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Thursday, December 18, 2003
Hi all. I just got back from seeing 'The Last Samurai' with Shade Griffin. Great movie, I can't see why it got such bad reviews. Great movie. I really loved it. I'm definetly going to buy it when it comes out. Yup. I highly recommend it. Ja Ne!
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Sunday, December 14, 2003
Hey all. Been a while since I've posted. Been kinda busy. We(my family and I) when to the Marshall Fields Charlie and the Chocolate Factory display. It was ok, not as good as the previous years have been, and the store sucked. Oh well.
I watched the Cowboy Bebop movie last night. Wow. It's really good. Loved it. I'm so going to have to buy it. I also rented Tokyo Babylon again. Love that movie to. It's comeing out in Manga in May. Yup. I can't wait.
I had a babysitting job last night and I got $30 for the job, which was really generous, cause I was only there for 4 and a half hours. And then they gave me $20 for Christmas. They're really nice people. I love the kids. Sweethearts. Yup.
Anyone who hasn't already, go to Paco's page and join B.O.S.S. It's kinda an RPG, it's interesting. Say that I sent you. Thanks much!
Ja Ne!
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Sunday, December 7, 2003
Hey all, been a bit since I've posted. I've been sick. This weekend I had a Judo tournament and I drove for six hours to get there, only to be informed that they didn't have anyone for me to fight. Luckily, they did manage to get me someone to fight, but I only got to have two matches, and I lost both of them, which kinda sucked, but it was fun. On top of that, the drive, which should have been 6 hours, took 9 hours, becuase there was a huge car accident in front of us and we were stuck. AND I'm still sick. Grrr. Ja Ne!
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Thursday, December 4, 2003
Hey all. So yeah, I was sick today. Got a runny nose like a broken faucet. OH well. Had to take some nasty grape flavored medicne. Very unbelievably gross. Had a kinda crappy week. Wasn't feeling too well and some other stuff came up. However, I do have a Judo tournament this week end, that ought to be fun. Anyway, Ja Ne!
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Friday, November 28, 2003
Fan Art
Ok, I've sent in an origanial fan art, it just has to be approved. With luck, it'll be up soon. When it is up, don't judge it too harshly, it's old and the only one that would scan right. Ok, Ja Ne!
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Hey all. Well, today I spent nearly three hours in the wonderful store, Barnes and Noble. I read three manga, the first three in the Escaflowne series. VERY GOOD. Loved it.
Also, can anyone tell me if there is a Tokyo Babylon manga? If so, has it been translated into English? Mkay, thanks! Ja Ne!
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Thursday, November 27, 2003

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Happy Thanksgiving. I've been hiding in my room all day, trying to avoid being sucked into cooking with my mom and brother. I hate cooking. I don't especially like Thanksgiving either. It's kinda stupid. I mean, big deal, some pilgrams ate with some Natives. That didn't stop any of the fighting between the Natives and the Pilgrams, so why do we bother to celebrate it? I dunno, seems like it's become mostly a commercialzed holiday, much like Valentine's Day. Yup. But at least there's good food...
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Hey all! I watched Toyko Babylon and DBZ: Dead Zone today. I really really like Toyko Babylon. Very good movie. Didn't so much like Dead Zone. Kinda boring and repetive. very corny as well. I also had chocolate today. Yum. I'm really hyper right now, but I can feel a headache coming on. Anyone reading this, sign my guest book, it'd be nice to know someone was reading this.
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Tuesday, November 25, 2003
Hey all, final's are done! Yey! So much tired.... I just watched 'Maelta Legends' or somthing like that. It wasn't very good. All the girls had hair to their heels and nickle thin waists. The drawing style was angular, and the eyes were huge. The story line and translations were cheesy as well. Oh well, at least I tried it. It really wasn't horrible, just cheesy. Anyway, much sleep now, Ja Ne!
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