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myOtaku.com: Tatsume

Friday, August 5, 2005

Hey there guys, I have no idea how long my puter is going to work, so I am going to post now... Well, I hope that everyone is ready for school to begin again, hai? Well, I am, because I have to give my friends their hitai-ate's that I bought them... I have no idea when they are going to get in though... I am sorta looking forward to school, and sorta dreading it... The looking forward because I get to see some of my dear friends again... The dreading because I have to see the rest of my... acquaintances, lol... Also, because it will be my last year at that school... Well, I hope that everyone is having a great summer... Man, I wish that I could be back in Japan right now... Well, g2g, Ja ne and Au shite ru!!!
The light of dawn slowly fades out as the Autumn Leaves Fall...
Tatsume A.K.A. The Cobra

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