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myOtaku.com: TearlessGreyEyes

Monday, September 11, 2006

I hate school and homework. I always wait to do homework on Sunday so I could blow off on Saturday. I'm only in 9th grade but I had nearly 5 hours of homework. i guess the TV and food didn't help, but just sitting there would make me fall asleep or just daydream for hours on end. Sometimes I start watching anime in my head. I got one of those picture memories that can remember certain tv shows or movies. Then goes 3 hours, while I'm here watching Loveless in my head in front of a blank piece of paper. Today my cute little doggy hurt his floppy ear and it started bleeding. We tried to stop it but it was kind of hard because it scratched the vein and that was where all the blood came from. It took nearly an hour(with my mom's help) to bandage his ear up and make sure he left it alone. The entire back porch was a mess with blood. On top of that my teachers gave me 3 hours of homework. I am glad that my doggy was okay, but I still wish I could go back to my regular 1/2 hour of homework like in 5th grade.

Poem of the Day:
Death's embrace

Tis mournful mine own air.

Woe and depressed I do fare.

Such as ocean tides spill the shore,

As tormented tears controlled no more.

Doth the wind blow mighty swaying the treetops,

As do I tremble and shake with irrepressible sobs.

Do my ears deceive me of ill tidings?

My thoughts begin to travel a staircase of riddles forever winding.

To learn of kin so loved and dear,

To have met the creature of fear.

I pray I dream only nightmares,

And that I will soon awake without cares.

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