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Teia Stormcaster
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If you don't know me, somewhere you'll never find me! >.<
Member Since
Doing loads of Homework -.-
Real Name
You can call me Mousy! Or Teia. Whichever you prefer. ^^
Got into the GSDSEF Science Fair (Big whoop), won 4th place in the GSDSEF Sci. Fair(Another big whoop), 1st chair Flute/Piccolo in band for 2 years. Whoo! ^0^
Anime Fan Since
umm....emm.....i really can't remember that far back.....^^;
Favorite Anime
HAGANE NO RENKINJUTSUSHI[FMA ^.^], Fruits Basket, MAR, D. Gray Man, Ral Grad, Kurohime, etc.
Not to fail high school...-_-
Drawing, playing the flute, playing video games, playing with bombs...
Drawing, Playing the flute, kicking butt in video games(especially if there's bombs involved)
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Thursday, July 1, 2004
I seriously couldn't fall asleep last night. So, I fell asleep at like 12:00 and woke up at like 5:30, then went back to sleep, and woke up at 8:13. Then I ate breakfast and played my flute and piano, coz my mom told me to last night. And then I played FFIX. Hmmm...I was playing that one side game, Chocobo Hot & Cold. I don't get those Chocograph pieces. The Chocographs were easy to find...sort of...but i don't get the chocograph pieces. Nyone have tips? If ya don't, that's OK. Well, gotta go eat lunch now. *unenthusiasticly, or however you spell it...too lazy to think* CYaz.
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Told ya i'd CYa. ^_^
 All-Round Gamer
(results contain pictures) What type of GAMER are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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My internet is back! YAAAAYYYYY! My internet's limited coz it's free. Alright, well, CYaz in...2 seconds. ^_^
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Saturday, June 19, 2004
I ran out of internet hours again. T.T So now I´m at the library again...on a Spanish computer with a Spanish keyboard. This keyboard is way different from a english keyboard. There´s even a ñ key, a ¡ key, and a ¿ key. I wish I didn´t have only10 hours per month on the internet at home. It sucks.
Wow...I´m finally drawing my own character. I usually have a hard time figuring out what I should do for the hair and outfit. I´m gonna put her up as soon as I finish coloring her. I hope she turns out alright.
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Sunday, June 13, 2004
One more time. My frend, NSP1, is finally on, so can you pleeze go there? I think he'd appreciate it very much.
...I keep trying to sign guestbooks, but I can't. I don't know why, they just won't let me. And now my computer's messt up. >.< Pish tosh. GAH! I hate when my computer does this. And then in a couple a seconds, everything'll be all fixed...or maybe not...CRAP! STUPID COMPUTER! I HATE YOU!!...
Oh yah, i told ya i'd show ya my certificate thingimajiger, didn't I? Well, I can't, 'cuz my mom put it away for forever and now she won't ever take it out. I have to go now, so my computer won't be all messt up tomorow. *mumbling to self* stupid computer, won't let me do anything...*punches computer*...*nothing happens*......owww......*mumbles* now the stupid computer's tryin' to kill me.........*attempts to punch computer again*...*again, nothing happens*.........Owww..........>.<
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Kingdom Hearts 2
For all you KH fans out there who haven't already heard of these two websites, they're about KH2, and you should go. There's and They're pretty cool. There's also stuff on KH: Chain of Memories and KH: Final Mix. YAY! KH ROCKZ!
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Thursday, June 10, 2004
WAAAAAAHAAAAA!!!! Me, angels halo, NSP, raf, and Jojo Demon graduated yesterday! And now we're outa that place forever! Wanna see what the certificate thingimajiger looks like? I can show it to you tomorrow, i'm too lazy to scan it today. Ummmm...I was gonna say sumthin', but now i forgot...Did anyone else see Harry Potter 3? How'd y'all like it? I liked it.
Hmm...Bored......Who lixe Gravitation? And the Wanderer? Wippee! Me lixe 'em. Even though Gravitation is a well!
So what if these aren't the newest ones, I scanned 'em when Jojo Demon lent 'em to me. Gravitation #5 and The Wanderer #2.
Ooohh! I got the new issue of Shonen Jump at Wal-Mart, cuz I didn't subscribe. I thought it'd be $13.00 or sumthin' like that, but it was only $5.00.
Jojo Demon got me Trigun for graduation. My frend @ school, Daniel, lent me it, so I already read it. Who cares if I read it? Try to own as many manga as you can. Yuppers! ^_^
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Sunday, June 6, 2004

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WHOA! I got the Shikon Jewel?! last time I took this quiz, I got the Tenseiga. I was kinda expecting to get that again.
You should wield the Shikon no Tama!
Find out Which
weapon from Inu Yasha should you wield.
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Shuichi! YAY!
Might not be my personality, but I clicked the buttons that were for me.