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myOtaku.com: tcbalways

Friday, August 26, 2005

   howdy all
today i am pretty darn excited!
After school i came home to an empty house. that was fun.last night ma had said that i would have to babysit my bro today.that isnt very fun.but later my aunt Rose is comeing around 5:00 pm after she gets out of work.(please pray. the hanger prostetics in fort wayne IN. plan to close down wich means my aunt and all the other employees will be unemployed. so again please pray.)but anyway.... oh yeah! the reason my aunt is comeing is because she is going to take us down to my grandparents farm! Which means i get to see spot my pit bull/dalmation!but we are also going to the gas and engine show!so if you have never been there it is all these tractors and enngines.(as the name suggests.lol.)but there is lots of food andstuff there so it is fun!we are also going to arnolds tonight! wich is the awsomest resturant of all time. of couse it is because it has lots of Elvis Presley (my inspiration)stuff there.So if you have ever been there send me a private messege or IM me at j_fullhouse_freek or you can also do this if you need someone to talk to about your religion.(i always love to help when it comes to that!) or if you have any behavioral problems with your dog(s).or if you just want to talk about anything.Well my bro who i am babysittin is becomeing increaseingly. bored.Which often results in violence or destructive behavior.like the time he chased me around the house with a butcher knife.ya. if you IM me i will explain.well hes getting more bored so i should go RIGHT NOW. bye.ttyl.

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