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myOtaku.com: Tanuki Bandit

Tuesday, May 2, 2006

   uh....title. o_o
Mwerg. So. no school....just 'cause I'm sick. *sighs* but anywho. i'm watching Robot Chicken (awesome show. *nods*) and writing up a storm.
Whoo. lots of pages. If Word didn't die I could say how many, but I've been cursed to using Notepad or pay $150. *chucks random passerby at computer*

So. *sighs* back to writing. Oh, its about my two characters, Hikaru and Yukiko. *grins* I don't want to explain everything, 'cause I'm tired...and I want to write.....and my foot hurts....woah. thats weird. *becoming delusional* So. *thinks* I miss my friends. *wanders off*
oh, I'm working on a few drawings....so.....
Wishing I was good enough to take requests. Well, I'll take them....just no one gives them. even though I've got 2 pics to finish already. *sighs*
curse you procrastination! *wanders off again*

Ah! Forgot! I found this adorable chibi picture for my compy desktop background. *dies of chibiness* can't remember where I got it....*sighs* oh well. here's the pic:

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