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Sunday, March 26, 2006
Hallo, chickadees! How is everyone out there! It's been a while, I know. I'm really tired, and I'm probably going to bed as soon as the Norton Internet Security 2006 thingie finishes downloading. It's taking SO long.
Well, I got a new cd yesterday for my birthday. Oh yeah. Today's my birthday. Well, officially it's in an hour. But myotaku runs an hour ahead of my timezone, so it resets as the next day at 11, so it's about 11:15 here right now.
Well, we bought more memory yesterday, and we're downloading the Norton Antivirus thing, so hopefully this thing'll be moving faster. It's a load of crap, so I'm not too sure. My mom really wants to get rid of aol in the future and get something new.
Man, I'm gonna be busy tomorrow. I'm going to a friend's baby shower, and I'm excited. I don't know how long it's going to be, but whenever it's over I think we're going out for dinner. I'll try to visit sites sometime tomorrow.
I'm really sorry I don't get on here often. To be truthful, I'm on nearly everyday. I just can't really think of anything to talk about, and whenever that happens I get bored halfway through and leave. heh.
So, what is everyone's favorite band/singer? ...if you have one, anyways. My favorites are Green Day, Kutless, Yellow Second, Panic! At the Disco, Stellar Kart, and a few others...I'll bet you've never heard of some of them...oh well. Sorry about that.
*falls over*
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Sunday, March 19, 2006
Okay, happy and frustrated are currently my two moods right now.
Yeah, well I'm glad I wished my friend happy birthday. Turns out his wife forgot! Pisses me off.
I got my hair cut! It's not really any shorter, just in layers. It looks really good ^_^ If I had a camera or anything I'd post pictures, and then mebe some pictures of my friends.
Went shopping too. I got some music, a notebook, and some clothes. I'm so excited. I love the cd I got, it's a band called Stellar Kart. They're really good (sounds a bit like Simple Plan, but I'm not complaining too much). They're a Christian rock band. XD
I loves my site, tis purple. *ravishes site* O_o oh wait, you didn't need to see that.
Well, I'm not staying up until 3 in the morning, I have church in the morning. I'm going to try to be in bed by 1 at the latest. I'll visit sites in the afternoon. Bye!!
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Saturday, March 18, 2006
Hey peeps. Today's my friend's birthday. Everyone wish Jeremy happy birthday! He's turning 29, I think...I would give you his aim, but I don't think he'd like that.
Well Spring Break is almost over, which depresses me slightly...
Man, Sister Grey's starting to rub off on me or favorite colours are purple and green. Heh, I shall make my site purple! Yes, purple! (I would make it green, but I feel like I would be copying off of BriarM).
*sighs* I'm sort of bored. I want something to do. I think I'll go colour.
I'm getting my hair cut today, at noon. Pretty exciting. Yep. Don't know what I'm going to do with it yet. I might just get a trim, I'm trying to grow my hair out again. It's already getting pretty long (it's been really short...don't want to go down that road ever again)
Wow, I must be boring you people. Well, I'll go now. Oh yeah, btw: Thanks to noble alibard for making me feel better. Made me laugh, anyways...
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Friday, March 17, 2006
Okay, I officially hate myself. I must be the worst person to walk the planet. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR?!
I'm done. That's it. I thought that I might be important, but I guess I'm wrong. My life is totally unimportant, I'm done. *walks away*
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Well, it is 3 in the morning. I'm tired, and about to go to bed. I figured I'd update just for the heck of it.
Has anyone heard of a band called Crossfade? My friend let my borrow her cd which has a few different bands on it. Lots of Linkin Park, and there was this song that I liked A LOT. I looked it up and it's by a band called Crossfade. This is the first time I've heard of them. Are they any good? I think I'll look into this...I've been looking for some good solid music to listen to. I'm into rock music. Anyone have any suggestions? ^_^
Psh. I think I'll go to bed soon. I can't take another minute of this crap. I've only seen two friends during the whole of spring break. It's almost over. Oh well. I've been relaxing, I guess. It still hurts when I know that they're all spending time together, and I'm here at home by myself. Please don't lecture me, or tell me that I should call them. I've gotten that from everybody. Know what? Doesn't work! I swear, I think they ENJOY ignoring me. It really smarts when I think about how much time I USED to spend with them, and when I didn't have to call THEM to get together. I'm always the one who's reaching out to them. I'm sick of it, that's why I never do it anymore. Yeah, I officially only have like one good friend who I can spend time with outside of school, besides my friends at church. Well, besides you guys too...but it's not the same. Man, I'm just going on and on and on and on, aren't I? Sorry, I think I just needed to vent.
Do I feel better? no. in fact, i'm so tired, i'm getting sick of caps. yay. gnite.
*runs away from possibly the worst and most boring post in the history of myo posts*
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Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Mood: silly...and has to go potty dreadfully
Music: The people performing on one of the late shows
I just colour coded my crayons. All 96 of them. Blues, then greens, then browns/peaches, then oranges/yellows, then pinks/reds, then purples/reds, then greys/whites/blacks. I'm so wierd. Heheheh after this I'm going to go colour some.
People tell me I spell things wierd. Like "colour" and "grey" and things like that. O_o Have y'all noticed?
I painted my nails. They're purple. Yes, I'm all about colours today.
I'm thinking about changing my site around a bit. Changing my wallpaper. I LOVE my wallpaper right now as it is, but I want to put something purple up (my new favorite colour). Hm.
Simon Cowell is so funny. Makes me laugh. Does he make you laugh? hee hee...
I'm being so incredibly random tonight. I don't know why, I just feel like it. I've been in a crazy mood all night. Maybe it's the nail polish...or the SunnyD I just finished...or the paint scents...I've been painting.
Conan O'Brien's so wierd. O_o he scares me. Well I really have to go potty, and I'll have time before Jake Gyllenhaal comes on later.
QUESTION! What's your three favorite colours? Mine are purple, red, and blue. To be more specific: royal purple, big dip o' ruby (don't ask, it's one of them really shiny ones that came in my 96 crayon pack), and cerulean.
Random random random *flies around in circles* Well I'm about to explode, BAI!!!!
Do bubbles freeze in winter?
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Monday, March 13, 2006
Hlo darlings. Today is the official start of Spring Break for me. Yay *sarcasm*
Well I got some colouring books and crayons, so the days that I'm not with friends I'll be colouring and playing video games. I've been playing Animal Crossings ALL AFTERNOON. Putting in cheats and getting cool stuff for my house. I got all of this Mario stuff, it's awesome. ^_^
On Saturday night my mom and I watched Moulin Rouge. I was so excited that she wanted to watch it. She liked it A LOT. I cried (yet again). Seriously, everyone who hasn't seen it NEEDS to see it. It's SO good.
Well I'm supposed to write a letter to my penpal. I got her address like a month ago, and I've been procrastinating. I'm planning on doing that sometime this week. She lives in Germany (signed up for the penpal program through my German I class), and I'm really excited. Anybody else here live in Germany? Do you KNOW anyone on here who lives in Germany? So far I've met some people from England, some people from Ireland, and a whole slew of people from the US. I love how this site is international. It's awesome.
I'm watching Charmed. O_o there's nothing else on. It makes me laugh.
Hmmmm...Someone on here always seems to be going through something. I go to people's sites, and there's always at least one person who's life sucks. Right now mine's looking kind of down, but that's partly my fault. I'm just having to get used to the fact that my friends don't really like hanging out with me as much as they used to. Takes some getting used to. Hm.
Well my attention is going elsewhere, I'll see y'all la-... *wanders away*
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Friday, March 10, 2006
Hlo peoples. I'm so tired. I came home sick about two and a half hours ago, and went to bed. Just woke up 15 minutes ago. I hate cramps. -_-'
Well this week was really long. I've been tired all week.
On Tuesday we went to UIL competition for orchestra. We didn't do so good. I'm in the varsity orchestra, and (with 1 being the best and 5 being the worst) in concert we got two 2's and a three (there were 3 judges) and in sightreading we got straight 2's. Concert is where you pick three songs ahead of time, and prepare them for a while and then play them in front of three judges onstage. Sightreading is where we go into a room and play a piece that we've never seen before. Exciting, ne?
Well, Spring Break is next week. I think I'm going to spend a lot of it by
Well I just woke up to get something to eat, I'm going back to sleep. Gnite.
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Saturday, March 4, 2006
Well my life is at a low point currently. Not VERY low, but low enough to be noticeable.
For one, I was making a 50 in Geometry. We had four homework assignments, and I only turned in two. It was just the beginning of the 6 weeks, so I'm sure it'll go up. However, we took a test yesterday. If you pass tests with at least a B, you don't really have to turn in any homework for the rest of the 6 weeks and you'll still pass. I don't really do homework, I'm afraid to say. I don't see any point in learning Geometry. I'm never going to use it.
Problem is, I think I may have failed the test yesterday. I really needed help on some of the problems on the review, but she couldn't help me today. *mutters darkly*
This site is probably one of my only links to the...outside world, so to speak. I stay home during the weekends, and the only time I get out during the week is for school and things related to my viola...yeah. Makes me depressed.
What are your views on homosexuality? Everyone has been talking about it recently. Who thinks that gay marriage should be legalized? I don't want to offend anyone, but personally, I don't. I don't understand homosexuality at all. It just...confuses me. I don't understand how two men could love each other, or two women. My religion says that it's sinful (the Bible really DOES say that homosexuality is sinful and despicable). I have nothing AGAINST gay people, and I'm not going to criticize them or anything.
My boyfriend and I have been dating for over a year now. I personally think that it's coming to a close. When you're with someone too long, everything becomes routine and comfortable. In my opinion, relationships should be spontaneous, passionate, and full of love and excitement. When you haven't found that one person, those feelings don't stick. I don't think that I LOVE him anymore. It's really sad to admit it, but it's true. Plus, when I'm around someone constantly, every little thing annoys me about them. It's sad, but true.
This is a very long post, but I'm not finished.
We're reading Lord of the Flies in English. It's ridiculous, and makes me laugh.
Well, it's almost over, anyways.
I'll go now. I'm really tired, and I'm going to bed immediately. Ta.
I'll visit sites in the morning, I promise!
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Monday, February 27, 2006
Well...I've, this weekend. Maybe "fun" isn't the right word...
Well, on Saturday I got my orchestra dress hemmed, and I got a new bag for school, since my old one was falling apart. I also got Moulin Rouge the dvd FOR KEEPS *DANCES LIKE A CRAZY MONKEY* XD
Yesterday was alright though. Church was fun, a man from Africa named Rodgers came to talk to us and give us his testimony. It was amazing. Also I went to Fuddruckers with my new G-group (a small group at our church). I had SO much fun, the other girls in the group are so great.
Yes. Story of my life. One boring thing after another. Well, today's a day off, it's Staff Development Day. Pretty exciting. Get to sleep in. Wooh.
Well today I've got orchestra rehearsal in the afternoon from 2:45-4:00. Then Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and the following Monday we're practicing after school from 8:00-8:30. Booooooooooo hisssss. Plus I still have orchestra rehearsal for the OTHER orchestra I'm in today, and next Monday. Not to mention a lesson on Tuesday. Bah. I play too much viola. I wish I could take a break, but the reason we're practicing so much is because UIL competition is a week from tomorrow, and we need all of the extra practice we can get. Yep. We suck. We're the top orchestra in the school, and we suck. :P
So, who else likes Zelda? I'm obsessed with everything Zelda. I have so many Zelda games, I love it so much. Does anyone know when the new GC Zelda game is coming out, or has it already come out? O_o
Well I'm going to spend the rest of the night by myself. Can't wait. Yay.
Well bye.
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