How i'll never doubt friday the 13 again!
I think I had the most worst day everrrrrr!
I'm in a hell alot of pain right now,omg i'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sick.I think i'm gonna throw up >.<
You see yesterday it was goin all good at frist i got to see my freinds again cause i missed the other day cause i was sick.They were all like ohhhh were was you!?You know how people get,we missed you.Its so borin and all that when you wasnt here,I aint have nobody to talk to or mess wit.You know that typpa stuff cause people think of me as i donno the center of thier joy i guess i really dont know -.-'Anyway around 5th period this pain struck me,god it hurted like hell,i thought i was seriously gonna faint!Forreal!I WAS SICK YALL AND MY DADDY NEVA ANSWER HIS PHONE!So I had to walk home omg I was in so much pain!
The pain want go away hell i'm still hurtin!Than it was lightin and thunderin,I swer I thought we was gonna have a tornado or somethin.And the whole night I was just twistin and tossin cause i was hurtin sooooo damn bad!But i'm doin alot better than I was.Though i'm still sick.
But I promise i'll visit everyones sites today,and update somemore later on right now I can't do much of nuthin,i'm hurting to gravely>.<
Look at the relationship between Itachi and Sasuke now.Awwwwwwwwww.Aint dey cute.He love his brotha so much he made a rag doll outta him and even put needles in it for good luck.Awwwwwwwww thats so friggin sweet.
These are some basically Diedara based stuff,sorry i'm gonna get started sooner than I thought on this theme,but not now mybe Saturday I guess.I'll tell you tomorrow.I might do it tomorrow.Who knows.I'll keep you updated^^
Anyway I hope you enjoy these vidioes.
This ones cute^-^
This one I just really like the song,but the vid's good too though^^
I just looked up some stuff on this Deidara dude and got interested real quick.Hes intresting enough I suppose they dont give enough info on him tho cept he makes sculpting with that creepy hand or hands watever,and makes people go BOOM!HAhaha +_+=
Anyway I like em,not more than Itachi tho or gaara ohno,so sorry but another Itachi theme will have to wait okay^-^ dont worry our school years almost over,one more month^-^Chi!Than its all themes galore,but dont take that to lightly^*^
I'm workin on a few things so just hang oight okay^^And plaese help me with my difficulty if you may that be really nice till than see ya all around and have a happy easter^^
Well I can exactly put post up with the picture as it right.Anymore because its actin strange really wierd and i'm sick of it so i'm not finna stress myself and try anymore,its to hard all of a sudden so i qiute as of right now.Unless somebody will help me that is.