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If you don't know me, somewhere you'll never find me! >.<
Member Since
Doing loads of Homework -.-
Real Name
You can call me Mousy! Or Teia. Whichever you prefer. ^^
Got into the GSDSEF Science Fair (Big whoop), won 4th place in the GSDSEF Sci. Fair(Another big whoop), 1st chair Flute/Piccolo in band for 2 years. Whoo! ^0^
Anime Fan Since
umm....emm.....i really can't remember that far back.....^^;
Favorite Anime
HAGANE NO RENKINJUTSUSHI[FMA ^.^], Fruits Basket, MAR, D. Gray Man, Ral Grad, Kurohime, etc.
Not to fail high school...-_-
Drawing, playing the flute, playing video games, playing with bombs...
Drawing, Playing the flute, kicking butt in video games(especially if there's bombs involved)
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Saturday, August 28, 2004
WOOHOO!! Thanx all you guys/girls that said good luck on my homework!! I luv you all! Wippee! ... O.O Wippee...???...Oh well! ^_^ K, so, I gots frends in my band/marching band class at school who lixes animeses!!! ^_^ One ob dem's filipina, da oder one is from Taiwan. Did I spell dat right? Oh well. ^_^ Ooh! And dere's an anime club dere! WOHHOO!! On Wednesday, we watcheded an episode of Azu Manga Daioh. I was really surpriseded da first day I went to Otay Ranch High. Dere were lotsa peeplez dere who lixeses animeses and were carryingk mangases. Can you tell I'm happy? I don't know why I'm happy, I just am! ...except for the fact that they took MegaMan off the WB AGAIN. I'm berry disappointed...Well, dat's not da reason why I'm ritingk a post. I'm ritingk a post to ask peeplez to go to anoder person's site.
*ahem* Well, my announcement is ober. K, well.......did I just hear a kid in here say MegaMan...?? Oh, he be's looking at the WB site. K, well, I'll CYall next wednesday when I get my hours back and when it's ANGELS HALO's birfday. ^_^
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Wednesday, August 18, 2004
I'm gonna say that to two people! First, to Jojo Demon, whose b-day was two days ago, on the 16th. And to my mom, whose b-day was yesterday! YAAAAAYYYYYY!!!! I got Jojo Demon Saiyuki. I was like, pleeze don't let her have it, pleeze don't let her have it. Then angels halo and I got to her house, and we looked on her bookshelf, and i was like, Yes, she doesn't have it. Then I was just looking around her room, and I saw she had a poster of Saiyuki. Then I was like, Yes, she likes it! ^_^ So, that's for Jojo Demon. For my mom, I couldn't get her anything. I'm broke. So I just got a piece of paper and started drawing. And, I'm very creative when it comes to getting my mom something for her b-day. Before, I remember, I made a small two-story house out of paper, and also I gave her fake dollars, but for each dollar, she could let me do something that I didn't usually do, like, I dunno, chores.
Now, sumthin' else, that's not saying happy b-day. I started school a week ago, which sucks. I am now going to Otay Ranch High. But, it's weird for me. There's 3 classes each day, but they're two hours each. And, sorry if I can't get back to you. I'm either swamped with homework, or, maybe it's just that i ran out of internet hours again and i'm using the libr'y computer right now. Long. I'd better go now, cuz I have to go now, cuz my mom's waiting for me. CYa laterz! ^_^ ...if i have time to...
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Monday, August 9, 2004
Hey looky! I took a thingie that asked if i was psychic, check it out.
You are moderately psychic.
You really are quite psychic, so it's worth taking the time to investigate those aspects of the paranormal that interest you. Consider purchasing a dream interpretation book, a beginner's set of tarot cards, or the latest astrology book to see which tools best suite your personality.
Here's the url:
...Aaaa! My Happy Ending!
"Oh oh, oh oh, so much for my happy ending
oh oh, oh oh, so much for my happy ending
oh oh, oh oh, oh oh
Let's talk this over
it's not like we're dead
was it something i did
was it something you said
don't leave me hanging
in a city so dead
held up so high on such a breakable thread
*you were all the things i thought i knew
and i thought we could be
you were everything, everything that i wanted
we were meant to be supposed to be but we lost it
all of the memories so close to me just fade away
all this time you were pretendin'
so much for my happy ending
oh oh, oh oh, so much for my happy ending
oh oh, oh oh, oh oh
You've got you're dumb(?) frends
i know what they say
they tell you i'm difficult
but so are they
but they don't know me
do they even know you
all the things you hide from me
all the stuff that you do
It's nice to know that you were there
thanx for acting like you cared
and makin' me feel like i was the only one
it's nice to know we had it all
thanx for watching as i fall(??)
and letting me know when we're done
he was everything, everything that i wanted
we were meant to be supposed to be but we lost it
all of the memories so close to me just fade away
all this time you were pretendin'
so much for my happy ending
oh oh, oh oh, so much for my happy ending
oh oh, oh oh, so much for my happy ending
oh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh oh"
This time, My Happy Ending by Avril Lavigne was on the radio. ^_^
Here's a couple of those memes
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WAAAAAHAAAAAAA!!!! I moved to a new house! It's actually smaller than my old house, but it's pretty...and it has a working garage... Well, angels halo helped my mom and I move our stuff. We had lots. And then, Our frend and her brothers, Arceneth, Arneal, and Arold, helped. We got things done fast, but now everything's all over the place, cuz Arold is 16, me and angels halo and I think Arceneth are 13. Or maybe Arceneth is 14.....hmm....and then Arneal is younger. So.....THANX ANGELS HALO!!!! TELL ARCENETH AND ARNEAL THANX TOO!! Ooh, 1985!
"Stacy, Madonna
Way before Nirvana
There was U2 and Blondie
Music's still on MTV
These two kids
in high school
They tell her that she's uncool
cuz she's still preoccupied
19 19 1985"
^_^ It's on right now on the radio. AND TELL AROLD THANX IF YOU WANT, YOU DON'T HAVE TO!
My new address and phone number: If you are any of my frends(angels halo, jojo demon, nsp1, raf) Be sure to highlight the following! If yor not, you have no business looking at my new address, but do what you want.
Address: 1139 Ocala Ave. Chula Vista, CA 91911
Phone Number: (619) 656-4472
K, that's it. So, waaaahaaaaa!!! ^_^
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Sunday, August 1, 2004

find your element
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Calm...I am calm...mostly
 You have a Calm Soul! Being calm and cool is what you do best. You collected thoughts and always positive attitude make you very bright and logical. When theres a problem, you know how to approach it, and solve it. Your friends rely on you on their problems, and your shoulder for their crying. You are peaceful, and enjoy nature and freedom. You rarely get angry and hardly scream, which makes you good with kids. You seem to be in tune with the world and if anything goes wrong, you always bounce back.
What Kind of SOUL do you posses? (For Girls only) Incredible Anime Pictures! brought to you by Quizilla
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 You're Yuki - the mouse.
Which Fruits Basket Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Isn't it rat, not mouse? Whatever. Does this mean that I hate Kyo? But I luv Kyo...
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Hey looky! It's a little thingie in Fruits Basket #3. I just had to put it up here.

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Saturday, July 24, 2004
Advanced Big 30 Personality Test Results Sociability | |||||||||||| | 38% | Aggressiveness | |||||||||||||||||||||||| | 78% | Assertiveness | ||||||||| | 26% | Activity Level | ||||||||||||||| | 50% | Excitement-Seeking | ||||||||||||||| | 50% | Enthusiasm | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| | 82% | Extroversion | |||||||||||||||||| | 54% | Trust | ||||||||||||||||||||| | 62% | Morality | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| | 82% | Altruism | ||||||||||||||||||||| | 62% | Cooperation | |||||||||||||||||| | 54% | Modesty | ||||||||||||||||||||| | 70% | Sympathy | ||||||||||||||||||||| | 66% | Friendliness | ||||||||||||||||||||| | 66% | Confidence | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| | 90% | Neatness | ||||||||||||||||||||| | 62% | Dutifulness | ||||||||||||||||||||| | 70% | Achievement | ||||||||||||||||||||| | 62% | Self-Discipline | ||||||||||||||||||||| | 66% | Cautiousness | |||||||||||||||||| | 58% | Orderliness | ||||||||||||||||||||| | 68% | Anxiety | ||||||||||||||||||||| | 62% | Volatility | ||||||||||||||| | 50% | Depression | ||||||||| | 30% | Self-Consciousness | ||||||||||||||||||||| | 70% | Impulsiveness | ||||||||| | 30% | Vulnerability | ||||||||||||||| | 50% | Emotional Stability | |||||||||||||||||| | 52% | Imagination | |||||||||||||||||||||||| | 78% | Artistic Interests | |||||||||||||||||||||||| | 74% | Introspection | ||||||||||||||||||||| | 66% | Adventurousness | |||||||||||||||||||||||| | 78% | Intellect | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| | 90% | Liberalism | ||||||||||||||| | 46% | Openmindedness | |||||||||||||||||||||||| | 72% | | Take Free Advanced Big 30 Personality Testpersonality tests by
 How evil are you?

Take the What Role Playing Character are you? quiz, and visit Castle Diqueria.
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D | Distinguished | E | Eccentric | N | Natural | I | Ideal | S | Spiritual | E | Enjoyable |
Name Acronym Generator From
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