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myOtaku.com: Tao Ren-kun

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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yuko711 (10/19/06)

im sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo interested in joining the kyou fanclub cuz i LOVE Kyou Kun!!!!!!well adding u hope u do the same!^_^

Kogasgirl4ever (10/18/06)

Cool site. I like it a lot!! ^^ InuYasha was one of my first anime that I watched so thats cool. I dont know why its cool but it is!!well swing by my site sometime and sign my gb if you have the chance!! Bye Bye *waves*

kikyou1994 (10/17/06)

luv ursite adding u as a friend hope u do the same^__^

Momigi-kun (07/09/06)

allo! ^w^ i am momiji! call me that, or kk. i is gonna add u as friend cuz u is kewl, i like your site, and it's interestin to have 1 more person who's ren's fan be my friend. (mouthful! @.@) anyway, i hope u add me as a friend too, and if u wanna talk to master ren, ask while he still lives in my head.....along with spi and 10 others. (i schitsofrenic!) and...well, yeah. donno what else to say.
so, sabaku no gaara, master ren, and rndmness rule!

cheriblossom (07/07/06)

hi nice site, i noticed u like naruto too! come visit some time ja ne!

[-- cheriblossom

inuyasha65 (06/12/06)


Elricgirl65 (06/12/06)

like the site, but are you going to add color? well keep up the good work and if you get the time visit site and check it out.

Cardcaptorakane (05/15/06)

Hey! Awsome site! Thanks for commenting my art work! I really appreciate it! ^-^ Well check my site out too if you get the chance!


usssop (05/04/06)

I like ur site
what's ur favorite manga?
please sign my gb in return


mamma DX (04/26/06)

thanks for commenting on the pic.
I started watching the anime to learn of his freakyness. I like tha avatar! nice! Well, I'm gonna add you because of your kindness and such. Feel free to stop by my site and sign my GB.
~mamma DX

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