Friday, July 7th 2006
1133 hours, CST
current music: heroin // vidoll
current mood: oh-noes! mosquito bit me face! T_T

One day a teacher had a taste test with her students. She picked a little boy to do the first test. She blindfolded him, put a Hershey kiss in his mouth and asked, "Do you know what it is?"
"No, I don't," said the little boy.
"OK, I'll give you a clue. It's the thing your daddy wants from your Mom before he goes to work."
Suddenly, a little girl at the back of the room yelled, "Spit it out! It's a piece of ass!"
So. On Dish Network, they have that International Music Channel I've heard so much about. Grr. Darn you, Directv. I want that channel. Then I won't have to watch that horrid network known as Fuse.
All emo music is starting to sound alike to me. Except for a few bands like Taking Back Sunday, HIM, AFI, Paramore, and Bright Eyes. Yayness for Jrock!
I saw this anime called 'Eiken' Monday night. The title sounded so familiar...I thought it was hentai. It kinda was. It had all the elements of a hentai...except actual sex.
All of the chicks were scantily-clad and most of them had HUGE boobs. No, seriously. There was a friggin' 6th grader chick with f-cups. Scary, man. SCARY.
I saw another anime but it's not very interesting and the plot is oh-so-familiar. The title of it is 10 Tokyo Warriors. I don't like it.
I wanna get a job at Google!
Yay! The Strangers With Candy movie will be in theatres this month! I love that show!
I guess I'll feature a jmusic band/artist next week. Either Tokyo Jihen (Shiina Ringo's band), Go!Go!7188, The Candy Spooky Theatre, tommy february6/tommy heavenly6, or Hoover's Oover. ^^;;
I actually understand the song hxmx crashtrap by Vidoll!!! Jui-san's not screaming 'YUKINE!!!' for no particular reason - the song's actually about Yukine, former guitarist in the band. They're making fun of him because of his last name - Homoda - which can mean 'it is homo'.
And that's just hilarious. Although I feel sorry for Yukine-san. But Jui-san did apologize, like, more than once.
I wonder if that's the reason why he left the band...
Nah. Couldn't be.
Well, it could've been part of the reason.
I miss Yukine-san and HIDE-san. T_T
oh, and loveLIESbleeding, about the joke i posted last time - the dude says he has to lay off either Jack or Debra. Here, lay is meant to mean 'to unemploy a worker for a short period of time'. But he actually told her 'i have to lay you or Jack off - restating it so that it sounds sexual - lay (which is used as another word for 'have sex with' here) Debra or jack off. ^^;;;
Hn. What a random, fangirl-ish post.
I'm off to check out some sites now. Later!