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Birthday 1992-02-24 Gender
Female Location the planet Earth... most of the time. Member Since 2007-04-16 Occupation student Real Name Leann
Achievements I've come up with a lot of OC's and stories/fanfic's (but sadly have not written them down), I've aquired the archer rank in archery. I won a spelling bee (in 3rd grade). and yeah. Anime Fan Since I don;t really know. Does Speed Racer and Thunder Cats count as anime? I know for sure I loved Sailor Moon! Still do, just not as much... Favorite Anime ...NARUTO!! But it should be called Gaara, cause he's my hero!! Goals It's too cheesy and cliche, so yeah. Hobbies Anime/Manga obsessing, music, reading, hanging with friends, and IDK. Talents I have good tastes in style? does that count? I'm a good hockey player. Tarumiya
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
I'll be gone all weekend! I;m going to the coast, so I won't be posting for a little, so here's a little gift! Naruto Shippuden 11 w/ subs! Enjoy!
I feel better!
I've been kind of moppy lately, gomen, but for some odd random reason i feel better!! Idk why, but just am! ^_^ Here's a really good Naruto Idol AMV, one of the better ones, and the songs actually match... well most of them. heehee!!
my screwed up mind...
I feel screwed up today. I feel like I'm on the edge of crying, laughing, screaming, passing out, throwing up, or being creative... It's messed up, but idk..
I feel like crying cause I'm tired and sad that the school year is almost over and so my Freshman year is already gone and that's another year less with my friends and..*starts crying now -really-*
I feel like laughing because I always laugh, about everything even if it's stupid. I make things into jokes because I don't know what else to do about it or how to address it.
I feel like screaming because all of this is making me go crazy and I feel like i'm having a melt down and I just need to scream. Maybe it'll get someone to care.
I feel like passing out because I'm so tired and I have too many things or not enough things on my mind and I don't get it.
I feel like throwing up because all this nonsense and crazy emotions are making me sick.
And I feel like trying to be creative, starting some kind of project just to get my mind off this and have it work on something else.
idk, I just feel messed up today. Sorry that you had to listen/read my ranting and stuff, just writing my thoughts... Comments (0) |
Hokage death AMV
Yeah yeah, I know you're thinking it's just another overly used/made AMV's that's getting boring, but this one is AWESOME!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the music on this. The person used the song Crawling, but he layered and edited it to make it sound AMAZING! I love it!