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Lost in a dark and very expensive forest.
Member Since
being able to "speak" a dead language (latin). going to...(insert dramatic music) JAPAN!!!! YAY!!! *hops in circles*
Anime Fan Since
I was too young to remember...
Favorite Anime
Hmm. Well, I love Meteor Methuselah, Naruto, Bleach, Wolf's Rain, Cowboy Bebop, Pet shop of Horrors, Mari-Mite, XXX-Holic, Tsubasa, and lots more, but i'm too lazy to put them all here.
to live in Japan,to speak Japanese fluently and to make my own anime/manga!
watching anime, drawing anime, staring into candles, scaring little children, ect...
...being able to stare into space (or candles) for a long period of time, scaring my own family,scaring my friends...
| Tanuki Bandit
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Friday, May 12, 2006
Copied from DA, 'cause I'm lazy, depressed, and have a comic to work on.
*deep breath*
Ok, sorry. I downloaded the 306th chapter of Naruto....and....and....SASUKE-CHAN!!! (<- I litterally did what this emoticon is doing.)
And there was that adorable naruto pic on the cover thingy-ma-bob...but Sasuke is the most important for this journal. that a sword on his back!?? please let it be a sword or something cool.....I'm glad he doesn't look like Orochimaru though. with the bow.....and the weirdness.... could you imagine him with purple marks on his eyes!? but thank god he's still awesome. *sighs of relief*
uwahh....what will happen!?!?!?! *fangirl squeal*
I wanna see what his reaction with Naruto will be....... *obsesses*
of course, I've already got an idea (which will be uploaded soon as a comic, but it may take a while 'cause I want to color it) but...but...*obsesses some more*
...*calms down*
so...I was sitting in the compy lab and reading journals and one mentioned Chapter 306 (and how sasuke looks chubby XD) and then was talking with catherine and jordan and eventually got to reading the naruto chapters (i told catherine it was out) and scared the other kids by spazzing in the library. XD they thought sasuke looked chubby too! catherine inspired the comic thing (chubby-boy!)that I worked on while waiting for my band concert, which went pretty well. my solo was pretty good...for improv. i HATE improv!!! its hard...but I'm having major issues with whether to take band next year or not. its either continue doing arty/music stuff like I love (aka: taking band, going to china, having fun, working on music/animation) or doing what I need for college and stuff. *sighs* grr.....evil band....I wanna stay...but...but....*torn* but oh well. I'll think about it later and doodle some chibis to keep me happy.
*long pause here*
ok. my great mood/outlook on life was just crushed.
my dad came in and basically just said "screw art. do something meaningful with your life."
excuse me while I get all emo.
*sigh* i dunno. i don't even feel like drawing anymore. heh...maybe my obsession with anime really is fucking up my life. huzzah.
My dad really has perfect timing; lately I've been thinking about what worth any of what I've been doing actually has. damn, now I'm getting all suicidal again. XD I should use myself as a research subject for my science project.
who knows? maybe this huge bout with depression will inspire me like it did last year. *shrug* 'course, that was only after I walked down to the Chattahoochee and considered throwing myself in. XD
sorry for the depressed-ness. I don't mean to bore everyone.
well, back to math homework! oh joy.
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Thursday, May 11, 2006
and now for the not so happy-rant.
Don't worry, it won't be as long. I just need to vent about how much my father gets on my nerves. Even the 15 minute ride to school is almost unbearable. *rants* Ok, one good thing:
I watched the first episode of tsubasa res...resiv......whatever chronicles on Youtube! Awesomness...... and I WOULD have had the 2nd and 3rd up on my computer to watch at lunch today, but nooo. my dad had to come in and restart my computer to get the internet without asking me. *rants* it also erased a bunch of my school notes. I'm going to go shoot him now.
Ok, I need to calm down some. off too the MMORPGs! and then to class!
grr....its early.
*wanders off*
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Wednesday, May 10, 2006
I apologize in advance for the length of this post
FIRST OF ALL: I want to thank everyone for all of the comments. seeing the little 5 there when i usually have 1 or 0 makes my day, seriously. i know, I have no life. BUT. thank you anyway.
and now, copied from DA, is my extremely long happy-rant. Oh, and the words inside the ::'s are emoticons on DA, and I'm too lazy to change them. so. just imagine little smilies doing whatever the word says. Ok, on to the post!
I just had probably one of the best days ever. At least by my standards.
Ok, I'll start at the beginning. Got up early, radio was playing Dance Dance, so I was happy. After getting ready for school, i was checking messages/email/DA/myotaku and started randomly surfing for AMV's 'cause my dad was slow getting ready for work. SO. I randomly came across the site where that one that I loved the song too (check two roads if you don't know what I mean) and now have it saved on my computer!!!! so I can listen to both versions!!!! the one on the AMV and the one :devsysalem: found for me!
I also found some other amv's that I have on my compy. the music isn't my favorite, but the video works well with it and it fits the character. so. *shrugs*
so. off to school i go! *insert happy traveling music*
happy things happened at school:
1. I got an excuse to skip class and see a Collective Soul concert in the theater of my school.
2. :devgunshotkitty: (<- this is catherine) came back to school (even though I only saw her for a few minutes 'cause I had to go back to the Collective Soul thingy) get better soon ca-chan!
3. I got out of taking my superhard latin test.
4. I got an excuse to skip class and see a Collective Soul concert in the theater of my school!!!!!!
It was so much fun!!!! also, my science teacher (which is what I had first today) had to play in the "jug band" (which is our school's....strange.....thing......that....scares me) so he didn't show up for 30 minutes. so....I sat next to a friend of mine who was reading Loveless and doodled a chibi pic of .....damn it....what's the main character's name? Ritsuka? why can't I remember!? *beats self* for a few minutes, then went to the library when the teacher showed up and researched suicide (aka: went on myotaku and randomly checked stuff) for 10 minutes (but I did notice that a lot of the warning signs for someone about to commit suicide apply to me.....thats....really weird ^^; ) till I had to leave for the band/strings/chorus/steel drum band event that at that time, i didn't know about. so....played keyboard a bit as random people came in, then as we were walking into the theater I died a little inside (I saw the band teacher's name for the steel drum band..... "smarty pans"...please shoot me now) but saw "Closing performance by Collective Soul" on the bottem and got really really really happy.
so....the presentation thingy started with the people from the orginization (whoever set it up, the name is out of my mind right now) were talking then introduced the person who would be the moderator for the question/answer thing for Collective Soul (one of the people from 99X. again, her name is out of my mind), so we spent an hour or so talking with Collective Soul and their manager/lawyer/other peoples (i swear I can't think/type anymore) and then someone from my school got up and asked a question about merchandise 'cause she's in a band. thing led to another and soon everyone on the stage was trying to get her to sing into the microphone they had for questions. which....she did. while extremely embarresed. and then, a bunch of people from the other school ran up and we had about 6 people get up and sing a bunch of stuff, while the other schools got really into it. so...we got let out for lunch! which was pizza. and I saw ca-chan, talked with random people, wandered off to run "errands" with jordan, and got really jealous 'cause a few other members of the school band went backstage and talked to random people in Collective Soul about global politics and stuff. and got them to sign stuff....which I completely forgot about. but oh well.
So, after lunch we went back and Collective Soul played three songs for us! the last one was really fun. the other schools were singing along (damn...galloway kids have no spirit at all) and all of a sudden jordan (inuchanfan) got up and started dancing. they got a few other kids to do it and eventually a whole crowd of people (not galloway kids, of course....*sighs*) were dancing in the theater.
so. that was really really fun. and then we spend our last class (I only had one class today! huzzahness) throwing those popper things at the wall. well, it all started when one of my classmates threw one at the wall right above the teacher, and then admited that he did it. so, she (the teacher) sent him out into the hall, then came inside again and dug around in her desk to find a box of those popper things that she took from a student a year ago. she handed them out to the class and told the class to all throw them at the wall on her signal (of course, we all wanted to throw them at the student in question, but she wouldn't let us). of course, it was completely obvious and didn't faze him at all, but it was amusing. and then, while we all were working on our papers, she spent her time throwing popper things at the window near her desk. so. didn't do anything during that class.
WAIT!!!! I just got an email!!! my latin teacher's out of town 'till next week....meaning that I don't have to take my test for a week!!!! :dance:
haha!!!! yay....I am so happy...but I have so much work to do....and I really just want to thats what i'm going to do for a bit.
:glomp: 's to all of you!!! 'cause I'm relatively happy!!!!
whooo....long rant. sorry. *bows*
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Monday, May 8, 2006
my mowph ith nub (my mouth is numb)
huzzahness. the dentistry trauma is finally over! but my mouth hurts again. damn. oh well. at least they didn't make us pay $500 'cause they screwed up. *sighs* dad screamed at the dentist via email. anywho. on to better things!
school felt empty today........the people I normally hang out with weren't there (jordan = inuchanfan, catherine, the rest of the golf team....) It was sad......come back soon! *cries* BUT! good news!
SySalem found that song for me! (M by Ayumi Hamasaki) so. I've been listening to that pretty much nonstop during class. oh, that and My Pace (the bleach of the openings, i think) and I really like it. Its so weird...but I like it. Now if I could only find the one that Hitsugaya sings....I heard it on youtube...and thought it was halarious. *thinks* but oh well. I've been really really really unable to foc...
what? oh yeah. I've been unable to focus on anything for longer than....about 6.97 minutes. *sighs* so. all of my drawings are doodles that turn into nothing. I began working on Ichi (a character of mine) but he's half can't draw robots. *sighs* Its a learning experience!!!! *sighs again* But...yeah.
damn. the shot is wearing off and my mouth is beginning to hurt. well, i'm off to dinner now. *wanders off*
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Sunday, May 7, 2006
change of theme!
*nods* Yeah, I decided to change my background.
Hitsugaya!!!! Yay. one of my favorite charcters in bleach.
*blink* so anywho, its 6:30 in the morning and I can't sleep. which means, wasting time on the internet, of course! *happy* so.....yeah. i'm working on a bunch of pics......but since I don't have my tablet I can't work on yours jordan (sorry!!!)
so...yeah....I'm bored now. Back to Youtube! *wanders off*
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Saturday, May 6, 2006
I'm sleepy. But! news! My dad finally got high-speed. meaning! i can download anime at both houses now! *dances in circles*
but anywho. *still happy*
I've been doodling up a storm lately.
I swear! my next fanart will be a Sei/Shiori picture! *obsesses* I don't know why I'm so obsessed with Mari-Mite lately. *sighs* I've been meaning to draw those two for a while though. Its just...when I saw the episode of their past I got depressed and stopped drawing them. *sighs* 'course, it is better than the suicide story. *nods*
alright, I know I need to shut up now.
but! one last thing before I go. I've put the video i've been obsessing over up in my profile, but unless you either like shoujo-ai or know about Mari-Mite, I wouldn't advise watching it. but the song is really really pretty. Does anyone know where I can download it?
I think its...uh.... "M" by Ayumi Hamasaki.
well, i'm off to wander through youtube now. *keeps getting drawn back to the mari-mite amvs* curse you! *shakes fist*
~tanuki bandit
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Friday, May 5, 2006
I've been browsing Youtube...and ran across a really sad Sei/Shiori Mari-mite one. *sniff* Its...its....just....warg. *sniffs again* I really like Rosa Gigantea.....and that episode made me really really really depressed. wah. pretty japanese song though.
*tries to feel better*
so. put up another pic. mwarg! can't stay away!!! *watches the video again*
I'm sorry. I'll shut up. *cries*
EDIT: Found one that makes me happy again! yay. *dances in circles singing that random song that I recognize from Shrek...but don't know what its called*
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Thursday, May 4, 2006
wah. long day.
So......yeah. weird day. in chem we picked out assignments for our next project. I got suicide. Oh joy. *sighs* I mean, I've done enough research on suicide without having to do a 10 minute presentation! grr. anywho. we got to watch Home Movies during English with the sad excuse that they made a rock opera about the metamorphosis. *grins* so....I've been doodling expressions and such for Yukiko (one of the character's whose story I'm obsessing over lately) and trying to put together a character profile. Its working ok so far....but I know I'll get completely distracted and end up doing something else. so yeah........*shrugs again* I dunno. can't think of anything to say and I'm sleepy and dizzy. So...I'm gonna go to bed now. D8 its 5. *faints*
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Wednesday, May 3, 2006
i'm bored
Well, I'm really bored. *sighs* I really want to write....but I'm kinda stuck. out of adjectives. *sighs again*
anywho, if anyone has any random words to include, comment so I can be inspired! *grins* I think it'd be fun to include random words that people suggest. well, I'm off to stare at the adorableness that is my compy background (see previous post)
*wanders off*
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Tuesday, May 2, 2006
uh....title. o_o
Mwerg. So. no school....just 'cause I'm sick. *sighs* but anywho. i'm watching Robot Chicken (awesome show. *nods*) and writing up a storm.
Whoo. lots of pages. If Word didn't die I could say how many, but I've been cursed to using Notepad or pay $150. *chucks random passerby at computer*
So. *sighs* back to writing. Oh, its about my two characters, Hikaru and Yukiko. *grins* I don't want to explain everything, 'cause I'm tired...and I want to write.....and my foot hurts....woah. thats weird. *becoming delusional* So. *thinks* I miss my friends. *wanders off*
oh, I'm working on a few
Wishing I was good enough to take requests. Well, I'll take them....just no one gives them. even though I've got 2 pics to finish already. *sighs*
curse you procrastination! *wanders off again*
Ah! Forgot! I found this adorable chibi picture for my compy desktop background. *dies of chibiness* can't remember where I got it....*sighs* oh well. here's the pic:

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