myO Still <3's You
Comments (3) | Permalink Thursday, December 21, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
hey all!
sry i wasn't on yesterday. went to arkansas (i'm in louisiana) to visit sum family and then when we came home i bought the new Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess!! WOOOOO!! well for the gamecube. don't own a wii or the wii version. *cries* anyhoo! i answered all ur PMs (which i saw this morning was 16) u guys are crushing me!! i cried when i saw them all. jk. happy to be loved. *makes kissy face* anyhoo (again) attention all readers! if u read my story Fire and Ice then I have a surprise for you. and if u haven't read it just email me so i can give it to you if ur interested. ^^ well, Talin and Riven (boy and girl in the story) are well loved by u all! and i know how you guys think Riven is hot and Talin is cute. so i decided to draw them. *evil smile* i'm halfway done with it. and it has the two sitting with each other, Riven looking all protective and Talin, as her insecure nature has it, feeling safe with him. ^^ and i have added a very cool addition in the drawing. something i'm sure u would all love to see. *evil laugh* XD and i know i wrote that Talin wears baggy jeans and such but i couldn't help myself but put her in a cute dress. she looks really cute so ..... dont hurt me....... lol. and if u all have any ideas on what i should draw. u kno like certain poses or situations then i just might do it. (nothing perverted, evil to the characters, etc.) i'll get the pic up sometime by next week.
speaking of drawing, i'm also drawing a manga. i might put that up on otaku as well. i hope u guys would like it too. well sayonara ppl. PM me if u want.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Bored once again......
my day thus far: I woke up at 11 am. yup. about 13 hours of sleep. how sweet it feels. ^_^ then i ate sum random food out of the fridge because we haven't been to walmart in 3 weeks. damn we need food. and my mom made me wrap some gifts for sum family members. and then i cleaned up my hamster's cage, put up some dishes and did some laundry. yup. interesting day huh? AGH!!! why is everyday so boring!!! DX
anyhoo. i've been wondering sumthing. i'm watching a videogame review show called Xplay. i luv that show cuz it gives me an idea of how awesome or how crappy a game is. like a LOT of anime games suck. i'm serious. i should listen to that show more. i bought 2 anime videogames and they sucked. i ignored them and i ended up losing 70 bucks. my money down the drain. oh! i just saw the another installment to the Tales series, Tales of the Abyss. and yeah. i'm a videogame junkie. wut of it? maybe i can ask my parents to get it for me for xmas. *thinks ingenious plot to get parents to buy game* well thats about it. sayonara ppl. and if ya'll want u can PM me. i will be bored all day long, which guarantees i should be on. ^_^
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Friday, December 15, 2006
Hey ppls!
Nothin going on..... yup... same old boring life as ever....... DX no fair!!! anyhoo, ya'll can PM me if ya wants. i'm free for the rest of the day! or at least until my mom comes running in yelling at me to get off the comp. XP sayonara.
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Wednesday, December 13, 2006
monotone....... hm....
today i was actually in a good mood... well sort of.... but i found out that my good mood face is blank. i stare blankly at nothing and i talk in monotone. but later my emotions came back! ^_^ one time in class i was playing a game in science. the teacher put me with this guy and asked us like wut r 2 characteristics of matter. i was about to say sumthin but the guy was saying an answer completely wrong. i waited for him to finish, and in monotone and a very straight face (they told me i did) i corrected him and then answered with the correct answer. afterwards everyone started yelling out "burn!" towards him. my friends even told me that its a worse burn if sumone does it in monotone. o_O i see no difference. i won the game and all and the entire time i didn't care. weird, ne? ^_^ no story today and nothing to write. so PM me if ya wanna. or u can just leave a random comment. i guess i'll do another contest today. leave random stuff and i'll rate ya 1 to 10. sayonara ppls.
oh yeah. props to Metal_Dragon and wizflyer08 for actually commenting yesterday.
to wizflyer08: yes, that is a random comment. (6 out of 10)
to Metal_Dragon: really weird (cool) comment...... but u still owe me chocolate and u owe Gaara sum sand and u owe Naruto a band-aid.
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Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Hi! I am so awesome today! well mostly..... i continue to burn chocolate as if there is no tomorrow! ^_^'' i'm addicted.... and ADD...... and i luv chocolate! wut of it!!?!? *pouts* anyhoo....... i think i'll post another part to fire and ice tomorrow. maybe..... and i've been drawing a manga for the past 2 days. i have..... 2 pages done! now all i gotta do is fix them, ink them, make a cover and WALA! magnific! ^_^ not really. i'm a mediocre artist. but i think i'm pretty good for not drawing for the past year. too depressed to do so. ^_^ well sayonara ppls cuz thats all i have today. PM me if ya wants and comment if ya wants too.
OH YEAH! contest winners of yesterday's random contest are:
in first place!
comments: 1
9 out of 10 (i luv squirrel randomness)
second place:
8 out of 10
third place:
comments: 1
7 out of 10 (she put gaara in it!)
fourth place:
comments: 1
5 out of 10 (skittles r skittly cool)
fifth place:
Metal Dragon
comments: 1
4 out of 10 (u owe me my chocolate!)
sixth place:
MewHolliBerrii and darktouchofart
comments: each 1
3 out of 10 (yay chocolate!)
and thats that! ^_^
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Monday, December 11, 2006
HELLO ALL! *runs around room* I AM HIGH OF CHOCOLAAAAAAAAATTTEEEE!!!! WWEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! I'm meliting and burning the chocolate with a lighter too! weird how burnt chocolate kind of tastes like starbucks coffee..... @_@ wait.... it's flavored. ....... ACK! I burned myself! T^T *Cries* i gots a booboo. well anyhoo! i am super bored becuz my friend is bothering me with skl stuff but i am too hyper to bother with skl. ........ o dammit! i cannot believe it! i accidentally forgot to do this one thing!!!..... but i dont care! hmph! i will do it ..... tomorrow! WAHAHAHAHAHAAHA! *cough hack choke and die* ........... sayonara ppls! and dun forget to comment for no reason and be random if ya want. new contest today! be random and i will make the scores. oh and PM me. cuz i'm BOOORED!
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Sunday, December 10, 2006
you guys are soooo enthusiastic! well it was actually easy to tally up scores for yesterday's random contest. so here goes.
gets an 8 out of 10
1 comment
gets a 5 out of 10
1 comment
gets a 3 out of 10 (even though she really didn't be random she was kind of)
so goddessofhatred is the winner! even though she said asians scared her and i am part filipino. but i classify it as pacific islander rather than asian but it's still part of asia...... so think before u write! if ur gonna say ur scared of asians then at least know whether or not the host of the contest is asian or not! *pouts* but i forgive cuz she's my friend! ^_^
so that's it for today! PM me and whatnot and if you want to be part of the contest this time, i'll host another one. just let me no k? ^_^ well comment on what you think of this one and PM me! o crap i'm rambling like my mom...... g2g! sayonara ppls..... and PM ME!
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Saturday, December 9, 2006
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I am sooooooo sry!! I left without telling you all! *bows* plz forgive!! ^_^ and on top of that, i wasn't able to add sum more stuff to Fire and Ice! *bows again* so sry. i dont deserve to be any of urs otaku friend. T^T i should just pack up my blog and hit the otaku trail and set sail for distant sites! ....... *cries* NOOOO! then i'd be sad i left!! kk! i am not leaving! ^_^'' dont hurt me............. *gets pelted by rocks* TT__TT owie....... anyhooo. nothing today! sry. so i only ask that you PM me cuz i am super lonely and you may leave stupid/random comments if you like!
all u have to do is leave a stupid/random comment and i will score you on how clever/funny/smartass it is. ^_^ and i will post the scores by tomorrow. you can comment up to 3 times and that's it! so if ur gonna comment make it witty/funny/clever/smartass! ^_^ i dun kno if i will give a prize or what so plz try anyway! ^_^
sayonara ppls!
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