Tuesday :: 22.8.06 :: 0633 hours
current music: Blackout // Tokyo Jihen
current mood: angsty
you guys. her body was right in front of me. I half-expected her to all of a sudden sit up, laugh, and say 'ha ha i got y'all!' that would be so typical of her...
but she didn't.
and to make it worse, a lady who looked like her was there.
she was so young...her 18th birthday was next month and she just graduated.
she had a whole fucking life ahead of her.
she was so pretty, so kind. she didn't deserve to die.
Her wake was yesterday. omg...
Her funeral's today. but i'm not going.
>_> because it's during school and we have a stupid check-out policy.
I wish i had known her better.
The story of my icon:

I think I've told y'all this before when this happened - like last year.
Someone got in trouble for saying 'poofl'. So Kalinda made this stack of papers saying something along the lines of "what is poofl?' and handed 'em out to a bunch of folks. *shrugs* Nothing big. Just one of my memories of her.
And she was bi.
k. i'm done. *le sigh* cheer me up....please? <3
here's a pic from engrish:

*huggles for everyone*