Saturday :: 26.8.06 :: 1104 hours
current music: Oh Nein // Bushido
current mood: tired
haha. funniest thing ever: German gangsta rap.
i went to Kalinda's myspace today. It's sad, all the comments people are leaving her.
Heck yeah! The popularity ranking thing is down!
Popularity sucks.
The most amusing icon i've seen in awhile:
school's gradually getting worse. it's only my second week and i'm almost written up by my ancient but immature english teacher. god, i hate that lady. she's psycho and dumb. but i like her class.
still, I'm gonna try to get her pink-slipped.
Can TaNi do it?
Fuck, yeah, she can.
heh heh heh! >=D

A survey...because i haven't posted one on here in awhile. I think I stole this from Emily's myspace:
[Marital Status] Single
[Shoe size] 8 ½
[Parents still together] they never were
[Siblings] nope
[Pets] nope
[Color] sapphire, black, neon green
[Number] 2, 69 ^_~
[Animal] fox
[Drinks] Root Beer, Cream Soda, flavored water, Dr. Pepper.
[Soda] " "
[Book] Gravitation, The Da Vinci Code
[Flower] roses
[Color your hair?] nope
[Have tattoos?] sadly, no.
[Have Piercings?] 2 in each ear
[Cheat on tests/homework?] tee hee! -^^-
[Drink/Smoke?] nope
[Like roller coasters?] no. weak stomach >_>
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] anywhere but here
[Want more piercings?] yep. a lip piercing like MYV's
[Like cleaning?] nope
[Write in cursive or print?] both at once. ^^;; it's pretty, though...apparently.
[Own a web cam?] yep
[Know how to drive?] yep
[Own a cell phone?] yep
[Ever get off the computer?] sadly, yes XD
[Been in a fist fight?] not really
[Considered a life of crime?] yes! ^^
[Considered being a hooker?] XD
[Lied to someone?] of course.
[Been in love?] nope
[Made out with JUST a friend?] nope
[Been in lust?] oh, yah.
[Used someone] yes ^^;
[Been used?] yes. >_>
[Been cheated on?] nope
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] why yes! of course!
[Stolen anything?] yup (nothing big)
[Held a gun] nope
[Current clothing] jeans, shirt
[Current mood] melancholy
[Current taste] mac 'n' cheese
[What you currently smell like] cherry blossoms!
[Current hair] messy, wavy, dk. brown
[Current thing I ought to be doing] going to bed
[Current cd in stereo] AFI’s Decemberunderground <--TaNi hasn’t listened to that CD since 6/6/6.
[Last book you read] A Raisin in the Sun
[Last movie you saw] idk
[Last thing you ate] Mac 'n' Cheese
[Last person you talked to on the phone] Trisha?
[Do drugs?] nope
[Believe there is life on other planets?] sure, why not?
[Remember your first love?] define ‘first love’
[Still love him/her?] Answer the above question.
[Read the newspaper?] nope
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] of course, and i love 'em liek woah! <3
[Believe in miracles?] not really
[Do well in school?] sure
[Wear hats] yup...except in school >_>
[Hate yourself?] why would TaNi hate herself?
[Have an obsession?] Lots! There’s ‘tarou-kun, Vidoll’s music before Aug 2005, Gokusen, hide, yaoi, Japanese culture, ROY/ED, Noah’s Arc...*rambles on*
[Collect anything?] liek, everything...but not literally.
[Have a best friend?] no, more than one. lessee...there’s Emma and Malone and...and...shit. ^^;;
[Close friends?] define ‘close’.
[Like your handwriting?] sure. it’s all fancy-smancy. I wish it were a font... *le sigh*
[Care about looks] my looks? not really.
[First crush] this one kid named Michael.
[First kiss] that one guy. uhm. yeah. Heh!
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] no
[Do you believe in "the one?"] suuure
[Are you a tease?] perhaps
[Too shy to make the first move?] probably ^^;;
[Daydreamer] oh totally
[sarcastic] ah, duh XP
[Angel] sometimes. ^_^
[Devil] tee hee! -^^- I can’t help it!
[Shy] yesh >_> darn it.
[Talkative] nope
and a quote:
"During sex, my girlfriend always wants to talk to me. Just the other night she called me from a hotel."
~Rodney Dangerfield
I'm off to get ready for bed. Later, loves!