Wednesday, 7 June 2006
1119 hours, CST
current music: Shuraba // Tokyo Jihen
current mood: tired
A blonde with two red ears went to her doctor. The doctor asked her what had happened to her ears and she answered, "I was ironing a shirt and the phone rang - but instead of picking up the phone I accidentally picked up the iron and stuck it to my ear."
"Oh Dear!" the doctor exclaimed in disbelief. "But. what happened to your other ear?"
"The son of a bitch called back."
So I'm reading the book The Da Vinci code to see what the hype is about and you know what? It's pretty good.
I've been watching this anime on Starz - Mirage of Blaze, or something like that. holy hide. The dubbed version is horrible and the storyline is oh-so-familiar (seemingly normal high school, people show up calling him something other than his real name, magical powers, people trying to kill him because he is this person, blahblahblah).
Just don't watch it. Unless:
1) you have nothing else to do,
2) you like making fun of bad voice acting, or
3) you love bishounen.
Hm...I haven't been watching much anime lately. Except for FMA, NGE, Trigun, and other late-night Adult Swim anime. (Except for Eureka 7. I hate it.)
I have been listening to a lot of jmusic. My most recent discovery is Last Alliance. I think they're pretty good.
Speaking of Jmusic, here's some pimpage: Lots of Jrock and Jpop music including Albums, Singles, and PVs so check it out.

I'm getting into Blindspott. (thanks, hinaru ^^) yeah, i went to their myspace and they had this one song on there -Drown. I love it. I want their new CD [End the Silence] but I don't think they've released it in the US. Meh. =/
I got AFI's new cd 'DecemberUnderground' yesterday ^^ and Loveless vol.1 because it was 30% off. I didn't really like Loveless but DecemberUnderground's great. ^__^
I've been making a lot of icons too, with textures. Like this one:

I love textures! ^^
Another Family Circus on crack! comic:

So I actually watched Fuse yesterday. There are too many Fuse-watching myspace whores. Know how many times I saw messages along the lines of 'Add my myspace![stupid_myspace_name_here]' scroll across the screen? OMG. Someone please shut down myspace.
Then again, don't - because that's where I get my Jmusic fix. ^o^;;;
Hm. That's all I have to say. Have a great day!