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Finished entire Trigun and Wolf's Rain series
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Wednesday, August 17, 2005
School begins soon...
Another day, another fritz... This is really starting to piss me off... Sometimes I can come onto this site, sometimes I can't. So that means that until school starts, (which is in about 4 days exactly) I can't post everyday... But oh well, I guess that I can live with it until we get this machine fixed, which we probably will pretty soon... Well, I am currently 23 days away from turning 18, and I have no idea on how I am supposed to feel about that... But oh well, I have no idea on most of the things in my life, so yea... Well, I am kinda looking forward to school, kinda dreading it... I know that once I go back, I will have to deal with all of the problems that come with my group... Mikako, we have our work cut out for us... Also, my group will probably double in size, and I will have no idea what most of their names are until about halfway through the school year... But oh well, its happened before, right? Well, g2g for now, but I will be on laterz guyz... When I can finally get this puter to work... Bye!!!
The light of dawn slowly fades out as the Autumn Leaves Fall...
Tatsume A.K.A. The Cobra
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Friday, August 5, 2005
Hey there guys, I have no idea how long my puter is going to work, so I am going to post now... Well, I hope that everyone is ready for school to begin again, hai? Well, I am, because I have to give my friends their hitai-ate's that I bought them... I have no idea when they are going to get in though... I am sorta looking forward to school, and sorta dreading it... The looking forward because I get to see some of my dear friends again... The dreading because I have to see the rest of my... acquaintances, lol... Also, because it will be my last year at that school... Well, I hope that everyone is having a great summer... Man, I wish that I could be back in Japan right now... Well, g2g, Ja ne and Au shite ru!!!
The light of dawn slowly fades out as the Autumn Leaves Fall...
Tatsume A.K.A. The Cobra
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Monday, August 1, 2005
Hey there you guys... The reason that I haven't been updating in a while is because the computer at my house is on the fritz, and Summer School ended, so I can't post anything there... I am currently posting on the computer at my Brother-in-laws house because I can find no other way to post... When I get home on Tuesday, I will try to find out what the problem is with my computer and fix it... well, I bought 2 hitai-ate's online at ebay... One mist and one cracked... both from the same seller, and both in black... Pretty kewl... Well, g2g for now, but I will post tommorow or something... See ya laterz!!!
The light of dawn slowly fades out as the Autumn Leaves Fall...
Tatsume A.K.A. The Cobra
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Thursday, July 28, 2005
Some people are just so stupid, and I have no idea why I even continue to live with these stupid mortals... Some of you are all right, don't get me wrong, but the rest of you guys are just so stupid and have no F-ing idea what you are talking about, and you put yourself on a pedestal and you have no regards for others feelings, and when someone says something that goes against what you believe, suddenly they turn from someone that you love to a complete asshole? What the hell is up with that... These are exactly the things that cause me to smomke... Because you have no regards for what I say, no matter if I am right, you are always right... But not all of you are like that... The others that aren't like that are the ones that cause me to stay here, not smoke, and do my best to help others... I just don't know why people don't let me express my own opinions and then just leave it at that... I think that people like that are the stupidest people... But the rest of you guys that are the ones that are kewl, are the ones that prevent me from just leaving this world, smoking, or just deciding to eradicate all of humanity... Well, going to go for nows... I will post laterz tho... See ya!!!
The light of dawn slowly fades out as the Autumn Leaves Fall...
Tatsume A.K.A. The Cobra
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Wednesday, July 27, 2005
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What to do...
Hey there you guys... There is currently nothing to do right now, but I still try to do something with the day... Seems kinda wrong to try, when I know that it is pointless... I just wish that I could actually do something, besides just sitting here and typing stuff online... Well, I am going to think of something to write, and then post it laterz... Well, see ya!!! Laterz!!!
The light of dawn slowly fades out as the Autumn Leaves Fall...
Tatsume A.K.A. The Cobra
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Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Well, another day, another life... Sort of... Well, I have dealt with the stuff that has been bothering me, so I am a little better now... Well, I hope that everyone is doing well... Well, me and Cracker have now reached the 23 circle of hell, which is kewl... Also, some people that have been making me mad have officialy stopped being a problem, because they are no longer of any importance to me... well, g2g for now, so I am going to see ya guys laterz...
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Monday, July 25, 2005
Hey... this is kewl...

Take the What Naruto Character are You? quiz brought to you by
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Back guys...
Hey there you guys... I am back, and I now have some other stuff to say... Hopefully, lol... Well, the details of my life has officially reached the gates of hell, and the demons, even the devil himself, is scared of what I might do... It seems like the world is just filled with stupid mortals, and I (and Kracker... No, I didn't forget my fellow demon brethren that is slowly conquering the circles of hell with me... Congrats to us because we have reached the 16th circle of hell... That just SO rocks...)am the only one who actually knows what to do in this pitiful world that we live in... People are just so stupid, for when I actually try to help them... (yes, I do have my moments... Just moments...) they just blow me off and write it off that I don't know anything, when in fact, I do know what I am talking about... Well, it seems as if most of my friends have turned their backs on me... Just goes to prove that I am destined to be alone... Nobody really cares about me... I know that may not be the truth, but that is how it feels like sometimes, for they show no emotion, or never talk to me when I really want to talk to them and have them help me with my problems... And they wondered why I wanted to move... Well, I don't know why people SAY they care, when they don't SHOW that they really do... I don't know what to do, I feel so alone... It's cold, the world is cold towards me... It leaves me to my pain and heartbreak, and the ones that I think are my friends just turn their backs on me... Oh, why does it have to be this way? someone save me from the hate, the lies, the torment... Somebody save me from myself... I don't know what to do anymore... Somebody help me...
The light of dawn slowly fades out as the Autumn Leaves Fall...
Tatsume A.K.A. The Cobra
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