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Teia Stormcaster
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If you don't know me, somewhere you'll never find me! >.<
Member Since
Doing loads of Homework -.-
Real Name
You can call me Mousy! Or Teia. Whichever you prefer. ^^
Got into the GSDSEF Science Fair (Big whoop), won 4th place in the GSDSEF Sci. Fair(Another big whoop), 1st chair Flute/Piccolo in band for 2 years. Whoo! ^0^
Anime Fan Since
umm....emm.....i really can't remember that far back.....^^;
Favorite Anime
HAGANE NO RENKINJUTSUSHI[FMA ^.^], Fruits Basket, MAR, D. Gray Man, Ral Grad, Kurohime, etc.
Not to fail high school...-_-
Drawing, playing the flute, playing video games, playing with bombs...
Drawing, Playing the flute, kicking butt in video games(especially if there's bombs involved)
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Saturday, July 17, 2004
I seriously could not sleep last night. I was excited about the Comic-Con because my mom and angels halo's mom were talking on the phone last night at 10:30 and I was listening. I overheard my mom said that angels halo might cum wit me! WHOO! I hope she can! Ooh, but now I'm super mom woke me up at 8:00 this morning. And now it's 11:30. *Big yawn* I might just fall asleep infront of the library computer...mmm...And Matt, I put up yor avatar for you...
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Thursday, July 15, 2004
Just wundering...
I was just wundering if you guys have a relationship with anyone else on myO. Like friend, best friend, boyfriend, sibling, anything other than online buddy. For me, angels halo is my best frend, Jojo Demon and NSP1 are very good frends, and raf is a ex-boyf. We still talk...occasionaly. I call him, he's never home. He says he'll call me, he doesn't have time to. MATT!! YOU BETTER FIND TIME TO!!! OR ELSE I KILLEE YOU!!!......O.O
K, CYall lataz! ^_^ Eheh...
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Saturday, July 10, 2004
Hey! Anyone goin' to the Comic-Con this year? I probly am. The thing is, I'm payin' for it, my mom's not. I went last year cause my cousin just released his own comic(non manga) and I went to see. That's where I realized I knew what anime was. And now I'm goin' this year! YAAAAAYYYYY!!!! ^_^ Cyall laterz! ^_^
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Tuesday, July 6, 2004
Hmm...i gotsa question. How did all of you find this place. i was thinkin' 'bout it last night...i was on google, looking for quizzes, and one of the thingies was guru, so i went and took the quiz, and then i saw the fanart here and decided to join up. That's how i found dis place. i gotsta go now...still hungry. CYall lataz! ^_^
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QUIZZZIIIEEEE!!!!! ^_^ and nothin' wrong with me today! ...*rumble*...eheh...hungry...
O.O Satoshi...?
 You're Satoshi
Which DNAngel Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, July 5, 2004
Quizzie time! ^_^...Whoo...another headache...@.@
That one sounds about right...Wow, you can find out a lot about people if they take lotsa quizzes that are accurate. ^_^
 Your anime hair color is green.
What is your anime hair color? brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, July 4, 2004
Pictures! ^_^
Hiya! Piccy time! These pics. are from graduation a month ago, but, who cares? I don't...I hope Jojo Demon, angels halo, nsp1, and raf don't mind...Oh well! ^_^
Alrighty! In this one, from left to right, it's Jojo Demon, nsp1, me, then angels halo.

This one is Raf. He just happened to be in the middle when I took this picture. i really didn't mean to take it of him being clearly in the middle...

Yay! Piccy time's over! So I'll CYall lataz! ^_^
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Saturday, July 3, 2004
Another Quizzie! ^_^...not tired this time...just have a headache...@.@
Yup, that's about true...angels halo's my closest frend...aren't you, Rika? The Anime Friendship Quiz
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Friday, July 2, 2004
Quizzie! ^_^...tired...ZZZZZZZZZZZ
 You are a Silent Dreamer...
Some say your a freak, others say your very blunt, but the truth is your just misunderstood. You understand a lot more then you let on, but that doesn't stop you from letting them think what they want. Who cares? Your you, that's all thats importaint.
What kind of Dreamer are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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