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Lost in a dark and very expensive forest.
Member Since
being able to "speak" a dead language (latin). going to...(insert dramatic music) JAPAN!!!! YAY!!! *hops in circles*
Anime Fan Since
I was too young to remember...
Favorite Anime
Hmm. Well, I love Meteor Methuselah, Naruto, Bleach, Wolf's Rain, Cowboy Bebop, Pet shop of Horrors, Mari-Mite, XXX-Holic, Tsubasa, and lots more, but i'm too lazy to put them all here.
to live in Japan,to speak Japanese fluently and to make my own anime/manga!
watching anime, drawing anime, staring into candles, scaring little children, ect...
...being able to stare into space (or candles) for a long period of time, scaring my own family,scaring my friends...
| Tanuki Bandit
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Monday, April 9, 2007
Forgive me, but I must rant. C=
I am tired of waking up and finding my limbs numb and the house at 50 degrees! *rant rant fume*
Sorry, but usually it's warmer outside than in the house during the winter, and hotter inside when it's summer!
And yesterday... I spend the entire day mediating between my aunt and my dad's girlfriend. x__x It was starting to seem like total war, then somehow it switched into full-scale therapy. My aunt even said "And how does this make you feel?"
I nearly burst out laughing. >.> But anywhos.
Bad weekend overall, I guess. *sigh*
Anywhos... One piece of good... er two pieces of good news!
Got one.... er I guess it would be two halfs, considering I still have two chibis to draw for a card... of a b-day picture done! Ironically, it's the one I have to finish last. >__> But I digress.
Second news. The awesome artist on DA I'm commissioning for a piccy for someone noted me back! *resists urge to say finally* So yeah. Yey.
Oh, nearly forgot. I've been drafted into making a layout for this game , complete with banner and all. .___.; That's going to take a while. Jordan, I need your help judging my ideas! *prods*
Hope you all are doing better than I am.
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Saturday, April 7, 2007
Uh... Happy Easterage.
For those of you that celebrate it.
Personally.... I avoid holidays. xD But eh.
*tosses chocolate eggs at random people* I did make a cake for it, at the urging of my father though. *grumbles*
I swear... He's more feminine than I am. >_>
Anywhos, there's not much to say, I guess.
I've been fighting with people over the last few days...
Dad over stupid stuff and people online over pointless accusations. *nodnod*
It's not really been much fun, but eh. My feet hurt, my hands are numb, I've had a migraine for two days, my online crush thinks I'm mad at her.... @___@ Not very happy fun times. But eh, that's life.
I've also gotten in a Negima mood... Found some adorable chibis:

Ain't they cute? =3
Anywhos, I might actually start catching up on Negima. I haven't read it in a while... Or watched it... How many anime have they tried to make so far? >.>;
Anywhos, back to cleaning. Gotta wash my car and then finish with the stupid cake. x.x
Hope you all are doing well.
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Tuesday, April 3, 2007
One down... Three to go.
One piccy down.... Pre-Calc teacher gets a chibi-vector-orca thingy. ^^
Next... *rolls up sleeves* I'm gonna work on Catherine's NaruHina comic thingy.
I swear I'm trying to check sites more often. x.x
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Monday, April 2, 2007
Yeah.... Busy few days. Jory-chan's been staying over 'cause her parents ditched her and went with her brother for spring break or something like that. ^^;
Anywhos, I've been working on a lot of b-day pictures. @.@ Three to do... One for my teacher, one for a classmate, and one for my online crush. I've got my teacher's planned out, classmate's sketched and working on inking it, and my crush... Well I've kinda thought it out. xD Her favorite anime character is Lucy from Elfen Lied... I was thinking about a chibi-Lucy. (Yes I said her. =P Got a problem with that, then go somewhere else.)
Anywhos, other news. I've been wasting time on Naruto-Arena, and put my stats up in my profile. =3
Oh, and I've been hanging out on a Bleach RP forum... Link also in my profile.
Another online buddy of mine got a tablet... We've been doodling at each other via MSN.
Alrighty... Well I'm off to work on pictures.
Hope you guys are doing well.
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Monday, March 26, 2007
300. =3
What a rabu rabu movie.
Violence = awesome, of course.
And Jory-chan liked the sex scenes 'cause she's a perv on the inside. xD
Ahahahahhahdon't kill me. *hides*
But yeah... Went to see it with Jory-chan! Which was awesome, 'cause we got to go to Borders and I got to glance at manga too! xD
I started reading the manga version of ROD TV... It's called Read Or Dream or something?
It's awesome. xD
Maggie quickly became my favorite character.
Now I've gotta start actually watching the anime though...
Ah well.
Back to being random and making more sigs.
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Saturday, March 24, 2007
Guess who now ish mobile?
Watch out roads, I've got a car!
Anywhos, yesh. I've gots a car now. Which is awesome, 'cause I'm tired of waiting for a ride all the time.
So yeah! Jory-chan, I'm gonna drive over Monday and annoy you. xD Whether you like it or not. >=3
Once you're not baby-sitting call meh so I can decide what anime to bring. xD
And yeah.... Not much else is new. =3 I'm in a great mood 'cause I'm chatting with my internet love, so yeah. Hope you all are as awesome as I am.
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Friday, March 23, 2007
I'm still alive... Barely.
I hate being sick. T__T All the sneezing... Coughing.... Fevers... really, it sucks.
Not to mention the random bruise that showed up on my hand that I can't explain and the random dizzyness and falling into doors and YEAHSOIMIGHTBEMENTALLYHYPERSHUTUP.
*is bricked*
It's funny how one email can change your mood entirely...
Which brings me to something random....
I've fallen into a trap of my own making...
I've done the one thing I've always sworn I wouldn't....
I've got a giant fangirlish crush on someone across the internet. *is shot*
>_> Before you say anything, Jory-chan, no you wouldn't know who this is. xD
*sighs* I was doing so well... Over my old crush and avoiding new ones... I suppose it would be too predictable for someone who laughs at internet relationships to fall head over heels into one. Ahahah...hah.... waaaaaaaaah. *gloom*
So... Yeah. This hasn't exactly led me to the best opportunity for artish things... Though I have been writing a lot of random crap that shouldn't be shown the light of day.
I'm working on character design.... I wanna focus on Kael and Linrei at the moment... But that's partly 'cause I love Linrei's character. xD And name. Got a buddy to help with the name.
So. Hope you all are doing well and fun and yeah. C=
Rabu rabu to you all~ *of course not sucking up due to lack of comments, no >.>;;;;*
~The Tanuki Bandit
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Monday, March 12, 2007
...Uggeh uggeh.
I dun wanna go back to school.... Some beat me over the head so I can go back to sleep. ~__~
Stupid time change... I wanna sleep for another hour...
*whine whine rant complain*
Yeah... And aside from sleeping my break wasn't too much fun. Had a train wreck of a piano rehersal.... That wasn't fun at all... *cries*
But yeah... Doodled a few things... I probably won't post much until I finish Lu-chan's request... (from theninja-rpg)
Lesse.... Interesting things to say... *ponder ponder*
Ah, I've been spending a lot of time gaming... Yes I'm a dork. >___> And this question came up...
I watch all these "married" people on this game I play... And I wonder: Is it actually possible to fall in love online? I mean... I've certainly heard of people who meet through online games... It's a weird idea though... 'Cause even though you don't judge people (I know my horrible looks wouldn't get in the way. XD) how can you be sure you're talking to the person they say they are? Hmm... Anywhos, random thing I thought of the other day. XD
The latest chappy of Naruto! Go Sasuke. x___x Though... If Pedomaru really took over Sasuke... That makes me want to cry. >__>
My thought is he did... But Naruto will show up and go all nine-tailed and get him back and the SasuNaru fans will spaz and the rest of us will die a little inside.
Alrighty... Gotta go to class. x.x Oh joy..... *grumbles*
~Tanuki Bandit
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Monday, March 5, 2007
zomfgasdfghjjkl; sleep. o.o
I like breaks... Sleep is nice... Even though I actually haven't had much...
But still.
Snuck into Spamalot yesterday. ^___^
Well... Not really snuck... But bought tickets on the sly and got yelled at by the cop. XD
Anywhos... It was worth it. I love Monty Python... I was singing along with half the songs. XD I think I pissed off the people next to me.
But ah well. I love The Song That Goes Like This! And of course, Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life. Genius... Pure genius.
Anywhos... I've got so much to do and no motivation to do it. >_>'
I guess I'll just hang around and be bored...
Whooooo for procrastination!
~The Tanuki Bandit
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Friday, March 2, 2007
Uh... I guess I should update...
Erm.... *ponder ponder* Nothing really big to say though.
Still sick... Fighting back the urge to pass out as I sit here in the compy lab. @___@
But! Doodle-fest over spring break. I swear... I have so many random ideas... Maybe I'll actually get some out on paper like that Gaara doujin I was chatting about with Jory-chan... Ah, that reminds me.
Jory-chan, you're gonna have to post about Paris sometime. XD
And I know you probably won't read this until you get back... And even then I know you probably won't read this. XD But I'm rambling to you anyways! Muahahah! Fear teh ADD.
~The Tanuki Bandit
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