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the early 90's
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Friday, July 7, 2006
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
Friday, July 7th 2006 1133 hours, CST
current music: heroin // vidoll
current mood: oh-noes! mosquito bit me face! T_T
One day a teacher had a taste test with her students. She picked a little boy to do the first test. She blindfolded him, put a Hershey kiss in his mouth and asked, "Do you know what it is?"
"No, I don't," said the little boy.
"OK, I'll give you a clue. It's the thing your daddy wants from your Mom before he goes to work."
Suddenly, a little girl at the back of the room yelled, "Spit it out! It's a piece of ass!"
So. On Dish Network, they have that International Music Channel I've heard so much about. Grr. Darn you, Directv. I want that channel. Then I won't have to watch that horrid network known as Fuse.
All emo music is starting to sound alike to me. Except for a few bands like Taking Back Sunday, HIM, AFI, Paramore, and Bright Eyes. Yayness for Jrock!
I saw this anime called 'Eiken' Monday night. The title sounded so familiar...I thought it was hentai. It kinda was. It had all the elements of a hentai...except actual sex.
All of the chicks were scantily-clad and most of them had HUGE boobs. No, seriously. There was a friggin' 6th grader chick with f-cups. Scary, man. SCARY.
I saw another anime but it's not very interesting and the plot is oh-so-familiar. The title of it is 10 Tokyo Warriors. I don't like it.
I wanna get a job at Google!
Yay! The Strangers With Candy movie will be in theatres this month! I love that show!
I guess I'll feature a jmusic band/artist next week. Either Tokyo Jihen (Shiina Ringo's band), Go!Go!7188, The Candy Spooky Theatre, tommy february6/tommy heavenly6, or Hoover's Oover. ^^;;
I actually understand the song hxmx crashtrap by Vidoll!!! Jui-san's not screaming 'YUKINE!!!' for no particular reason - the song's actually about Yukine, former guitarist in the band. They're making fun of him because of his last name - Homoda - which can mean 'it is homo'.
And that's just hilarious. Although I feel sorry for Yukine-san. But Jui-san did apologize, like, more than once.
I wonder if that's the reason why he left the band...
Nah. Couldn't be.
Well, it could've been part of the reason.
I miss Yukine-san and HIDE-san. T_T
oh, and loveLIESbleeding, about the joke i posted last time - the dude says he has to lay off either Jack or Debra. Here, lay is meant to mean 'to unemploy a worker for a short period of time'. But he actually told her 'i have to lay you or Jack off - restating it so that it sounds sexual - lay (which is used as another word for 'have sex with' here) Debra or jack off. ^^;;;
Hn. What a random, fangirl-ish post.
I'm off to check out some sites now. Later! love, TaNi-chan
Comments (4) |
Monday, July 3, 2006
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
Monday, July 3rd 2006 1614 hours, CST
current music: Shuraba // Tokyo Jihen
current mood: =/
Oh-noes! I just missed Gokusen! T__T
Yay! My b-day's in exactly 2 months! Yay! And new episodes of Reno911, Chapelle's Show, and Mind of Mencia will come on next Sunday!
Mixed feelings right now.
I found out the name of the DAI song i mentioned last time - it's Yesterday and Today. It was the only title that screamed "OMG I'VE HEARD THIS SONG BEFORE BUT I'M NOT SURE WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE!". So...yay!
And the name of the Ayu song is Appears.
I have played the worst translated Pokemon game -ever-.

*tani recieved potion

*tani put the potion in the bag

*thank you for waiting!

-& I have no idea what this means!-
OMG, check out these Kurama/Hiei pics! (If you don't mind yaoi)

I do believe that's the best cosplay ever.
& finally, a joke:
The Boss was in quandary. He had to fire somebody. He had it narrowed down to one of two people, Debra or Jack. It was an impossible decision, they were both super workers. Rather than flip a coin, he decided he would fire the first one who used the water cooler the next morning.
Debra came in the next morning with a horrible hang-over after partying all night. She went to the cooler to take an aspirin. The Boss approached her and said: " Debra, I've never done this before, but I have to lay you or Jack off."
"Could you jack off?" she says. "I feel like shit."
Later! ^_^ love, TaNi-chan
Comments (4) |
Saturday, July 1, 2006
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
Saturday, July 1st 2006 2007 hours, CST
current music: Stay With Me // melody
current mood: frustrated
[chorus:] Summer days, I can't stand the summer days
Frozen cocktails and night fireworks
What's so great about them anyway?
Summer day, let it be some other day
Seaside motels and sex on the beach
Don't be thinking I went all the way
I hate summer days!
Rushing down the traffic, to the beach,
That's jammed for blocks and blocks
They ain't getting nowhere,
Still miles and miles left to go
Strutting down the street, the girls,
they try to impress their boyfriend to be
I give up and don't try
Every day is a bad hair day
Guys, they come up with lame pick-up lines,
Desperate to just get laid
Damn, give me a freaking break!
G*ddamn summer days!
Kate was the one, who said that life was made to be enjoyed
Stop crinkling your face
Everything will turn out okay
Serving table to table up and down the isle
Had on a face I'd never seen
Whatever happened to her?
Who has stolen your smiles away?
Who said that summer can brighten the mood of fate?
Nothing is going to change
Damn, give me a freaking break!
Who needs summer days!
Summer days, they have never been the same
Once you left and were out of my sight
Leaving no trace behind
Summer day, why oh why on a summer day?
You were gone without saying goodbye
Taking it all away
No more summer days!
~ Summer Days // Do As Infinity
So I found a couple of songs Thursday.
One's by Ayumi Hamasaki. The other's by Do As Infinity. And I swear to God, I can't remember the names of those songs. >_< It's driving me insane!
The Ayu song I can't describe - I'm going to look for lyrics to it @ Divine Ayu after I post this. It's from one of her earlier albums. OMFG! It's APPEARS! OMG *facepalm*
The DAI song is slow, kinda melancholy, starts out with "dear friends, so long", and part of the chorus is "open eyes and see inside of your [mind/heart]".
Anyone know the title of this song or a good Do As Infinity site with lyrics? I think it's from their "Do the Best" album.
...GAHHHH!!!! >_< This has been driving me insane!
And I heard an instrumental and english version of a Maaya Sakamoto song on Macross...I think the title of it is "Cries in the Dark".
I downloaded that song awhile ago and on the site I downloaded it from, i'm pretty sure it stated that the song was from Angel Sanctuary.
Then again, I don't remember hearing that song on Angel Sanctuary. =/
...Yeah...I've been listening to a lot of my older songs and CDs recently.
Heh ^^;;
I think I have a new addiction - MXC. It's hilarious!
(Thanks a lot, Momo-chan. XD)
oh, and thanks for the comments last time, guys! ^__^
I'm still working on the Olivia theme. I think I'll post it toward the end of the month, before band camp begins.
Ah. Band camp. If you've known me long enough, you know how much I hate band camp and how much shxx happens. If you haven't...well, I'll tell y'all about it.
And I think that's all I have to say.
...oh yeah...joke anyone? ^_^;;
A senior citizen in Florida bought a brand new Corvette convertible. He took off down the road, flooring it to 80 mph and enjoying the wind blowing through what little hair he had left on his head. "This is great," he thought as he roared up I-75. He pushed the pedal to the metal even more. Then he looked in his rear view mirror and saw a highway patrol trooper behind him, blue lights flashing and siren blaring. "I can get away from him with no problem" thought the man and he tromped it some more and flew down the road at over 100 mph. Then 110, 120 mph.
Then he thought, "What am I doing? I'm too old for this kind of thing." He pulled over to the side of the road and waited for the trooper to catch up with him. The trooper pulled in behind the Corvette and walked up to the man. "Sir," he said, looking at his watch. "My shift ends in 10 minutes and today is Friday. If you can give me a reason why you were speeding that I've never heard before, I'll let you go." The man looked at the trooper and said, "Years ago my wife ran off with a Florida State Trooper, and I thought you were bringing her back"
"Have a good day, Sir," said the Trooper
I hope everyone has a wonderful 4th of July weekend! ^^ Later! love, TaNi-chan
Comments (6) |
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
Wednesday, 28 June 2006 1245 hours, CST
current music: Blackout // Tokyo Jihen
current mood: creative~ ^_^
A young ventriloquist is touring the clubs and one night he's doing a show in a small town in Arkansas. With his dummy on his knee, he starts going through his usual dumb blonde jokes when a blonde woman in the 4th row stands on her chair and starts shouting: "I've heard enough of your stupid blonde jokes. What makes you think you can stereotype women that way? What does the color of a person's hair have to do with her worth as a human being? It's guys like you who keep women like me from being respected at work and in the community and from reaching our full potential as a person. Because you and your kind continue to perpetuate discrimination against not only blondes, but women in general and all in the name of humor!" The embarrassed ventriloquist begins to apologize, and the blonde yells, "You stay out of this, mister! I'm talking to that little shit on your knee."
Downloads from the bands i've featured since I've made this site. (Only 2 - Pizzicato Five and m-flo ^^;;).
[This one's on myspace - tell me if it doesn't work and I'll upload it]: Starstruck // m-flo w/ Rum, AI, and Emi from Heartsdales
[This song reminds me of a fashion show XD]: Mademoiselle // Pizzicato Five
[And since my next layout is Olivia...]: Celestial Delinquent // Olivia
*I have to reupload this one... =/ sorry!*
Speaking of my Olivia layout, I've been working on it. I've made room for my friend list but there's no room for everything else (site requirements, about me, etc.). Maybe I should replace my friend list with an 'about me' section. *shrugs*
Anyone want a customized layout? I'm going to major in web design/development and I think I really need to sharpen my HTML skills on something other than myspace layouts for a couple of friends and layouts for myself (on here, myspace, and xanga) every once in a while. -_-
Hm. I gotta find a college to go to as well. But I'll do that later on.
New icon! I made it! ^__^ I know, I know - it doesn't go with the color-theme. But it's PRETTY!!! ^_^
I bought a Huey shirt at Hot Topic! ^^
They didn't have the Boondocks shirt I wanted, though:

oh well.
And, Gazette has apparently changed their name to "The GazzetE" after going 'major' last month. O_O
That's all for now. Later, guys! Have a wonderful [remainder-of-the-]week! ^^ love, TaNi-chan
Comments (4) |
Friday, June 23, 2006
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
Friday, 23 June 2006 1229 hours, CST
current music: Swingin' // Blu Cantrell ^__^
It's officially summer!
And the first day of July is next Saturday!
Know what that means?
Time for the relatives to start visiting~! Yay!
Which means I have to clean up my room AGAIN. Yay!
*facepalm* Dammit.
Here's a joke; hope you enjoy it as much as I did when i first read it!
There is a factory in America which makes the Tickle Me Elmo toys. The toy laughs when you tickle it under the arm. A new employee is hired at the Tickle Me Elmo factory and she reports for her first day promptly at 8:00am.
The next day at 8:45am there is a knock at the Personnel Manager's door. The foreman from the assembly line throws open the door and begins to rant about the new employee. He complains that she is incredibly slow and the whole line is backing up, putting the entire production line behind schedule.
The personnel manager decides he should see this for himself so the 2 men march down to the factory floor. When they get there, the line is so backed up that there are Tickle Me Elmo's all over the factory floor and they're really beginning to pile up.
At the end of the line stands the new employee surrounded by mountains of Tickle Me Elmo's. She has a roll of plush red fabric and a huge bag of small marbles. The 2 men watch in amazement as she cuts a little piece of fabric, wraps it around two marbles and begins to carefully sew the little package between Elmo's legs.
The Personnel Manager bursts into laughter. After several minutes of hysterics he pulls himself together and approaches the woman. "I'm sorry," he says to her, barely able to keep a straight face, "but I think you misunderstood the instructions I gave you yesterday. Your job is to give Elmo two test TICKLES".
I made another 'How Well Do You Know TaNi' quiz out of boredom.
Take it...if you dare! XD Or if you're as bored as I am. *shrugs*
I literally spent most of my Monday reading the remainer of The DaVinci Code - which was, like, 400 pages. Hm. No wonder it's so controversial. A lot of good points brought up in that book involving religion. Like, the fact that the bible could be completely fictional. And Jesus and Mary Madgalene could have been married. Overall, it was a really entertaining and addictive book. Absolutely wonderful. I think I'll go buy Angels and Demons now. Or read the 2 books I have to read for school. -__-
My geocities site was shut down Tuesday for a dumb reason. That pissed me offf. Now I'm trying to find another site that offers free web hosting (besides Freewebs, Tripod, and Bravenet =/) with no ads or whatever. Kinda like Freewebs. Any suggestions? I've already searched for some on Google so...yeah. No help there.
Working on a new overlay and it's Olivia-themed! If you haven't listened to any of her songs, you really should! She's...wonderful! Her latest single is A Little Pain, from an anime called Nana. You can find it here.
View the screenshot and my many complaints (written in red)?
I'll try to visit everyone tomorrah or Monday! Later! ^_~ love, TaNi-chan
Comments (5) |
Saturday, June 17, 2006
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
Saturday, 17 June 2006 0939 hours, CST
current music: Perfume // Sugizo
current mood: creative/tired
A little old lady answered a knock on the door one day, only to be confronted by a well-dressed young man carrying a vacuum cleaner.
"Good morning," said the young man. "If I could take a couple minutes of your time, I would like to demonstrate the very latest in high-powered vacuum cleaners."
"Fxxx off!" said the old lady. "I haven't got any money" and she tried to close the door. Quick as a flash, the young man wedged his foot in the door and pushed it wide open.
"Don't be too hasty!" he said. "Not until you have at least seen my demonstration." And with that, he emptied a bucket of horse shxx all over her hallway carpet. "If this vacuum cleaner does not remove all traces of this horse shit from your carpet, Madam, I will personally eat the remainder."
"Well," she said, "I hope you've got a fxxxing good appetite, because the electricity was cut off this morning."
Whoa! It feels as if i haven't updated in ages. Sorry, guys, I haven't felt like updating...
OMG. i watched the video to this one song, Honkytonk Badonkadonk. It's country but it's (dare i say it?) an awesome song. Too many t&a girls in the vid though.=/
Guess I'll feature another artist/group: Pizzicato Five!
hmm. I like this group. Their music is so...lively and techno-ish...
Pizzicato Five (often P5) is a Japanese pop group widely credited to have spearheaded the shibuya-kei movement of Tokyo in the 90s, along with Flipper's Guitar. (I haven't heard much Shibuya-kei so I can't say I'm in love with the genre or anything.)
They are known for their eclectic and energetic compositions, which often sound like "new" releases from the late 1960s hipster scene.
The Tokyo kitsch-pop group began taking shape as far back as 1979, when university students Yasuharu Konishi and Keitaro Takanami first met at a local music society meeting. After agreeing to form a band, they recruited fellow society member Ryo Kamamiya. Their search for a suitable vocalist proved frustrating and in late 1984 they settled on singer Mamiko Sasaki.
The first Pizzicato Five single - Audrey Hepburn Complex - followed a year later, and in 1986 the group issued their debut LP, Pizzicato Five in Action. A slew of subsequent records established them among the most popular acts in Japan, in spite of a series of line-up fluctuations which saw both Kamamiya and Sasaki exit in 1988, replaced soon after by vocalist Takao Tajima (who in turn quit the following year).
Beginning with the 1990 single Lovers Rock, Maki Nomiya was the new P5 vocalist; their popularity at home continued to soar, and in 1994 the American indie label Matador agreed to issue the compilation EP Five by Five. Takanami quit shortly after its release, however, reducing the group to a duo; after a pair of other US compilations, Made in USA and The Sound of Music by Pizzicato Five, in 1997 they issued Happy End of the World, the first of their LPs to enjoy simultaneous Japanese and American release.
The International Playboy and Playgirl Record followed two years later, and the group's last proper album of the millennium, Pizzicato Five (tm), appeared in November 1999. The group broke up in March 2002.
info from here
Pizzicato Five official site
That's it for this update.
Later, guys! ^_^ Have a wonderful weekend! love, TaNi-chan
Comments (2) |
Wednesday, June 7, 2006
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
Wednesday, 7 June 2006 1119 hours, CSTcurrent music: Shuraba // Tokyo Jihen current mood: tired A blonde with two red ears went to her doctor. The doctor asked her what had happened to her ears and she answered, "I was ironing a shirt and the phone rang - but instead of picking up the phone I accidentally picked up the iron and stuck it to my ear." "Oh Dear!" the doctor exclaimed in disbelief. "But. what happened to your other ear?" "The son of a bitch called back."So I'm reading the book The Da Vinci code to see what the hype is about and you know what? It's pretty good. I've been watching this anime on Starz - Mirage of Blaze, or something like that. holy hide. The dubbed version is horrible and the storyline is oh-so-familiar (seemingly normal high school, people show up calling him something other than his real name, magical powers, people trying to kill him because he is this person, blahblahblah). Just don't watch it. Unless: 1) you have nothing else to do, 2) you like making fun of bad voice acting, or 3) you love bishounen. Hm...I haven't been watching much anime lately. Except for FMA, NGE, Trigun, and other late-night Adult Swim anime. (Except for Eureka 7. I hate it.) I have been listening to a lot of jmusic. My most recent discovery is Last Alliance. I think they're pretty good. Speaking of Jmusic, here's some pimpage: Lots of Jrock and Jpop music including Albums, Singles, and PVs so check it out.  I'm getting into Blindspott. (thanks, hinaru ^^) yeah, i went to their myspace and they had this one song on there - Drown. I love it. I want their new CD [End the Silence] but I don't think they've released it in the US. Meh. =/ I got AFI's new cd 'DecemberUnderground' yesterday ^^ and Loveless vol.1 because it was 30% off. I didn't really like Loveless but DecemberUnderground's great. ^__^ I've been making a lot of icons too, with textures. Like this one:  I love textures! ^^ Another Family Circus on crack! comic:  So I actually watched Fuse yesterday. There are too many Fuse-watching myspace whores. Know how many times I saw messages along the lines of 'Add my myspace![stupid_myspace_name_here]' scroll across the screen? OMG. Someone please shut down myspace. Then again, don't - because that's where I get my Jmusic fix. ^o^;;; Hm. That's all I have to say. Have a great day! love, TaNi-chan
Comments (7) |
Saturday, June 3, 2006
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
Saturday, 3 June 2006 0747 hours, CSTcurrent music: Web of Night // TM Revolution current mood: i can't sleep! >_o Did I ever do a yuri layout on KG? I can't remember... Ok, I am in love with m-flo right now. So I'll feature them.  m-flo is a Japanese rap group that consists of 2 guys - the producer and disc jockey Taku Takahashi (left) and rapper Verbal (right). The group was formed in 1997. There was another member of m-flo who also did vocals - Lisa - but she quit in 2001 to pursue a solo career. The guys met in high school and started a band - Taku on drums and Verbal as MC. m-flo has produced tracks with some of the hottest artists in jpop and r&b (BoA, Crystal Kay, Hikari Utada, and melody, to name a few). Verbal's real name is Ryu Yong Gi (he is Korean-Japanese). He began rapping while on exchange in Boston, MA during his early twenties. He is also responsible for the formation of Espionage Records, which supports his pet projects, The Heartsdales and MIC BANDITZ. He has also rapped for and produced many other successful artists including Namie Amuro and Bratzpack. Last year, he released an album with the Teriyaki Boyz. m-flo is an abbreviation for mediarite-flo. Mediarite is a play on the words meteorite, and media rite (of passage). You can listen to one of their song withs BoA ("The Love Bug") on my media player. Lyrics?* That's the way it's gotta be... Oh! She got, she got kokoro no katachi... La la la love bug kawaranai... So what, what you sayin' love? No matter how things may be kono mama fall... OK, OK, what more can I say? Fall shitemo ii... Ooh wee! nani mo... Saturday iranai... saranghae Just tell me that you want me... Come on!
ashita ni nattara wasureru yo, toka itta noni hikizuru kimochi for you, nazeka tomaranai Kinda like an apple pie, soto wa DORAI dakedo nakami Soft & sweet... doko kara start shiyou?
Once again it's the cosmic ARAMO-DO oishii from head to toe, MAJI good to go... UH UH! All-out-all-day-all-night Please believe it! yeah yeah uso ja nai 800 call Rockwell, you a fly bijin! you wanna ride with me? Drop-top no 9(kyu)banme no kumo ni notte Take me there
** Tell me what you think of me... Oh! She got, she got oshiete hoshii... La la la love bug donna fashion? ...So, what, what you sayin' love? donna MEIKU ga ii? Wanna be your girl... OK, OK, whata more can I say? Wanna be your one & only... Ooh wee! nani mo... Saturday, iranai... Just tell me that you want me... Come on!
Baby shake it like a BA-TEN, no taboo BABU- amaeru specimen hashitte escape shiyou Just the TWO futari de of us... got the KAGI hiraku Basement 30(sanjuu) Relaxation shimasu International jimaku-tsuki Sharp like a hamono vamonos boogie Horoscope iranee koko iriguchi for you & I sore ga manifesto... Let's go! keshou tears de ochiru hodo kandou la vie musou suru kimi sukoshi ijou yozora ni mau dress silk chiffon SANTORA-tsuki no LOVE STORY stars for sure!
For sure! gin no helmet baby kabutte seatbelt shite say it Cuz some day, one day, you'll be mine... And make love for the very first Time tonight... dare mo... kidzukanai... soshite Live the life... honto... yabakunai? Under the spell... for real... ichido talk shite Make you mine!
* repeat
doko sagashitemo no where to be found I'm alone, do you know hitori no toki no feeling I got the bad case of interplanetary love jones! Oh no doushite konna ni tsurai no baby?
She loves me... He loves me not... OH! He loves me... She loves me not... OH! She loves me... He loves me not... OH! He loves me... She loves me not... Oh, He loves me... loves me... loves me not Oh, She loves me... loves me... loves me not (yeah) M-F-L-O...needs LOVE!
** repeat * repeat(information from: Wikipedia and m-flo online; lyrics from here.) Questions:1. what was the first jpop artist you listened to? 2. what was the first jrock band you listened to? 3. what was the first jr&b or jhip-hop artist/group you listened to? My Answers:1. Gackt O_O either TM Revolution or Do As Infinity 2. Dir en Grey 3. Crystal Kay  Ayu has a new single out - Bluebird. It's awesome, of course. ^_^ And I got Dem Franchize Boyz's CD (finally). I love it. ^^ That's all for this update. Have a great day!
love, TaNi-chan
Comments (10) |
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
Tuesday, 30 May 2006 0808 hours, CSTcurrent music: Mademoiselle // Pizzicato Five current mood: tired One question. Wtf happened to Kozi?  ...O_O Ya know...since it's summer break, I have nothing to bitch talk about. (I'll still update atleast once a week, though.) I guess I'll just amuse you guys...with jokes...and pics. And try to get you guys into some "new" Jmusic bands/artists and not-so-popular old school anime (yeah, I'll leave watching the new stuff to you guys). And provide HTML codes... *gasp* That reminds me of Surreality! I totally forgot about that site! It's, like, dead now... if you haven't been to it yet, check out the archives sometime this week, before i delete it. I'm sure there are a few helpful html codes there. Anyway, I'll be on more. So I'll be commenting more. But not everyday. Here's a joke! It sounds like something one of my peers would do. XD A redneck walks into a hardware store & asks for a chain saw that will cut 6 trees in one hour. The salesman recommends the top of the line model. The redneck is suitably impressed, & buys it. The next day he brings it back & says, "This chain saw is defective. It would only cut down 1 tree and it took all damn day!" The salesman takes the chain saw, starts it up to see what's wrong, & the puzzled redneck says, "Heck, what's that noise?"Remember about 2 months ago when I mentioned I was really sick and vomited liek woah? Well, that was pretty serious. Something's wrong with me. I have to go to the doctor this afternoon to take some sort of test... The Robot Chicken people mispronounced 'Ryu'. >_> These quiz results are so accurate, it's almost scary... You Should Be An Aquarius | What's good about you: philosophical and idealistic, you are a great thinker
What's bad about you: you require a lot of space - it's hard to get close to you
In love: you're quirky and playful, but you hate to be smothered
In friendship, you're: likely to have many acquaintances and very few good friends
Your ideal job: pilot, snow boarder, or science fiction writer
Your sense of fashion: unconventional, unique outfits that turn heads
You like to pig out on: anything with garlic or unique spices |
You are a Rocker Girl! | If you don't have musical talent, you've got a talent for picking out great CD's. Music rules your life - and you've got the best MP3 collection of anyone you know. Many guys find you intimidating, but a select few think you're the catch of a lifetime. Start hanging out in more used record stores, and you'll find love with a fellow rocker! |
Your Theme Song is Back in Black by AC/DC | "Back in black, I hit the sack, I've been too long, I'm glad to be back"
Things sometimes get really crazy for you, and sometimes you have to get away from all the chaos. But each time you stage your comeback, it's even better than the last! |
I need a job. ^^;;; love, TaNi-chan
Comments (6) |
Friday, May 26, 2006
x♥x TaNi-chan
Hey there! I'm the one and only TaNi-chan. I'm sorry to say that this site has lost its spark. I will no longer attempt to keep my page here on MyOtaku updated regularly. This will probably be my last login.
To those who have known me since 2004 when I registered under the username KuramasGirl: Can you believe it's been four years!? I will never forget the friends I made and I hope you'll never forget me. Almost all of you have left this site a long while ago and I haven't spoken to you in AGES! But I hope you will one day log on, pay me a visit, and reminince about those times. I miss checking up on you guys and commenting! Most importantly, I want to thank you guys for putting up with my bratty teenage angst, as well as my drama, immaturity, and bitching.
I have never been known for sappy or long goodbyes but this site holds so many memories for me. Over the years I've been here, I've changed greatly. I've become more open-minded. I've greatly bettered my graphic and web design skills. I've realized I'm attracted to the same sex and I'm OK with it. My stay on MyOtaku has helped with these matters.
Now I'm headed off to college. I plan to major in graphic design, something I discovered I like to do from the time I spent here. I've matured into a confident, intelligent young woman, focused on creating a bright future for herself. I never thought I would make it this far. Again, I will miss you guys - my friends who have known me since I first joined - & I wish you nothing but success and happiness.
(11 August 2008)
Friday, 26 May 2006 0919 hours, CST
Konnichi wa! TaNi-chan desu (formerly Kuramasgirl)! ^_^
(I know you know who I am. I'm the only TaNi with a capital 'n' in her name. Do you know how badly I wanted the username 'TaNi'? x_x)
Well, anyway, this is my new site.
Ah. Yes. A new site = a new start.
But not really.
I'm off to refriend some friends. Ta ta!
And happy b-day to sugar high nut! ^__^
love, TaNi-chan
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