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Thursday, October 23, 2003
'lo again
Ooh....Major headache. On top of that, I have around four hours of homework which I haven't even started yet. This bites. I want to sleep. My fanart still isn't up....I dunno why, I just I'll just wait and see. Yup. Ja Ne.
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Wednesday, October 22, 2003
Fan Art
Well, I just tried to post my first fanart, again. This time it said that it had to be approved, so i'm not sure what that means or how soon it'll be up, but hopefully soon.
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Samurai X- Reflection (spoiler warning)
Oh my god! I just got my copy of Samurai X: Reflection, and it was soo sad! I couldn't believe it! When Kenshin died I was so sad. That scene was great. I loved it. Although, my sister sat with me and watched part of it, mocking poor sick Kenshin. Anyway, the art was ok, I like the origanal manga artist better...as well as the tv series artist. But this one was pretty good as well. The dubbing was good I thought, if alittle off. The subtitles had several mistakes, like saying 'mr' in set of 'ms' but that was ok. I liked watching it in the origanal Japanese better than in English. Yup. I highly recommend it.
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Tuesday, October 21, 2003
Rurouni Kenshin
I got the first RUrouni Kenshin manga! I'm sooo happy! But soo dead tired. Ug. Must sleep. And then I got the second Gravitation manga yesterday and I've got the first Trigun manga on order, along with Fake 4-6. Yup. That's all I have to say. I'm really really happy about my Kenshin manga. He's so kawaii. Looks like a giant puffball. And they kept his 'oro'! Yey!
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Testing Pictues
Ok, I'm trying to figure out how to post pictues, so if there are just weird sentances, that's cause I screwed up. Just warning ya.
*30 min later*
Ok...Well....It's not working...I'll try again later.
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Monday, October 20, 2003
Just testing out this picture posting thing...
 From Pilot Candidate
WHICH ANIME CHARACTER ARE U (GURLS) brought to you by Quizilla
Ok... Quiet and Mysterious...Half right...I'm quiet anyway...My guy friends say they don't understand me, does that make me Mysterious?
 What color are you? (Anime Pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
I suppose I can deal with trustyworthy and pure and whatnot...
It worked! Yey! Ok...I'll have to do this again something...Much fun.
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Hi people. Just finished my paper. It took me in total around five hours to write. It was only 2 and 1/4 pages. That's really sad. Yup. On top of that, I left my fanart at my dad's house, so now I can't try to rescan it! Grr...
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Saturday, October 18, 2003
Hey all. Well...Since there's not anybody reading this, to my knowledge, I guess it's hi me. Oh well. Anyway, I tried to scan a fan art and found out that is was too big. On top of that, my dad's computer program wouldn't let him make it smaller. That kinda sucked. Oh well, I'll try again later, maybe if we re-scan it a diffrent size to begin with...
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Soo sleepy
Well, this is my first post in Otaku Life. At least...I think that's what this is...It's around 11:40 at night and I'm tired. I only got five hours of sleep last night and I have to wake up at eight tomorrow for Judo class. Life sucks. On the plus side, I got my Fake volume three back from my friend today, so I'm happy about that. I really love Fake...Yup. I want caffine. Or chocolate. Perferably both. That's be good. I love chocolate. I love sleep as well. I should get some, then I can dream of chocolate and getting some tomorrow. I think I'll do that. I might try to go to Barnes and Noble as well...that's be fun. I have to write a paper for my US History class. The subject is 'In light of the differing opinons of Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson, evaluate the importance of Forgien and Domestic affairs in shaping American Politics in the 1790's.' Urg. That's horrible. It makes me so very sad. Oh well. Not much I can do about it. Yeah...Gotta go, tired much. Ja Ne!
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