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writer, graphic designer, student, slacker
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the early 90's
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FMA, Excel Saga, Cowboy Bebop, Sailor Moon, Furi Kuri, Death Note. Black Lagoon
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Sunday, October 29, 2006
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
Saturday :: 28.10.06 :: 2308 hours
currently listening to: My Way // Anna Tsuchiya
currently watching: Bleach
current mood: sick and tired
alo, loves!
quick update.
still on hiatus, though.
happy belated b-day to peachesxcream, hinaru, and katocool!
sorry if i forgot anyone else's! T_T
AHAHAHAHA! heck yes!
TaNi's small hick town was on Two-a-days!
homophobia sucks. why the hell would anyone want to kill all lesbians anyway? that's dumb.
prejudiced parentals suck. i want to stab them all.
Olivia is performing at the Pacific Media Expo in California this weekend.
It's her first American performance.
I wish i lived in Cali.
heck, I wish i lived anywhere but here.
did i mention i absolutely SUCK at Chemistry?
and did i mention that my classmates scare the HELL out of me?
i made a malice mizer t-shirt in fashion design. ^^ On the front is a pic of klaha, kozi, yu~ki, and mana (it's not the pic i wanted though, but TaNi's school blocked Photobucket too! >_<). on the back, there WAS a pic of mana w/ text on it that said 'if you've got it, flaunt it!' but the transfer pic cracked a bit when i ironed it on, and cracked severely when i put it on. T_T so i have to redo it. sadness!
We're going to the m-f'ing playoffs (football) for the first time in 3 years. it's gunna be so cold! =/
A joke:
A man, called to an audit by the IRS, asked his accountant for advice on what to wear. 'Wear your shabbiest clothing. Let him think you are a pauper.'
Then he asked his lawyer the same question, but got the opposite advice. 'Do not let them intimidate you. Wear your most elegant suit and tie.'
Confused, the man went to his buddy, told him of the conflicting advice, and requested some resolution of the dilemma. 'Let me tell you a story,' replied the buddy. 'A woman, about to be married, asked her mother what to wear on her wedding night. 'Wear a heavy, long, flannel nightgown that goes right up to your neck.' But when she asked her best friend, she got conflicting advice. 'Wear your most sexy negligee, with a V neck right down to your navel.'
The man protested: 'What does all this have to do with my problem with the IRS?'
The buddy responded: 'No matter what you wear, you are going to get screwed'.
Hm. Time for a layout change, ya think? something simple (like the 'sunny skies and butterflies' layout i had up before the Olivia one) maybe - until i return for good?
oh, and
 Have a wonderful halloween! ^_^ love, TaNi-chan
Comments (4) |
Saturday, September 23, 2006
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
Saturday :: 23.9.06 :: 1908 hours
current music: Gothic Slide Show // Ghost
current mood: bored liek woah.
I'm going on hiatus.
not because i hate youse guys or anything - it's because hardly no one updates or visits anymore + myo's starting to bore me.
i'll add you on xanga, myspace, or livejournal or give you my email address if you wanna chat sometime - just pm me for my usernames & if i love you enough, i'll give them to ya.
but i'll check up on y'all every now and then!
btw...anyone go/going to Anime Weekend Atlanta?
It's yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
...i wanted to go. T_T
a joke:
There was once a sheep farmer who needed help with the difficult task of castrating some of his inferior male sheep to keep them from breeding with the females. He hired a French guy who didn't speak much English, but was a very good worker.
After the first day, they had successfully castrated 14 sheep and his French worker was just about to throw away the "parts", but the sheep farmer yelled, "No! Don't throw those away! My wife fries them up and we eat them. They're delicious and we call them 'sheep fries'."
Later that day, the French hired hand came in for supper, and indeed the 'sheep fries' were tasty.
The next day, they castrated 16 sheep, and the following evening they all settled down to another supper of 'sheep fries'. The third day, however, when the sheep farmer came home, he asked his wife where the French hired hand was, and she said, "You know, it's the weirdest thing! I told him since there weren't very many 'sheep fries' this evening, we were also going to have French fries, and he ran like hell!"
later, lovez! ^_^
love, TaNi-chan
Comments (4) |
Monday, September 18, 2006
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
Monday :: 18.9.06 :: 0606 hours
current music: Get in My Hair // Bonnie Pink
current mood: -_-
Yes i'm still alive. but Chemistry is slowly killing me...
The [good ol' episodes of] Pokemon are on Boomerang now! This made me squee with fangirlish delight. Now i have the urge to play Pokemon Gold, or W-everTF version i have.
I seriously feel flippin' old now.
Saturday was our 3rd football game. We lost that game...of course. Heck, the other team didn't score until 3rd quarter!
Ummmmmmmmmmmm...tchaaa. I finally watched Legends: Rodney Dangerfield on Comedy Central last week.
...Dude, is he still alive? ^^;;
speaking of Rodney Dangerfield, here are some more of his quotes:
"Don't get me wrong! I don't snort cocaine - i just like the way it smells!"
"I'm so ugly ... My father carries around the picture of the kid who came with his wallet."
"I remember the time I was kidnapped and they sent a piece of my finger to my father. He said he wanted more proof."
yeah...that's actually all i have to say.
i've visited everyone last week and noone's updated today...yet. so i guess i'll chill at livejournal for about 45 mins, then get ready for school >_>
love, TaNi-chan
Comments (5) |
Sunday, September 10, 2006
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
Saturday :: 9.9.06 :: 2305 hours
current music: Desperado // Eve of Destiny
currently watching: Trinity Blood
current mood: odd/crazy/elated
NEW! Junk Box! Check it out! Watch Tokyo Jihen's new PV - Blackout! Feed hide-sama! Take a quiz! Go wiiiiiiiild!
There are waay too many September birthdays. 2 other people share the same b-day as myself, someone's b-day was the day after mine, Sam and Cassie's birthdays were the 5th, Cami's was the 7th, someone's was Friday, Michael and Ken's b-days are today, somebody's is the 10th, Ariel's the 11th, the 12th is Jenna's [?], the 14th is Tiffany's...
holy wow. too many Virgos. -_-
OK. I admit it. I'm a Noah's Arc fangirl. I squee'd when Steven Colbert mentioned it on The Colbert Report, like, Wednesday (which is coincidentally Noah's Arc night).
Heck, I squee'd when he mentioned LoGo. I love LoGo.
(Yes, TaNi has been insanely fangirlish lately.)
btw, I went to see Accepted last weekend. It was funny! I wanna buy it on DVD when it comes out. & Just for the heck of it, I wanna see Jackass 2 the week after next, now that i'm old enough to get into R-rated movies without a parental. ^_~
Um. It has felt a short week. Probably because i didn't go to school Monday.
But i've been busy with school work (of course). mostly powerpoints for fashion design and spanish
(( click here to check out my powerpoint for Spanish before I delete it sometime next week, if you have some free time [when the pop-up comes up, click 'open']. I know there are a few mistakes on there but *shrugs*. It's kick-ass and funny, and that's all that matters...right?)).
We get to dress up as a famous person next week for Spanish. I want to dress up as Mana (minus the hair), but our classmates have to guess who we're dressed as and none of them know who Mana-sama is. v_v *le sigh*
i also have a lab report to do for Chemistry. >_< I hate lab reports!
...Speaking of Chemistry, i love that band/group! (they're jhip-hop or whatever)
I've been listening to American pop (Rihanna's Unfaithful, Fray's Over My Head, Justin Timberlake's Sexyback, etc.) and J-everything, mostly Anna Tsuchiya (ah! i love her single Rose), Tokyo Jihen (everything by Tokyo Jihen is WONDERFUL!), Vidoll (Their pre-Giru-&-Shun era), and m-flo (almost everything by m-flo's good, too).
This week has been interesting as well! I've proved some of my theories about quite a few of my fellow band members being gay ^_^ (Yes, TaNi slashes everyone most of her guy friends! it's fun!) which lead to this quote: "I love you! You're, like, the Patrick to my Spongebob!"
Also, I need suggestions for a b-day present, plz&thx? because i suck at shopping for presents. >_>
I think I've visited everyone this week atleast once... ^^;; Um, More Rodney Dangerfield quotes anyone?
I know what day of the week you were born. (I don't get this one! T_T)
I was so poor growing up...if I wasn't born a boy, I'd have nothing to play with. (XD)
When I was born the doctor came out to the waiting room and said to my father "I'm very sorry...we did everything we could, but he pulled through." (I pity him!)
later, loves! ^_^
love, TaNi-chan
Comments (5) |
Monday, September 4, 2006
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
Sunday :: 3.9.06 :: 2307 hours
current music: Funny Bunny // The Pillows
current mood: bored
And here is my most uncreative layout ever!
So. 2 out of 3 of my friends bailed on me yesterday. which doesn't surprise me. *le sigh* But i still had fun!
Ha! I'm a year older but i still look 13-ish. XD
Have y'all seen Flavor of Love 2? That is one of the dumbest reality shows ever. Apparently, Flavor Flave thinks he's gonna fall in love with one of these chicks and vice versa and not get dumped like he did in the first season. *scoff* So friggin' dumb.
But entertaining.
...The only show I've been interested in lately is Noah's Arc on LoGo.'s, like, ya never know what's going to happen next on that show...
Ummm. Happy labor day to everyone who doesn't have to go to school/college/work tomorrow/today! ^^;;
A quote:
"It's been a rough day. I got up this morning ... put on a shirt and a button fell off. I picked up my briefcase, and the handle came off. I'm afraid to go to the bathroom." ~Rodney Dangerfield
I think i'm gunna go to bed now. or find something to watch on tv. Today felt like an extremely short day...or is it just me?
Also, i have to change my calendar...
And I'm sorry for the short post!
Later, loves!
love, TaNi-chan
Comments (8) |
Thursday, August 31, 2006
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
Thursday :: 31.8.06 :: 0550 hours
current music: Get in my Hair // Bonnie Pink
current mood: searching for an escape...
First of all:
Rent wasn't as good as everyone said it was. I finally watched it Sunday.
New layout up next time, I guess. Yeah, it's Gokusen. And it's the simpliest and most boring theme I've ever done. I'm not very fond of it so I probably won't leave it up very long. But I'll work on a theme that will make up for the horridness of the Gokusen one. ^_~
Our first game is tonight. Gah. Why does it have to be on a Thursday?
Darn Christian school.
Hm...I haven't listened to any new artists or bands, unless you include the German gangsta rap group Bushido...
oh! I'm getting into Eimy, which is a jrock band [or solo artist] ^^;. Eimy is rockin'. I actually discovered this band/artist by mistake. I saw one of their/his songs and thought "I didn't know Eimy from Heartdales went solo! I hafta check out this song!". so i checked it out and...tchaa, I realized that that wasn't the same Eimy. (it's spelled differently too ^^;;)
So i'm planning to actually do something for my birthday this year - hang out with a few friends at the mall. But we're not really sure who all is coming. >_> we don't even know what movie we're going to see. WTF is playing in theaters anyway? Besides Snakes on a Plane?
A joke:
Three sisters aged 72, 74, and 76 lived in a house together. One night the 76-year-old drew a bath. She
put her foot in and paused. She yelled down the stairs "was I getting into or out of the bath?"
The 74-year-old yelled back "I don't know. I'll come up and see." She started up the stairs and paused. Then
she yelled, "was I going up the stairs or down?"
The 72-year-old sat at the kitchen table having tea, listening to her sisters. She shook her head sadly and
said, "I sure hope I never get that forgetful." She knocked on wood for good measure. She then yelled, "I'll
come up and help both of you as soon as I see who's at the door."
I think I'll post more Rodney Dangerfield quotes next time. He's the "i get no respect" comedian-guy.
k.done. i hope y'all have a wonderful day! ^_^-
love, TaNi-chan
Comments (4) |
Sunday, August 27, 2006
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
Saturday :: 26.8.06 :: 1104 hours
current music: Oh Nein // Bushido
current mood: tired
haha. funniest thing ever: German gangsta rap.
i went to Kalinda's myspace today. It's sad, all the comments people are leaving her.
Heck yeah! The popularity ranking thing is down!
Popularity sucks.
The most amusing icon i've seen in awhile:
school's gradually getting worse. it's only my second week and i'm almost written up by my ancient but immature english teacher. god, i hate that lady. she's psycho and dumb. but i like her class.
still, I'm gonna try to get her pink-slipped.
Can TaNi do it?
Fuck, yeah, she can.
heh heh heh! >=D
A survey...because i haven't posted one on here in awhile. I think I stole this from Emily's myspace:
[Marital Status] Single
[Shoe size] 8 ½
[Parents still together] they never were
[Siblings] nope
[Pets] nope
[Color] sapphire, black, neon green
[Number] 2, 69 ^_~
[Animal] fox
[Drinks] Root Beer, Cream Soda, flavored water, Dr. Pepper.
[Soda] " "
[Book] Gravitation, The Da Vinci Code
[Flower] roses
[Color your hair?] nope
[Have tattoos?] sadly, no.
[Have Piercings?] 2 in each ear
[Cheat on tests/homework?] tee hee! -^^-
[Drink/Smoke?] nope
[Like roller coasters?] no. weak stomach >_>
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] anywhere but here
[Want more piercings?] yep. a lip piercing like MYV's
[Like cleaning?] nope
[Write in cursive or print?] both at once. ^^;; it's pretty, though...apparently.
[Own a web cam?] yep
[Know how to drive?] yep
[Own a cell phone?] yep
[Ever get off the computer?] sadly, yes XD
[Been in a fist fight?] not really
[Considered a life of crime?] yes! ^^
[Considered being a hooker?] XD
[Lied to someone?] of course.
[Been in love?] nope
[Made out with JUST a friend?] nope
[Been in lust?] oh, yah.
[Used someone] yes ^^;
[Been used?] yes. >_>
[Been cheated on?] nope
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] why yes! of course!
[Stolen anything?] yup (nothing big)
[Held a gun] nope
[Current clothing] jeans, shirt
[Current mood] melancholy
[Current taste] mac 'n' cheese
[What you currently smell like] cherry blossoms!
[Current hair] messy, wavy, dk. brown
[Current thing I ought to be doing] going to bed
[Current cd in stereo] AFI’s Decemberunderground <--TaNi hasn’t listened to that CD since 6/6/6.
[Last book you read] A Raisin in the Sun
[Last movie you saw] idk
[Last thing you ate] Mac 'n' Cheese
[Last person you talked to on the phone] Trisha?
[Do drugs?] nope
[Believe there is life on other planets?] sure, why not?
[Remember your first love?] define ‘first love’
[Still love him/her?] Answer the above question.
[Read the newspaper?] nope
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] of course, and i love 'em liek woah! <3
[Believe in miracles?] not really
[Do well in school?] sure
[Wear hats] yup...except in school >_>
[Hate yourself?] why would TaNi hate herself?
[Have an obsession?] Lots! There’s ‘tarou-kun, Vidoll’s music before Aug 2005, Gokusen, hide, yaoi, Japanese culture, ROY/ED, Noah’s Arc...*rambles on*
[Collect anything?] liek, everything...but not literally.
[Have a best friend?] no, more than one. lessee...there’s Emma and Malone and...and...shit. ^^;;
[Close friends?] define ‘close’.
[Like your handwriting?] sure. it’s all fancy-smancy. I wish it were a font... *le sigh*
[Care about looks] my looks? not really.
[First crush] this one kid named Michael.
[First kiss] that one guy. uhm. yeah. Heh!
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] no
[Do you believe in "the one?"] suuure
[Are you a tease?] perhaps
[Too shy to make the first move?] probably ^^;;
[Daydreamer] oh totally
[sarcastic] ah, duh XP
[Angel] sometimes. ^_^
[Devil] tee hee! -^^- I can’t help it!
[Shy] yesh >_> darn it.
[Talkative] nope
and a quote:
"During sex, my girlfriend always wants to talk to me. Just the other night she called me from a hotel."
~Rodney Dangerfield
I'm off to get ready for bed. Later, loves! love, TaNi-chan
Comments (10) |
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
Tuesday :: 22.8.06 :: 0633 hours
current music: Blackout // Tokyo Jihen
current mood: angsty
you guys. her body was right in front of me. I half-expected her to all of a sudden sit up, laugh, and say 'ha ha i got y'all!' that would be so typical of her...
but she didn't.
and to make it worse, a lady who looked like her was there.
she was so young...her 18th birthday was next month and she just graduated.
she had a whole fucking life ahead of her.
she was so pretty, so kind. she didn't deserve to die.
Her wake was yesterday. omg...
Her funeral's today. but i'm not going.
>_> because it's during school and we have a stupid check-out policy.
I wish i had known her better.
The story of my icon:

I think I've told y'all this before when this happened - like last year.
Someone got in trouble for saying 'poofl'. So Kalinda made this stack of papers saying something along the lines of "what is poofl?' and handed 'em out to a bunch of folks. *shrugs* Nothing big. Just one of my memories of her.
And she was bi.
k. i'm done. *le sigh* cheer me up....please? <3
here's a pic from engrish:
*huggles for everyone* love, TaNi-chan
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Sunday, August 20, 2006
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
Saturday :: 19.8.06 :: 2305 hours
current music: RSG // from FMA + Snakes on a Plane // Cobra Starship
current mood: sad.
um. what was with that Shin Chan anime that was just on Adult Swim? i liked it. but the animation sucks.
also, gackt does the theme song for Dirge of Cerebus.
About the police incident i mentioned in my last post --
I think the cops were looking for drugs or something because we found them outside, shining a flashlight into one of our trucks. Plus, I've seen police cars in our neighborhood a lot lately. They probably lied about the phone thing because how would it look if they flat out said "we were looking for marijuana, got any?" And the phone call was probably someone who realized they had a wrong number and just hung up.
Anywho, I'm getting ready to change my theme. I think it'll be Gokusen.
Kalinda died in a car accident. I didn't know her very well. But she was one of the coolest people I've ever met. So yeah, I'm sad about it. Yeah, I cried when I found out, no matter how hard I tried not to. She was the type of person you couldn't hate, unless you just judged her by her appearence and didn't talk to her.
It seems like a few people from my school die in car accidents every year. At this rate, I can't help but think who's going to die next. It could be one of my closest friends, someone I like but don't really know, like Kalinda, someone I have a love/hate relationship with...or possibly, myself.
Ya never know.
My favorite classes this year are english and fashion design.
English this year is one of the most interesting classes I've ever had. Our teacher may be a little loopy but I still love it!
Thursday, we did another AIDs activity. Everyone got one cup. All were full of water except for one, which had some sort of chemical in it (it begins with a P. I can't pronounce or spell it >_>). Then we each got sticky things to put on our shirts with one of the following on it: Abstinence, Monogamus, Promiscuous, and Highly Promiscuous. [I got abstinence.] Monogamus people had to exchange fluids (pour their fluid into the other person's, then into theirs, then pour half of it into the other person's, dividing it evenly between the two) with one person, Promiscuous = 3 people, and Highly Promiscuous = 4 +. So they did that and the abstinent people just...sat and did whatever. Then, our teacher added ammonia to everyone's cup. The folks' whose liquid turned pink had aids (some sort of chemical reaction). Then we had to figure out who had it first. At first, everyone was pretty sure that it was Shane, because he had this...fog or whatever in his cup and no one else did. Then we thought it was Amanda. Then BJ. Then...well, we they narrowed it down to Shane and Raleigh.
And it was Shane.
It had to be someone in the middle of the classroom because that's where she started to pass out the cups. I thought that was odd to start in the middle of the classroom instead of the left side or the right side. So that's how I narrowed it down. Yay logic.
And now we have to read The Planet of the Apes.
We did posters in fashion design. But it didn't take very long so we just chilled. And signed Ethan's pants.
Maybe we went a lil' overboard with the signing. Like signing his ass.
ANYWHO. ^^; We ran out of time in history so we didn't get to do the project with blowguns Wednesday. Or Thursday. Or Friday. She said we would do it Monday.
The jokes return:
Two young boys walk into a pharmacy one day, pick out a box of Tampax and proceed to the checkout counter. The man at the counter asks the older boy, "Son, how old are you?"
"Eight," the boy replies.
The man continues, "Do you know what these are used for?"
"Not exactly," the boy says. "But they aren't for me. They're for him. He's my brother. He's four. We saw on TV that if you use these you would be able to swim and ride a bike. Right now he can't do either one."
I think I've gotten to everyone's site atleast once this week, if you've updated at all this week. Later, guys!
PS - Aya, I've heard of Charcoal Filter but I haven't listened to them ^^; Are they jrock or jpop?
PPS Mixboy, your comment = not cool at all! >_>
love, TaNi-chan
Comments (6) |
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
Wednesday :: 16.8.06 :: 0619 hours
current music: none
current mood: tired, paranoid
OK. The COPS just dropped by saying that someone with my address dialed 911 and none of us did. Do you know how effin' creepy that is? OMG, I'm more paranoid than usual now... >_> It's, like, the beginning of a horror movie or something because before this happened, the phone rung once and stopped. >_>
This is becoming a habit...
Here are TaNi's most recently discovered Jmusic artists and bands:
Zwei: I like Zwei. They're not the best female-fronted jrock band [that would be Tokyo Jihen, in my opinion] but...they're good. Their music is like, soft rock. The lead singer's engrish is pretty decent too.
Anna Tsuchiya: I love her!!! ^__^ But she reminds me of Jessica Simpson, vocally. Her music's a mix of pop and rock. GO LISTEN TO HER!!!
eXgirl: well. The vocals and the music just GRATE. >_> And no, i did not misspell 'great'.
D[di:]: is an OK band, also fronted by a chick. I don't like the vocalist much, though.
The Clicks: k. they remind me of Puffyamiyumi with the upbeat pop stuff and the lead singer's peppy voice. But that's not exactly a bad thing.
well. school's getting better...kinda.
english is actually interesting - we discussed aids and how music apparently influences sexual behavoir in teens yesterday. then we had to write down the names of sexually suggestive songs. guess what my first song was.
electric cucumber by zilch. XD
lunch is fun would be hella better if a certain someone weren't sitting with us.
we're doing some kind of activity with blowguns today in history. I'm beginning to like that class.
of course, there's nothing interesting about math.
we're just taking notes in fashion design [so far]. then we're gunna decorate shirts and make pillows and shit.
chemisty. i've missed 7 out of 20[?] on my first test because he didn't give us a lot of time. (like, 5 minutes). omfg. it's not fair for teachers to give timed tests like that (unless it's, like, SATs) because some students need more time to think and...shit. And i happen to be one of those students goddammit.
I still hate Spanish.
And band is boring (when we're inside practicing).'s effin' hot. Heh.
I'll try to comment everyone who has updated after Sunday this morning (if I can get over my paranoid-ness) and tomorrow. If I don't get to you, then i will definitely comment you Saturday. ^_~
An embarrassing testimonial:
I walked into a hair salon with my husband and three kids in tow and asked loudly, "How much do you charge for a shampoo and a blow job?" I Turned around and walked back out and never went back. My husband didn't say a word... he knew better.
And to you guys who haven't gone back to school yet...Oooh, just wait until the end of the year! I get out of school earlier than y'all! XP
Have a nice day! ^_^
love, TaNi-chan
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