Hey!I'm sorry I haven't updated for those who really care!I didn''t get a chance to stop by anyones sites either.In fact nobody would let me even get on.My damn brother been on since yesterday and was still on this morning.Damn that ....
Anyhows.Lets see what went on since yesterday.Nothing really just callinlibaries and stuff seeing do they have the book called night.Which was a success.Except we don't know where that libary is -.- That kindda sucks huh >.<'.
But today I almost got a chance to stay home because my daddy didn't have any lunch money for me today.I didn't wanna be at school hungry,but he changed his mind at the last minute.(Damn!So close)
Besides I had plenty of change anyway.So I was good.
About the comment thing.Okay I don't know if people don't have time to get around everyday and comment me back,but I visit everybody's site.Comment and all,some people just want get me back.I stayed up till 10 one night commenting and I only had like 2 or 3 what the hell!
I mean I don't mind if you can't.But if your just being lowdown,Um you need to step to me and we need to see what the problem is.I put all that hard work and for what.Show me a bit of respect because I deserve it.Thank you very much!
But to those who do,even when you get a chance.Thank yall^.^ I love yas!
Well nothing else really happend today.
So byebye
Love yas =^.^=