have a holly jolly Christmas
Hope everyone's Christmases are going better than mine.
I have a horrific head cold.
At least my favorite cousin is coming to visit for a week, so that'll make things better.
And I think my friendship with WHAT'SHISFACE is rekindling.
A girl can dream, can't she?
so this is my life
and i want you to know that i am both happy and sad and i'm still trying to figure out how that could be.
Today is the twenty-seventh anniversary of John Lennon's death. I would highly sugest listening to his song Imagine on my playlist, and then you can see how amazing he truly was.
RIP John Lennon 1940-1980
I'm a teenager with a lot on my mind.
And I'm going to stay up all night.
Because I want to write.
My creative juices flow easiest at three in the morning.
Yesterday I was attacked by a vicious migraine. It made me incredibly nauseous, and my head felt like it was being drilled into violently. It was a miserable day.
Today is promising to be good. My friend and I are going to go see the OMGATHEISTMOVIE!The Golden Compass (with any luck).
But like I said. I'm going to be up quite late. I'm tired, so we'll just have to see how this all turns out =]
bwee =]
I finally got Eleanor Rigby on my Ipod. If you don't know that song, go listen to it on my playlist just below. I've been trying to get it. It's a beatifully tragic song =]
I reread The Perks of Being a Wallflower again yesterday. I got some of the songs mentioned in the book on my playlist, like Landslide and Dear Prudence and Blackbird(which was already on my playlist). I would recommend going to listen to Landslide by Fleetwood Mac.
In fact, just go listen to everything. I'm pretty positive you won't be disappointed.
I'm afraid to say that nothing in my life is of that great of importance at the moment. Life goes on just as it always has. Booh. I'm in love, I'm getting over past feelings, I'm dealing with school, I'm dealing with suicidal friends.
You know. The usual.
Oh yeah. Speaking of which.
So I'm a little worried about my friend.
He seems like a really nice, happy guy. I've known him since middle school. Last week, I saw him pulling at his rubber band that was around his wrist and letting go so that it would slap him. I asked him, "Why are you doing that? Doesn't it hurt?"
He said, "Yeah, that's the point."
I feel really bad for him, because he obviously has some self worth issues to go through.
He sent me one of those forwarding text messages that says:
FREE PASS to ask me anything u want and i have to answer with the truth! send this to everyone in ur phone and see what they ask u!!!
So I asked him, "Why did you want to hurt yourself?"
He said, "I value the life of my friends more than mine."
It made me want to cry. Seriously. I tried to help him understand that whatever is in your past doesn't affect what goes on in your daily life unless you let it. And that's what he's doing. I gave him the best advice I could have gotten when Michael was, in essence, "breaking up" with me: find someone who can be your crutch in times of trouble and would do anything for you. Only when you know that you are loved can you truly love yourself.
I wish I could do more, but I don't know what else to do...
Did I do the right thing? Should I just not get involved?
Buuuuh. I know too many people in need of help and understanding. Some of them need love. Some of them need HELP, like counselor help.
The world is so broken and bleak. Is there any way to fix everything?
We'll carry on, I suppose.
All the lonely people *sigh* Where do they all come from?
The holidays are approaching. They give people a sense of hope, yes? I'm certainly excited. I'm going to have a Christmas party. We're going to have a Secret Santa and White Elephant gifts, and we might make cookies =]
So I guess there is a lot going on in my life after all =] Hm.
As if this post wasn't long enough...
I don't have a picture today. I have a video, which is twice as amazing. The quality isn't the best, but remember that this was in the 60's. This is one of my favorite songs: A Hard Day's Night.
(my favorite is the one that starts singing second XD)
I hate school. And standardized tests.
We had a practice TAKS(texas assesment of knowledge and skills)(yearly standardized tests) on Tuesday. Today is my English final. Due to the English final, I'm going to miss part one of my German test, the rest of which we're going to take tomorrow. I think I have a Physics test on Friday, and a Pre-Calculus test next week. Not to mention all of the amazing-ness that comes with Choir and Orchestra(serve sentence with a dripping helping of Sarcasm1.0) AND trying to deal with my personal life and feelings for The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me (my boyfriend) and feelings for someone that I supposedly stopped caring about a few months ago.
Yeah. That's still here.
He decided to poke his amazing nose into my business...yet again.
We had an amazing conversation, and I want more of it.
I'm so scared. I can't go back to that place that I was in earlier this year. I don't think I'll be able to come back this time.
So. Lots of stuff.
*brain explodes*
at least I have the lovely Macca to make me feel better =]
Such a busy time requires more than one picture. Not one...not two...not three...but FOUR Macca pictures for your enjoyment.
/The perfect words never crossed my mind,
cause there was nothing' in there but you. /
/ There you are standing right in front of me
There you are standing right in front of me
All this fear falls away to leave me naked,
Hold me close, cause I need you to guide me to safety./
/ In the confusion and the aftermath,
you are my signal fire.
The only resolution and the only joy,
Is the faint spark of forgiveness in your eyes/
I can tell him everything
And I know he won't judge me.
I want to be with him forever.
I know I sound like a hormonal teenage girl.
And I know that I am.
But not about this.
This kid is neat =] I want to meet him.
And I like this video a bit better than the other one.
Mainly cos of the muffin and the jar =D
but i did like the little bit of Starlight on the other video...
Improved my playlist a bit.
It's neat.
oh boy.
whose bright idea was it to sign up to be an elf for one of the show choirs' performances?
oh yeah.
so i get to go to a practice thing tomorrow from nine to five. yeah. i said it. nine am to five fucking pm. can you believe it? i'm so mad x.x
so i'm going to see the golden compass when it comes out. it comes out on december seventh. i'm going on the eighth with my friend annie. i'm going to wear a john lennon memorial SOMETHING since december eighth was his death.
i think i'm spelling eighth wrong. am i? lol.
i'll just put 8th from now on.
My mom got me White tea with raspberry. it's not the real stuff...it's lipton. *shameful duck of head* but still...it's really amazing.
So, funny story. My name is Shelby, right? Well a few years ago, one of my aunts thought it would be funny to get me a Shelby. It's basically a Furbie, but it's a little yellow, orange, and green clam thing with poker things sticking out of its head.
There is absolutely nothing funny about that stupid thing. It's so annoying. It was asleep for about a year in a drawer in my computer room, but my friend Mario woke it up one day accidentally. v.v
it's ded grotty, isn't it?