Kegome95 (05/22/06)
I was just stopping by random sites and I got to yours. Anyways, I really like the backround! It is so pretty. I am sure you got a real taste in designing. Anyways to get to know the people of the MyO a little more, What kind of anime do you like?
Reply and keep in touch.
EdwardElricThe2nd (05/16/06)
Nihao! Like the site. Coolio colors and what not. Nice. Well anywho, would you liketh to meh friend for eternity until the moon crashes down on Hawaii? n_n I thought so. Do you wanna be meh friend??? Drop by meh site sometime. I'm not one of those stupid ppl that demand to be visited everyday, but just like once a year would be nice. lol n_n.Well I do hope to hear from you sometime! Tootles! CULATER!
Idiots do cool things.
That's why it's cool.
"They say that catching a mere rabbit takes every bit of a lion's strength..."- Edward Elric
"There will be an extremely bright red sunrise in the next two or three days. That will signal the end of this planet. There will be a major earthqueake after that, so be careful. When the earthquake is over, there will be a brief pause, and then the end will come. I'm sorry, but it will be an excrutiatingly painful end."-Chise
"When the end of the world comes, promise that we'll be together?"-Chise
† ‡ †
Ðå Fullmetal €heerîo King knowz bestiestz. dð watz rite & don't do da drugž! ¤.¤ thanxiež! n_n
- ¥our friend Édwª®dŒl®Ì¢Thè²nd ♣♠♣♠
we mourn the day ed travels to visit dracula...T^T
Greenday2747 (05/04/06)
hey awesome site!your backround looks great!well i`ll see ya around.take care.
Xiyouji (04/11/06)
Nice site... It reflects what's in your soul... ^^;
bigman318 (03/14/06)
Hey Taren!!! Whats up, its me shine-tus-hiko!! But you know me as Kaze, I like your site its cool. Im adding you as a friend! So stop by my site and do the same!!
Leo Yusuke (12/23/05)
Hello Taren! or should I say Danielle. Hah what do you say to that!
oh well c ya at school (after the great and mighty break that is)
Jinku the Kitsune (12/20/05)
Hey it's Jinku. Shinjite's friend. I just thought I should get to know everybody in the story. ^__^ So here I am! Hehehe. I'll add ya as a friend, k? Bis bald!
swayywa (12/15/05)
hiyaz!ur site's cooladicious,ill add ya k?k!lol i lurve da pics!they awesomelacious!^^cyaz l8rzishness!
SteveThePimp (12/14/05)
i hope theres enough room for u in my pants lol but seriously
Alienthug (12/13/05)
Hello Rhymes with Jello!
I like ur site and the bg is awesome!
I'm gonna add u as a friend,hope u do the same.