again! This time, in January. Jeez, if it snows in March, I wonder how cold it'll be in January! -_-;;
They're pretty much doing the same thing this time, but with a better tour guide. =X
I just wanna go shopping some more. ^^;
The band's going to Disneyland. Idk if I'm going or not. Depends on who else is going, 'cause it would really suck to be alone and emo.
Well...not really.
Sometimes it's nice to be alone. And emo.
Do you think you're better off alone~~?
I'm missing that song too. Crap. Stupid Windows Vista.
I got my senior pics back. I'm working on scanning 'em.
I probably won't post them on here. If you want to see them, pm me. But I probably won't send them to ya unless I've known you for a few years or somethin'. And I have known most of you guys [who visit pretty often] that long.
That's all for this update. I'll check out some sites now. Later, loves!
love, TaNi-chan
Comments (1) |
Monday, August 13, 2007
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
August 13th 2007
0556 hours
current music: Umbrella // Scott Simons current loves: none, really ^^;
Hm. Haven't updated in awhile. Guess I should fill you guys in.
Band camp's over! *squee!* It just flew by. It was crazier than shoppers on a tax-free weekend! XD I survived, like, 25 hours in the sun (wow...when i add up the hours, it sounds horrid!) and I have a nice tan + an awful skin problem to prove it. -__-
I don't see why people go to a tanning salon. There's a higher risk of getting cancer there.
...well, you know what? I don't see what the big deal is about tans, period. =/ It's ridiculous.
I went back to school Thursday. That seemed like the shortest summer vacation ever...but don't I say that every year? ^^;
I love everything excluding my core classes.
School is so unorganized this year. We don't even have our locker combinations yet! And while some people get away with violating the dress code, others are written up for it. It's, like, they're confused about what's a part of the dress code and what's not.
Oh, and they're getting uniforms *next year*! XD Haha, dodged the bullet! ^_^
Hn. AWA is next month. I don't know if I'm going or not, though. Damned TBA band competitions.
My birthday is on labor day this year! ^_^
Apparently, we're going to NY in Enrichment again!
I wanna go! ;_; I ♥ NY!
You know what's a good name for a kid? Dasani. Yes, after the water. It has a nice ring to it! So does Evian.
I wonder if the people who pay 2.50$ for a bottle of Evian water know that it's naive spelled backwards...
Scott Simons' version of Umbrella by Rihanna is better than the original. XD I love it!
I got Windows XP back on my laptop! ^___^ I'm happy.
I feel like drawing something.
& I need something else *interesting* to read.
Reading = *love*.
Here's a joke!
A Mom is driving her little girl to a friend’s house for a play date.
“Mommy,” the little girl asks, “how old are you?”
“Honey, you are not supposed to ask a lady her age,” the mother warns. “It is not polite.”
“Ok,” the little girl says. “How much do you weigh?”
“Now really,” the mother says, “these are personal questions, and really none of your business.”
Undaunted, the little girl asks, “Why did you and daddy get a divorce?”
“That is enough questions, honestly!” The exasperated mother walks away as the two friends begin to play.
“My Mom wouldn’t tell me anything,” the little girl says to her friend.
“Well,” said the friend, “all you need to do is look at her drivers license. It is like a report card—it has everything on it.”
Later that night, the little girl says to her mother, “I know how old you are. You are 32.”
The mother is surprised and asks, “How did you find that out?”
“I also know that you weigh 140 pounds.” The mother is past surprise and shocked now.
“How in heaven’s name did you find that out?”
“And,” the little girl says triumphantly, “I know why you and daddy got a divorce.”
“Oh really?” the mother asks. “And why’s that?”
“Because you got an F in sex.”
That's all for now. I'll try to update again later this week or sometime next week. ^_^
Later, loves!
love, TaNi-chan
Comments (2) |
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
August 1st 20070622 hours
current music: Pain // Three Days Grace
current loves: Enma’s Torment Theatre, Kurama/Hiei, speed
This world will never be what I expected
and if I don't belong, who would've guessed it?
~ Never too Late // Three Days Grace
Song lyrics that remind TaNi of herself makes her emo.
Well. Jeez. I miss you guys! I had to update!
Band camp sucks (as always).
Most of the rookies are really obnoxious, I'm roasting in the sun tanning, I can't remember my music, the new danceline snob can't dance (nvr liked her, got into argument with her yrs ago, hit her in her face during dodgeball ^_^-), a bunch of people quit including a few friends, i think i'm sick *already*, I can't *not* be myself (awkward sentence! O_o).
We have pics later today, which doesn't make much sense to me. Why not take them in the morning when everyone's not so hot and sweaty? Ugh. And our bleachers are completely destroyed now, so idk where *exactly* we're taking them.
(sorry for using *s instead of italics + abbreviating! ^^;)
Gah, I complain a lot. I'm sorry. I'm trying not to complain as much but there are just so many imperfect things to complain about!
On the bright side...I've been getting along with pretty much everyone. I've been cracking jokes on folks (XD) and stuff. It's fun.
Now I understand class clowns. They're just making the best out of a boring situation. Props.
Some people have gotten on my nerves occasionally. I've been rude to them. Whoo for like/dislike relationships~
Ugh. Enough about band!
I've been reading this one yaoi YYH fanfiction (Points to *current loves* at the top of this post). It's hilarious and all but it seems...neverending! >_> It's 37 chapters long and, my, do they (the chapters) take forever to read! I'm up to 3 or 4 a day, though, so I'll finish it by or on Saturday. If marching didn't wear me out, I would be finished by now. Grrr.
Anyone care to rec some good Roy/Ed, Hiei/Kurama, Haruka/Michiru, or Shitennou fics, preferably R or NC-17? I crave more lemons. =F
It's too damn early to be up. I bet there are atleast five spelling/grammatical errors in this post. Definitely not typical TaNi behavior. I want to go back to bed but errr, band camp is in 40 mins. >_<
No joke this time! Gotta get ready! ;_;
Later, loves! ^_^
love, TaNi-chan
Comments (3) |
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
July 24th 20071320 hours
current music: White Night Fantasy // Nightwish current loves: TVBS, Gaia
So here's my new layout. Plain but bright, huh?
People are really pissing me off. I don't want to put up with them for one more year. >_>
& I'm so sick of hearing about Harry Potter! >_>
I got a Gaia!
...well, a new one. I can't remember the username/password/email address for the one i made 4 years ago ^^;
And if you have a livejournal, you should check out my latest graphics!
Eharmony is getting sued or whatever for discriminating against gay people! XD
hm...actually, i don't have to say.
if you're bored, check out my quizzes. They're amusing. ^_^
A joke:
My kids love going to the Web, and they keep track of their passwords by writing them on Post-it notes.
I noticed their Disney password was "MickeyMinnieGoofyPluto," and asked why it was so long.
"Because," my son explained, "they say it has to have at least four characters."
Later, loves!
I probably won't be on next week... =/
[edit] schzorenic (totally misspelled that] kids scare me. love, TaNi-chan
Comments (5) |
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
[Hump day, 18/7/07, 1230 hrs]
current music: Hollaback Boy // Cobra Starship
current mood: annoyed liek woah.
So. I'm actually looking forward to band camp [which is the week after next]. We have, like, 4 new flute players. Three are rookies. One just moved here, and i think it's a guy. ^^; I haven't met the person yet.
But the automatic assumption is "Oh, he's a flute he's definitely gay". I hope that's not the case because people around here hate gay people as much as they hate minorities. He'll catch so much hell.
Plus, all of the gay guys I've met act like total a$$h0l3s.
Nothing interesting has happened since I last updated. I still haven't written summaries on the books I were supposed to read. I'm working on a new layout. It's going to be plain, but pretty. No overlay.
This layout confuses me. I keep forgetting where the backroom link is. ^^; It's pretty sad when ya don't know your way around your own friggin' site.
Here's a joke:
A blind guy on a bar stool shouts to the bartender, "Hey! Wanna hear a blonde joke?" The bar immediately becomes absolutely
quiet. In a hushed voice, the guy next to him says, "Before you tell that joke, you should know something."
"The bartender is blond, the bouncer is blond, and I'm a 6' tall, 200 pound blond with a black belt in karate. What's more, the guy sitting next to me is 6'2," weighs 225 pounds, and he's a blond weight lifter." He continues, "The fella to your right is blond, 6'5" and pushing 300 pounds, and he's a wrestler. Think about it seriously, Mister. You still wanna tell that joke?"
The blind guy says, "Nah! Not if I'm gonna have to explain it five times.
Later, guys! My computer's acting weird again! >_>
love, TaNi-chan
Comments (4) |
Friday, July 6, 2007
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
[Friday, 6/7/07, 1056 hours]
current music: Metro // The Vincent Black Shadow
current mood:
I love The Vincent Black Shadow. They're an indie American rock/pop band with a somewhat jazzy sound. It's unique and i love it!
*sigh* I have so much to do, like editing my layout on L3M0NY F!CT!0N, but I'm here...updating...procrastinating.
School starts August 9 th and I haven't done my summer reading. I'm going to sparknotes later [after i check my lj] because those books just seem way too boring.
Speaking of school, the dress code has gotten ridiculous. I can't even wear tights/leggings anymore! In addition to that, our shirts can't go past our hips or they must be tucked in. all of my shirts except the hello kitty and happy bunny ones are pretty long and i don't like tucking my clothes in. Ugh. it just pisses me off.
And people keep commenting/messaging me on myspace. >_> Yay Yahoo mail alerts.
So i hope everyone had a decent 4 th of July. Mine was pretty mundane.
I downloaded the greatest song yesterday. It's Sick Puppies's version of Say My Name by Destiny's Child. It wasn't released on any of their CDs because of a threat to sue...copyright infringement or something, but it leaked onto the internet. ^_^ You can get it here: Akutenshi666: Rotation 59. [opens in new window]
There are Jeffree Star t-shirts at Hot Topic now. O_o
I have an idea for a new layout. I'm gonna use an image map this time - the links will be a part of the image i use, not text on a sidebar. I've never used an image map before, so wish me luck!
that's about it for this update. here's a joke:
There was once a young man who, in his youth, professed his desire to become a great writer. When asked to define "great" he said, "I want to write stuff that the whole world will read, stuff that people will react to on a truly emotional level, stuff that will make them scream, cry, howl in pain and anger!"
He now works for Microsoft, writing error messages.
*laughs* later, loves! love, TaNi-chan
Comments (5) |
Thursday, June 28, 2007
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
[Thursday, 28/6/07, 1233 hours]
current music: What is Love // Haddaway
current mood: amused
54The HTML Challenge
I'm so proud of me. I've learned a lot within the past 3 years.
This, on the other hand...
Mingle2 - Free Online Dating
...disappoints me.
2-3 more pages of new quiz results on my quiz results page ^^;
So I got my pictures back in a mini-photo album. Sadly, they're copyrighted.
Pssch. Here's one of my favorites. I would've scanned it but, ya know, my scanner ISN'T COMPATIBLE WITH WINDOWS VISTA!!!! >_<
I had another weird dream yesterday. i'd rather not talk about it, though. it was confusing.
Emo/scene kid bands are starting to scare me. I love their lyrics but...they all sound alike! Like The Almost, Boys like Girls, and The Higher. @_@
i guess that's about it. here's a joke:
A beautiful, voluptuous woman goes to the gynecologist. The doctor takes one look at the woman and all of his professionalism goes out the window. He immediately asks her to undress. After she has disrobed, the doctor begins stroking her thigh.
"Do you know what I’m doing?" he asks.
"Yes," she replies. "You’re checking for any abrasions or abnormalities."
"That’s right," says the doctor. Emboldened, he then begins to fondle her breasts. "Do you know what I’m doing now?"
"You’re checking for any lumps or breast cancer," she replies.
"Correct," says the doctor. Deciding to go for broke, he mounts her and begins having sex with her. "Do you know what I’m doing now?"
"Yes," she says. "You’re getting herpes—which is what I came here about in the first place."
XD later! love, TaNi-chan
Comments (4) |
Friday, June 22, 2007
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
[Friday, 22/6/07, 1100 hours]
current music: Animal I Have Become // 3DG
current mood: upset, bored
New layout! Jeffree Star. lyrics are from this song: Plastic Surgery Slumber Party
[hope that works.]
I'm not so fond of this layout. It's just...i don't know. maybe it's the text.
Speaking of Jeffree Star, Myspace is really pissing me off. it looks like they're blocking all photobucket links now >_> Earlier this month, they were disabling self-inserted links. wtf?
Gah. And I was beginning to think myspace wasn't so bad.
Anyway. I have a month left until band camp. I'm not happy about that.
I get my senior pics back next week. That's awesome.
Here's a joke. enjoy!
Two bored casino dealers are waiting at the craps table when a hot blonde walks up and bets $20,000 on a single roll of the dice. "I hope you don't mind," she says to the two men, "but I feel much luckier when I'm completely nude." She strips naked and rolls the dice.
As the dice come to a stop, she jumps up and down screams, "I WON I WON!!"
She then hugs both the dealers, picks up her money and her clothes, and quickly leaves. The dealers just stare at each other dumbfounded.
Finally one of them asks, "What did she roll, anyway?"
The other answers, "I don't know. I thought YOU were watching."
XD later, loves!
love, TaNi-chan
Comments (4) |
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
Tuesday, 12 June 2007 1237 hours
current music: the Queen and I // Gym Class Heroes
current mood: tired. bored.
Quick update! ^_^
I'm loving these lazy days of summer.
New layout soon! It's Jeffree Star!

He's pretty popular on myspace.
he's a beauty queen and he now has a cd out. i don't recommend buying it though. ^^;
but he's still wonderful.
hahaha, paris hilton's in jail
Fuse is showing anime now - Ergo Proxy and Tenge Tenjho or however you spell it.
I've been bored, if you can't tell.
Then again, I'm always bored.
here's a joke! enjoy!
A man bought a donkey from an old farmer for $100. The farmer agreed to deliver the donkey the next day.
Come morning, the farmer drove up and said, "Sorry, but I've got some bad news. The donkey died."
"Well then, just give me my money back."
"Can't do that. I spent it already," replied the farmer.
"OK then, just unload the donkey."
"What're you gonna do with him?" asked the farmer.
"I'm gonna raffle him off."
"Ya can't raffle off a dead donkey!" exclaimed the farmer.
"Sure I can. Watch me. I just won't tell anyone he's dead."
A month later the farmer met up with the guy and asked about what happened with the dead donkey. "I raffled him off. I sold 500 tickets at $2 apiece and made a profit of $898."
"Didn't no one complain?" asked the farmer.
"Just the guy who won. So I gave him his $2 back."
later! ^_^ love, TaNi-chan
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Wednesday, May 30, 2007
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
Hump day, 30 May 2007 1255 hours
current music: SHOES // Kelly
current mood: tired.
i love this song!
Hey, guys! It's been awhile. I'm sorry. I hope everyone's been well?
School's finally out for me! I got a B in Chemistry this 9 weeks...probably because we got a new teacher but that's another story. ^^;
I took my senior portraits this morning. Apparently, I smile like Princess Diana. Wow.
I hate smiling.
Anywho. NY was fun. Although, as usual, the kids i went with were total idiots. To make it worse, I didn't know any of them...or is that a good thing? Heh.
I've been really bored lately. Music has gotten crappy lately. All of it. So I've been listening to some old stuff i haven't heard.
I'll go check out some of y'all's sites now. Here's a joke:
A 45 year old woman had a heart attack and was taken to the hospital.
While on the operating table she had a near death experience.
In this state she saw God............ and she asked "Is my time up?"
God said, "No, you have another 43 years, 2 months and 8 days to live."
Upon recovery, the woman decided to stay in the hospital and have a
face-lift, liposuction, breast implants and a tummy tuck.
She even had someone come in and change her hair color and brighten
her teeth!
Since she had so much more time to live, she figured she might as well
make the most of it. After her last operation, she was released from
the hospital.
While crossing the street on her way home, she was killed instantly by
an ambulance.
Arriving in front of God, she demanded, "I thought you said I had anoth er 43 years, 2 months and 8 days?
Why didn't you pull me from out of the path of the ambulance?"
God replied: "I didn't recognize you."
Later! ^_^
love, TaNi-chan
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