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Quiz Results
Under the full moon wondering "why?"....
Member Since
dark-dreamer alchemist, by touching my temples i can create what i will with my mind
Real Name
hehe...wouldn't you like to know....
hm...i won a blue ribbon on my art and got a "highest acidemic" award in art!! ^^ i also scored college level on my S.A.T.'s in 7th grade! teehee
Anime Fan Since
hmm.... this is about my 3rd or fourth year of really being into it.... i've always liked the art though...
Favorite Anime
uuhh... Pretear, FMA!!!! Inuyasha, DNAngel, azumangadaioh and revolutionary girl utena...YEAH CHU CHU!
to become a manga artist with my own series with 2 of my BFFs!!
drawing, thinking, poetry, dancing and also the guitar! ^_^
drawing, thinking, poetry, dancing
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 02/11/06:
a little bit
Result Posted on 02/04/06:
 You need guidance. You have become very confused in your life
right now and are unable to make decisions
that pleases you. You may resort to drastic
measures as harming yourself, but the
situation doesn't seem to get any better by
whatever method you are using for now. There
is a pain inside because of this and you feel
helpless in your life, thinking you will
never find your way back. But even though the
path may seem dark you still try to find
yourself, which means your inner battle is
not over.
What Do You Need in Your Life? [dark pics] brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 10/20/05:
i like her weapon. ^^
Result Posted on 09/24/05:
yup! thats me...
 ~Solitary Angel~
You like to be alone. Away from people you have time to your self, and time to think things over. You hate crowds, the heat, the confinitey, you want open space, a way to let go to be free. Freedom is truly what you seek. Freedom is something gained, never to be let go of. But alos something to share. Weapon:Katana " Freedom, a gift of the greatest value...wat i crave... wat i need"
What is the angel form of your spirit? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 09/05/05:
yup thats us. ^^
Result Posted on 08/30/05:
Result Posted on 08/25/05:
...yeah i guess so...
 A complex personality, you appeal only to two kinds of people - those who accept everything at face value and, most importantly, those who deeply understand the greater things you believe in. Skeptics are hard to win over, but those who like you will respect you forever. What Kind Of Anime/Manga Are You? |
Result Posted on 08/24/05:
....never really wanted kids anyway but--
Result Posted on 08/24/05:
help yeah... this is xactly right.
img src="" border="0" alt="fallen angel of neglect"> You are a fallen angel of neglect. You have fallen because of you being suppressed and miserable, though this may not be your fault. You have been discarded. Shunned for whatever reason and this has made you deeply unhappy. You feel as though you are a dispointment to others. This causes you to have extremely low self value and confidence. Quote: "The worst loneliness is when you're not comfortable with yourself" Element:Water Emotion:Hurting/Disconsoled
What type of Fallen Angel are you? [beautiful + dark pics] brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 08/24/05:
.....this is xactly right...grief seems 2 b all i know...
 You're crying because you feel guitly. You feel like everyone you get too close to gets hurt and that it's your fault. You don't have many friends and stay away from people in fear that you'll get too attached. Even though people tell you differently, you can't seem to shake the feeling that you don't deserve to have friends or be happy. Your tears are filled with sorrow and grief.
Why are you crying? (beautiful pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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