Today was the same old sammie ^-^
Some of these kids really are starting to get more and more irritaitng as the day goes by.
Oh well thats life.I can't wait till winter break >.<
God I'll be away from them for a little bit.It won't last long but what evere you know -.-.
Mane I really don't wanna do this play thing.
My group isn't actin right and they starting
to get on my nerves.I don't care what happens.
Nothings perfect I mean we're just kids right ^^'
Anyways I hope you all like my new theme.My sis was
watching this show yesterday I haven't seen it in so long
I thought hey why not make my next theme Kaleido star^^
Its a extra good show.
So yeah you know.I forgot what all I was gonna say next.
I love yas all.
Well see yas ^-^