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myOtaku.com: Tao Ren-kun

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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wolf of sorrow (12/19/07)

Lol, love the icon! See ur a big fan of Shaman King! That was one of my favorite shows! I love Zek the most! He was so evil in a cute way! Lol. well cya round!

LGA775 (12/09/07)

Hey you nice site..I love the whole purple look of it....And wow you sure love Naruto..Cool me too..So thats why i must add you..Nice cosplay photo's by the way..


XxDirEnGreyxX666 (12/03/07)

Yo! I am just a very randome person comeing by to sign guesbooks and look at cool sites like yours! I really like it! ^.^ Well ttyl!

bye bye!


If you add me I'll add you! ^.^

Uchiha FC (11/20/07)

Hello thank you for joining the Uchiha FC I am sorry if I could not get to you last time you signed. But I am here to tell you that you are in and you are welcoem to add our banner to your site. Again thank you for joining our FC.

Uchiha Elite Madara:

Animaniac6131 (11/18/07)

hiya! im trying to get 15 people to come sign my guest book! and you are lucky you're number 1!
Tao Ren-kun
isnt Tao from Shaman King?
anyway today is my 15th birthday!

im adding you and pm any time!

caosgoth (08/03/07)

hi there! ^-^ um thanx for signing my GB and cool that you joined the club, YEAH! ok! nice site i guess and well... take care! ^-^ and cool drawings btw

Akatsuki Elite Member: Ichati

Itakunkat47 (07/21/07)

Hey i posted you as one of my friends cuz I love your site, and it'd be nice if you could visit my site, comment my posts and sign my guestbook

Manga girl 1003 (06/20/07)

Hay I like your site^^ YAY someone else that loves Shaman King!!!!!! Not many ppl do
c ya

water fox (05/14/07)

I just saw ur avvie and it led me to ur site. I love Duo hes my absolutle all time favorite anime character XD
Well nice sight, see you around.^^

Haku... (05/10/07)

hey i knew it was a matter of time b4 u said my gb...n e ways..wat parade? we have a parade? i never new...well ill add ya ok? and nice site me like.

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