Thursday, 11 Jan. 07
0613 hours
current music: Nopti Fara de Somn // O-zone
current mood: uberly tired, as usual
Heeey! It's Thursday again!
That's crazy.
Not that I'm complaining or anything.
So how's life?
How's the weather?
How', college, and/or work?
I want this doujin:
The artwork is lovely.
[Yay, it's not yuri! Or yaoi...i think!]
So. I'm watching I Love New York now. Idk why.
She's insane. But amusing! In a not-so-great way. She's, like, a one-person freak show.
[Well, that was horribly said!]
I love Fallout Boy's new single. This ain't a scene, it's a goddamned arms race, or whatever.
the video's amusing. especially when pete[?] takes those nudie pic that gets circulated around the 'net.
[i saw those pix! O_o]
What if Kyo was the lead singer of Malice Mizer? O_o
[Eberrii time yu shabe your chin, mirrions of innocento chinpubez die!]
Fun quiz:

Ooh, you're a dark one. Sitting in the corner, singing to yourself, playing with matches and twitching. Most of the time you instinctively avoid company, and if you're forced into close proximity, things do not go well. You can probably stop stabbing that teddybear now. It's not going anywhere.
What's your malfunction?
& a [horrible] joke:
Matt's dad picked him up from school one afternoon. Knowing the parts for the school play were supposed to be posted today, he asked his son if he got a part.
Matt enthusiastically announced that he'd gotten a part. "I play a man who's been married for twenty years."
"That's great, son. Keep up the good work and before you know it they'll be giving you a speaking part."
Later, loves!
Have a nice day!