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drawing/writing/pissing people off
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i MIGHT tell you
er... hm... i'll get back to you on that...
Anime Fan Since
... uuuuhh... would "as long as i can remember" count?
Favorite Anime
to become a Manga artist... if not that a writer
drawing/writing/laughing evilly so everyone runs away
... writing... drawing... getting people mad... er... scaring people... sarcasm (does that count?)
| tattle-tailbone
Ok, so... how to start off... how should i start off? or should i say SHOULD i start off? Er. ok, i'll start. i deal mostly with humor, and sarcasm is two-thumbs up for me so, i maaaaaay end up insulting someone so please... don't get mad at me. if i'm trying to be serious you will know. i tend to... "cuss" as my parents say it. oh, but then that'd mean i'm not serious about this so now i have to put a curse word in... f***
Thursday, January 19, 2006
GD (Good Day)
HELLO! today has treated me with chocolate!
No homework, no tests... can ya say... GREAT??? not only that but i got away through the entire day just drawing through classes. Life's grand... mostly... well, besides the point, when i stayed after school i had the biggest urge to hide this conveniancely placed object inside the laptop case... (turned out that object was a backpack and the owner was in the room with me...) SO despite my internal evilness and hyperness clashing with one another despirately slashing at each other's throats with swords of steal and hilts of gold trying to claim the other's exsistance in a battle to the dea- oh sorry, slipping away in my imagination... BUT yeah, i've had a good day.
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Wednesday, January 4, 2006
Today's day is... BND (Bad News Day)
to start out, i woke up half an hour late, broke my headphones, then barely was able to eat lunch for some reason. now i am sitting here, with a bad cold clogging my throat, trying to figure out how this d*** website works! meanwhile i'm in suspense because i am not suposed to be on any "strange" sites on my parent's computer. Well, they can live with it... i won't if they find out but hey. besides those factors, i find that my mid-terms, book report, and the ELA is either a week away or LESS than a week away. gr... right after a good vacation too! but besides that i'm fine. so how're you? i hope you're doing fine. i know that misery loves company but my misery is too busy fighting back anger for visitors at this moment. besides... my guilty conscious would have to kill misery if it had any friends over, so if you are having a bad day, your misery can't come over. With misery restraining anger from killing guilty conscious and guilty conscious trying to kill misery because he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar... There's no room.
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