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Teia Stormcaster
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If you don't know me, somewhere you'll never find me! >.<
Member Since
Doing loads of Homework -.-
Real Name
You can call me Mousy! Or Teia. Whichever you prefer. ^^
Got into the GSDSEF Science Fair (Big whoop), won 4th place in the GSDSEF Sci. Fair(Another big whoop), 1st chair Flute/Piccolo in band for 2 years. Whoo! ^0^
Anime Fan Since
umm....emm.....i really can't remember that far back.....^^;
Favorite Anime
HAGANE NO RENKINJUTSUSHI[FMA ^.^], Fruits Basket, MAR, D. Gray Man, Ral Grad, Kurohime, etc.
Not to fail high school...-_-
Drawing, playing the flute, playing video games, playing with bombs...
Drawing, Playing the flute, kicking butt in video games(especially if there's bombs involved)
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Friday, June 4, 2004
Yesterday, the middle school at my school went on an end of the year trip to Boomers. Yaayy! Angels halo and I went on the GoKarts, and both times I went, I caused an accident. Whoops! ^_^ The first time, This guy I didn't know was in front of me and wouldn't get out of my way. So there was this turn, so he turned and I was still going forward, and I crashed into the back of his GoKart and he spun around and stopped another girl I didn't know. I was thinking, 'Oh man, they're soooo going to kick me off.' But then, the guy passed me, and I didn't get kicked off. Yaayy! OK, the second time I went on, this sixth grader I knew was in front of me and wouldn't go away, so on that same turn, I crashed into him so he spun around. Another Whoops. This time I thought for sure that they would kick me out, but they didn't. Yaayy! Total Road Rage. Then angels halo and I went inside the arcade and played Dance Dance Revolution Extreme. The Japanese version. Jojo Demon came with us and played too. The first time, Jojo Demon and I played and she's never played before, so we went on beginners. That was waaaayyy too easy. Then we played again, and angels halo picked this Love Shine song or whatever it was called. I was doing really well in the first part, then I got messed up and we failed. :( So then, angels halo and I went outside to the rock wall and we tried the hardest one. Our friend, nsp tried it before us, but he got stuck not too high off the ground. So angels halo and I got stuck at the exact same place. We were both trying to do the same thing, but our hands got stuck and we slipped. :( Then we ate lunch. I got a hot dog, and angels halo and Jojo Demon got one order of Onion Rings. We all got an ICEE, but Jojo Demon and I got the blueberry one and angels halo got the cherry one. Then we went back to the arcade and played those fighting games.I think angels halo went on Mortal Kombat and I think I went on Street Fighter. Maybe it was the other way around. On the game I was playing, angels halo came over and played against me, and I beat her 13 times. She didn't beat me at all. The thing is, she was changing characters, and I couldn't. Then I kicked Raf's butt, and this annoying kid at school's but. And also, I was just pushing buttons. That's how I always do it. I just push buttons. That helps alot sometimes. ^_^ Whew, long! Well, I gotsta go eat, soooo...
CYa'lls! ^_^
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Thursday, June 3, 2004
I think I figgered out how to make the cards work. I sure hope this does.

OK! Well, we had to run a mile at school last week. And we had to run it in under 10 minutes or we wouldn't pass. I never imagined I'd get what I got. 13 year old girls had to get like 8 minutes and 23 seconds or sumthin' like that. I never dreamed that I'd get 8:16. This mile was extra hard, 'cuz there was this kinda steep hill and it was a little over a mile. It was like 1 and 1/8 of a mile. When I got my time, I was like, "Omigosh! I got an 8?!" And I'm crazy. Yope. I ran an extra lap. I wasn't too tired. I don't know why. CYa'lls lataz!
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Tuesday, June 1, 2004
YAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!! My internet is back!!! Alrighty! First, one question. Is anyone finding the yellow to be too bright? 'Cuz I can change it, no problem.
Next! The cards!
A of hearts- Rakka- Haibane Renmei >.<
K of hearts- Aoi and Kaoru- Ai Yori Aoshi
Q of hearts- Sakura- Cardcaptor Sakura ^_^
J of hearts- Saga and Sugar- A Little Snow Fairy, Sugar
A of spades- J- Heat Guy J
K of spades- Kamui- X -_-
Q of spades- Ayane and Miu- Gatekeepers 21 -_-
J of spades- Taichi Hiraga-Keaton- Master Keaton
A of diamonds- Yume- Someday's Dreamers >.<
K of diamonds- Lupin and Fujiko- Lupin the 3rd
Q of diamonds- Sakura- Sakura Wars, The Movie >.<
J of diamonds- Chi and Sumomo- Chobits ^_^
A of clubs- Claus and Lavie- The Last Exile >.<
K of clubs- Mahoro, Suguru, and Minawa- MahoRomatic
Q of clubs- Mao-Chan- Mao-Chan
J of clubs- Lowe and Jack- Licensed by Royalty
Joker- Lupin and Fujiko- Lupin the 3rd, The Movie -_-
Joker- Arucard- Hellsing
Joker- Vash and Wolfwood- Trigun ^_^
The last Joker didn't have anybody on it, it was a peace sign and the anime was supposed to be Onmyoji
The back of the card said:
Sound, Vision, Soul
The ones with the ^_^ next to them were the ones that I have actually seen or read. Pretty sad, huh? The ones with the -_- next to them were the ones that I have heard a good deal about. The ones with the >.< next to them are the ones that I've heard a little bit about and want to read or watch. I don't know why I used >.< though.
Somethin' bad happened on my video game. I was playing a new file for my Dark Cloud 2 game, and I accidentally saved over my old file! That file was at like 78 hours and I was at the very end of Chapter 7, where Emperor Griffon was. Wah. T.T ......Oh well! Guess I'll just hafta play a better game than I did last time! ^_^
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Tuesday, May 25, 2004
Hiya peeplez! ^_^
'Sup? How's everyone doin'? My other frends at school want ta get more popular here. There usernames are raf, nsp1, and horsefreak. I'm at the library right now, 'cuz my 10 hour time limit on the internet at home ran out. T.T So now I'm here at the library. Ummm...can't think of anything to say. Next time I put up a post, I'm gonna say what's on those cards, 'cuz they won't work. K, well, CYa 4 now! ^_^
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Tuesday, May 18, 2004
I forgot to tell you all something yesterday. Yesterday morning, while I was coming to school, I was listening to the radio and I heard that this lady said that she broke up with her boyfriend because he was too into anime! ANIME! In my head, I was like, "What the hell?!" And then the lady was like, "They have no story line and the comic books are backwards." Then I was like, "WHAT the Hell?! No duh the mangas are backwards! They're JAPANESE, of course they're backwards!" Then I told my friends, and they were like, "What the hell?!" So, yup. That's all I have to say, I guess. I'm in school and we're not supposed to do this.
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Monday, May 17, 2004
If I can't get back to you, it's because of all of the homework. As the school year ends, the homework just piles up. On Saturday, I had so much math homework. It took me the whole day to finish. Of course, I was watching TV with my mom while I was doing it, but it took soo long. The other reason I couldn't get back was because my friend lent me his Final Fantasy: Unlimited DVDs and my mom tells me to return them right away, so I had to watch them first.
Ooh! I just wants ta know, what are all of your popularity rankings? I'm just curious, ya don't gotsta tell me if ya don't wanna......Holy crap! It's 8:00! I gotta go! My mom always tells me to go to bed at 8:00 because I have to get up at 5:00. CYa as soon as I can. Hopefully, that's not when summer vacation starts. That's in 3 weeks!
Oh! One more thing. I was on my friend's site and she was sayin' that she wanted to get more popular, so I'm gonna ask ya ta go. *at some person across the neighborhood* This is the last time I am doing this for you angels halo!!! Never again! *back to you* OK, you heard her username one more time. Pleeze go so she'll stop asking to get popular! If ya didn't catch that, her username's angels halo.
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Saturday, May 8, 2004
MegaMan and Cards
Hiya everyonez! ^_^ YAAAAYYYY!!! On MegaMan, MegaMan was deleted 3 days ago! I was like, "WHAT!? NOOOOO YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!! I HATE YOU PEOPLE!" And then, today, Protoman saved him from falling into the lava and I was like, "Wow...Protoman did something nice." And then, MegaMan has new forms! YIPPEE! They're in the intro.
Oh, yes, the cards. Remember the cards I was talkin' 'bout before? Well, if ya don't, look at the post below! Well, here's what they look like. I scanned 'em.

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Tuesday, April 27, 2004
These crazy people won't let me submit some of my drawings! AAHHH! Everytime I try, it says, 'You're fanart has to be smaller than 750x1000 pixels.' It still says it even though I make them less than 750x1000 pixels! It's SO annoying! I finally got one up, but I had to reduce it's size to like, 500 something pixels.
Even though this one worked, I wanted to put it up here.
*not looking* Did it work? I better open my eyes. *opens eyes* It's my Rurouni Kenshin piccy. Wait...did I put him under video games? AAAAAHHHH! I THINK I DID! Right when it comes up, I'm gonna change it to Rurouni Kenshin. I might have put him under Yu Yu Hakusho...Oh my gosh! I am so bad! I always forget stuff! And do other stuff too. Today at school, I thought I brought my lunchbox in with me. At lunch time, I thought I left it in the daycare room. I looked, it wasn't there. So, my teacher called my mom, and my mom said that I left it in the car! My lunchbox came right when lunch ended. So, I was only able to eat half of my sandwich. And even worse, I had P.E. later. So, I basically had no energy for it. But miraculously, in P.E., When we ran laps, I was the first girl that came in. And these girls aren't really slow.
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Saturday, April 24, 2004
Whoa! They did change the posting place...whatever. I don't really mind, though, 'cuz I always type in the code myself.
Oh, yes, what I came here to say. I went to the bookstore today and my mom let me buy Rurouni Kenshin #4! WAHA! Now I'm gonna draw Kenshin and Sano and Aoshi all the time! ^_^ And then I'm gonna send them in here, of course.
I just found my anime playing cards. And I found my Sailor Moon playing cards...well, some of them anyway. I only know about 5 of the animes on the cards out of all the royal cards.T.T I don't know a lot of anime that's out there...Oh yeah, I'm supposed to be happy! Like it says in my mood! So I'll be happy! WAHA! ^_^
Umm, Oh yeah, I'm gonna submit some of my older drawings in. They're all from Megaman: NT Warrior. There's no Megaman category, so I'll just put them under video games. I was totally obsessed with Megaman before, so some of the drawings have what the character is saying on it. Yup. I'm a total weirdo! And I'm proud of it!...should I be? Oh well. WAHA! I'll C everyone laterz! ^_^
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Wednesday, April 21, 2004
Hiya everyone! Just a couple more quizzes.
 Yoh Asakura
All you need is Yoh... a friendly, open, selfless, carefree boy who would do anything for his friends. Though he seems to attract problems wherever he goes, he knows how to encourage and make you forget all your worries!
What Shaman King boy is your perfect match? (for girls) brought to you by Quizilla
Yoh, huh? WAHA! FORGET ANNA! WOOHOO! What Golden Sun Adept Are You?
Wind, as always…almost.
 Your Energy is Blue. You are a creative thinker with an active imagination. Artistic and talented, you want to reach the stars and bring them down to form. You are trustworthy, honest and reliable. Others feel comfortable in your presence as you project a non-threatening, serene energy.
You would do well in any of the helping professions, as an artist, singer, diplomat, orater, or clergy member.
What color is your energy? brought to you by Quizilla
 You're Element is Water. You are soft and serene at most times but like Wind, you're scary when you're mad. You proabaly have a talent is singing and even your speaking voice is lovely. You have an innocent type of beauty that makes you look younger than you are and you like close relationships with people.
What's Your Element(girls)? (PICTURES) brought to you by Quizilla
Of course it’s water. I always get water or wind. And now I know why. My friend has this book called Born on a Rotten Day. It’s a horoscope book. My birthday is on the last day of Libra and the first day of Scorpio, so I checked both. And guess what elements they are. Right! Libra is wind, and Scorpio is water. Wahaha! No wonder.
 Which Naruto Character are You? quiz by
 ¨ß B¨ß B6de43c)
"Which Kingdom Hearts Character Are You?" brought to you by Quizilla
Riku? Hmm, interesting.
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