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student , brother, son, anime fan, friend, Christian
Real Name
Tony Antonio Nicholas Rojas
I have accepted Christ
Anime Fan Since
um...........i dont really remember? around Dragon Ball maybe
Favorite Anime
Love Hina, Full Metal Panic, Ranma 1/2, GTO, Inuyasha, Tuxedo Gin, Final Fantasy X, FF7 & FF8 , Kingdom Hearts, Dokuro chan, Fruits Basket, Tsubasa, Dead or Alive, and more! (I really enjoy comedy and romantic animes)
to find my 7 top anime fav. anime and more (some personal), oh! I wanna bring some more herbs to America in order to help people, wanna be a part of this?
...collecting anime is 1, drawing, reading and more
helping, drawing, enjoying life, finding answers to life, and more!!!
Sunday, September 4, 2005
schools here!!!
well.... oh! today i lost my wallet and uh.... couldn find it. for awhile at least. i found it later at night in the freezer.

uh.... im goin to a friends house tomorrow. and uh... oh1 my hair grew. my bangs go pass my eyes now, well almost. and if i grow my hair to a certain point on my cheek, my sis will give me $10. so its cool. gives me a small reason to grow my hair out.

uh... i got speech and Debate. i didn choose that class for school. sometimes, when i get nervous around people, i start talkin really fast. and sooner or later ill be readin in front of people in the class. hm... well, maybe itll help me with my future career?

um.... hm... oh! there was an anime group at school. very few people were a part of that group. i was one of them in 8th grade. out of 11, only 2 of us remain here in the high school. there were 3 but another left this week. now 2, such a smallk group now, but we see each other, sometimes... like i invited the group to my party, but one was unable to make it. hm.. the last time we were all together was after 8th graduation and at the restaurant where we celebrated. it was fun though. we are still friends at least!!!

hm....oh! girls are still strange to me in some ways. for instance, me and my friend went to another friends school, and.... nevermind. heh! girls are cool! their a mystery to me in many ways but still, girls are girls, people, and thats what counts. i just act different sometimes around them, i get all nervous alot. hm... perhaps thats just normal for me. well, see ya around. ill be sure to visit!!!
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