Birthday 1989-04-05 Gender
Male Location California Member Since 2004-10-04 Occupation student , brother, son, anime fan, friend, Christian Real Name Tony Antonio Nicholas Rojas
Achievements I have accepted Christ Anime Fan Since um...........i dont really remember? around Dragon Ball maybe Favorite Anime Love Hina, Full Metal Panic, Ranma 1/2, GTO, Inuyasha, Tuxedo Gin, Final Fantasy X, FF7 & FF8 , Kingdom Hearts, Dokuro chan, Fruits Basket, Tsubasa, Dead or Alive, and more! (I really enjoy comedy and romantic animes) Goals to find my 7 top anime fav. anime and more (some personal), oh! I wanna bring some more herbs to America in order to help people, wanna be a part of this? Hobbies ...collecting anime is 1, drawing, reading and more Talents helping, drawing, enjoying life, finding answers to life, and more!!! TANR7
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
My Feelings!!!
hm... girls... *sigh* lol! lets not talk about my feelings on girls right now. hehheh!
my mom and sis gave our cat, Baby Kiddy, some medicine to kill the fleas on our cat. but after they gave it to her, a few days later she started acting weird. so we took her to the veterinarian. they said that medicine has about a 3/4 chance of being fatal to your pet. so now she's at the vets. but shes doing fine. they said she doesn look as bad as some of the other pets brought in from that medicine. so they will have to help her drain out that stuff from her body, so she's staying over night.(Saturday to Sunday) im glad shes okay. but that medicine.... ahhhh! WHY WOULD THEY SELL THAT ITEM ON THE MARKET! I JUST WANNA GO DOWN TO THAT STORE AND BURN ALL THAT JUNK. argh!!!
Question 1: What should i do and whats your idea about this matter?
Anime now. LOVE HINA!!! the girls of Hinata girls dorm!!! Keitaro! Naru Motoko Shinobu Mitsune Kaolla Sarah Mutsumi & Tama-chan Kanako & her cat(forgot name?) Keitaro
The only boy living under the same roof as these girls. He thought it would be great, but he was wrong. It was beautiful!!! lol!
Question 2: Do u have any questions?
My Fears are sturring!
how do u get over your fears?
Its kinda hard for me. but im sure its hard for everyone whos afraid of something, huh? so yeah... some of u already know i sometimes get freaked out around girls. its kinda of a habit now. but im stronger against my fears then i was last school year. i ran away or casually walked away when a girl came near me around school time(at least most of the time) but i talk to girls now. but its kinda just hi's and bye's. but at least their my friends. so yeah! anyway. do u have any tips for me. i stayed after school with a friend and we talked about girls. um... but it was mostly about me. on howcome i get so afraid. he actually helped me. so here i am asking for advice from my other friends, who are mostly girls on Myotaku.(most of Myotaku is made up of girls i think) (im sure everyone has noticed that to)
What kind of advice can u give me? heh? if ya don want to answer that then u dont have to. its just some friendly advice.
Friday: on Friday i made a bet with RanmaVS that i would say hi to one of my friend girls who i haven talked to since December last year. .25 cents. not much. he owes me 1.75 from our last bet though. anyway. i um... stuttered when i came near her and i ended up not even saying hi on Friday. *sigh* oh yeah! she was suppose to say hi back to. heh! anyway! i hope u enjoyed this post. and before any of u ask! I AM NOT GAY! ahem! but i don dislike people who are of course. anyway! thats my fear talk of the day.
Antonio: If RanmaVS didn make that rule, i coulda said for you.
Antonio: what about u! im sure u fear something!
Antonio: tell us what u fear Nicholas.
Antonio: well. we are one in the same. so i guess we would all fear the same thing.
Antonio: are u?
Antonio: Im not sure. something about them just makes your heart beat faster. doesn it?
Tony: YEAH!!! it does!!!
Nicholas: argh! ....... *thinks*
Tony: *whispers* i think he has the same fear as us.
Antonio: i never said "I was afraid of girls"
Tony: .......
My site is still under construction. its changing little by little. see ya later! Comments (12) |
Monday, February 21, 2005
Final Fantasy Tifa Lockhart Yuna Rinoa Heartilly Aeris Yuffie Selphie Tilmitt Quistis Trepe Rikku Paine Lulu Lenne
Who(can be more than 1) would be considered your most favorite Final Fantasy girl out of all these pics?
My Answer" ... HOW CAN I CHOOSE! um... their all cool.
Tony: um... i think their all cool!
Antonio: is that an acceptable answer?
Nicholas: dont talk to me! YOU KNOW WHAT!!! dont even look at me!
Antonio: This kind of behavior will only lead to suffering.
Nicholas: SHUTUP!!!
Tony: ahem... u may answer this question in any way u feel is right. just be polite or someone may lose his temper...
Nicholas: ARE U TALKING ABOUT ME!!! come on and bring it!!!
Answers to Questions! and Questions to Answers!
My answers!!!
Ittoshi: um sure? but i don know exactly what that is! heh!
RanmaVS: ill give u money if u need it. u know that Wolf!
Takara Sohma: i wanna love God even more. and to find true love on this planet.
Rae-San: I don know my most fav. thing to do. sorry! i still wonder to.
Blue Hawk: sorry! i wanna marry a human. but i see... oh! i wasn suppose to answer that!
Panda: i don know what i wanna be when i grow up. i still ask myself that question!
Inuyasha311: i don have 1 ultimate fav anime. i have many. but my current most fav is the anime located in my intro.
Today! i went to an anime convention. i bought 2 wallscrolls, 2 soundtracks(FFX), 1 comic(Tuxedo Gin vol. 10) and then i went to Best Buy and bought Initial D 9 with a free vol. 1 comic of Initial D. um! Wolf! sorry! i didn see any of the stuff u asked me to look for. they didn have as much stuff as last year.
Question: how was your Valentines?
Question2: what is your idea of a perfect wife? (question for both guys and girls)
Question3: when someone says, will u be my Valentines, what does that mean?
my sites still under construction! heh! im still not sure what i should change. but im sure itll come to me sooner or later!
Inuyasha Full Metal Panic Love Hina
MY SITE IS CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION!!! im tryin to change the look! heh!
I need a subject for this post. hm....... uh... um... this is tough! um... oh! ask me a question! anything! i just don know what to type for this post! so ill just ask u! ask me a question please. heh heh! ill try and answer them on my next post. now ill go visit some people. see ya later.
Time of Silence...
friends have left. Motoko1 and Summoner Luna. i will miss u. i know others have gone too. except.. i cant seem to remember who the others were. its sad. sorry 4 makin u read this. its just sad. Farewell. and someday may our paths cross together once again.
yeah yeah yeah!
Im just gonna turn off my web 4 awhile. i wanna see how it works and stuff. so no big deal really. sorry if i made any of u worried. and because i made some of u worried im gonna tell ya 1 of my most embarassing moments right now. hm... u can laugh if u want! alota peole laughed but some thought i was lucky! haha!
1)when i went to Washington D.C. for a field trip with some of my other class mates. we went to a restaurant called Tolbi's. there were tables postioned in like a huge circle and in that circle it was like a stage. then while we were eating, the actors came out and performed a long skit 4 us. and then... during the skit, 1 of the actors came off the stage and sat on my lap(a girl actor)! i just sat there... stiff... uh it was scary, people laughed, hm... anyway! enough of that!
Question: um... can u tell me 1 of your most embarrassing moments? u don have to!
Not Leaving
howdy, this is Andrew, Tony's friend. he asked me to delete that last post since he can't get to a computer. he's not really leaving, he just wanted to see if all the stuff on his site would disappear if he turned off his account. well, he'll see you soon, so don't worry. haha Comments (4) |
Monday, January 31, 2005
I finished! mwahahahah!!!
i don really wanna turn this on right now.
I finished my finals! but 4 some reason the finals i thought would be hard were easiest. yup! my easy would be classes were hardest though! P.E. and Bible were hardest. Geometry wasn that hard! neither was Biology.
um! i got a hair cut. but i dont really like it. i like nearly balding my head and then growing it out up to my eyes. hahaha! i think my hair grows fast.
um! i survived that chain letter to. didn send it but i got another 1. its a good 1 though!
um! what else happened. im gonna go visit people now. oh! my guestbook sigs keep decreasin!!! and some i dont even remember! i cant keep up with everyone!!! ohhhhh! who left now! um! MasterKyo. ill miss ya! i know he left. he was a good friend to... bye...*sniff* im not cryin! im just sad!
Question! how were your finals and oh yeah! i was playin a game in class with some friends! called the Ungame. they ask u a whole buncha questions. heres another question 4 u!
What is to u your perfect husband! lol! i picked this 1 out of the box and answered it! sooo! if your a guy u can answer it to. im not kidding either! my answer was... i cant remeber but my teacher said i shoulda said "me" but i cant remeber what i said. and to just let ya know. i like girls so don get the wrong idea! Comments (9) |