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Teia Stormcaster
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If you don't know me, somewhere you'll never find me! >.<
Member Since
Doing loads of Homework -.-
Real Name
You can call me Mousy! Or Teia. Whichever you prefer. ^^
Got into the GSDSEF Science Fair (Big whoop), won 4th place in the GSDSEF Sci. Fair(Another big whoop), 1st chair Flute/Piccolo in band for 2 years. Whoo! ^0^
Anime Fan Since
umm....emm.....i really can't remember that far back.....^^;
Favorite Anime
HAGANE NO RENKINJUTSUSHI[FMA ^.^], Fruits Basket, MAR, D. Gray Man, Ral Grad, Kurohime, etc.
Not to fail high school...-_-
Drawing, playing the flute, playing video games, playing with bombs...
Drawing, Playing the flute, kicking butt in video games(especially if there's bombs involved)
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Sunday, April 18, 2004
YAAYY! They put YYH back on the air! WAHA!!! I'M SO HAPPY!!! YIPPEE!! HAHAHAHAHA!! I MISSED IT! Even though it was just for a little while. Ooh, new episodes of Inu-Yasha next Saturday! YAY! Ooh, and Megaman: NT Warrior is coming back to the WB!! YAY! Some of my most favoritest shows! ^_^ I know. 'Most favoritest' isn't a word. Whatever. YIPPEE! HAHAHAHAHA!! CYA ALL LATER!! ^_^
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Saturday, April 17, 2004
Hi everyone!

Yay! It's Rath!
Hahahaha! I found two new members here! Their usernames are...bakuretsu tenshi and K1raranek0. They'd really appreciate it if you went there. Waha! I seem to always be typing up Waha these, actually. Ha! Anyway, you guys and girls out there can go there. If anyone wants to learn how to make a blog, you can go to my friend's site, jojo demon. 'Cuz she typed up the code for a bolg. CYa laterz everyone! ^_^ WAHA!
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Sunday, April 11, 2004
What's up, everyone? Guess where I went today? Well, I guess it's obvious by the title. Yup, yup! I went to see the Cirque du Soleil, Varekai. It was awesome! Some people messed up, though. It was still good. There were these 'magicians.' They were soo funny! It was hilarious. Well, guess that's all I have to say. CYou all later!
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Saturday, April 10, 2004
 Click here to take the Inu Yasha Character Quiz
I always get Sesshomaru on these Inu-Yasha quizzes. I'm glad, cuz he's my favorite Inu-Yasha character.
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YAAAAYYYYY!!! Now I have over 200 visits! First I had 100 in 1 month, now I have the other 100 in, letssee, like 13 days! COOL!! Again, thanx to everyone who's come here and signed my gb and added me as a friend! I appreciate it! CYa laters! ^_^
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Monday, April 5, 2004
Whoa! I just realized I have 40 friends. And a lot of 'em are Hiei fans. What's up with that? Oh well, Hiei's cool. Hmmm.......I'm hungry! I haven't had breakfast yet! Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!! I'm gonna go crazy if I don't have some breakfast soon! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!
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Saturday, April 3, 2004
Hello everyone out there! Spring break begins today!! YAY! Gosh, it's so good to get away from school. YAY!!! It's finally spring break. That stinks. Huh? Whoa! Not that it's finally Spring break, something else! At school, we have to wear uniforms, and we get to have a free dress day...Only if we do TV turn off week. I can't do it! I can't turn off TV for a WHOLE WEEK!!! I'd die! SERIOUSLY! I would!
Oh, yeah. I HAVE SOMETHING TO TELL YOU ALL! PLEASE GO TO MY FRIEND'S MYOTAKU SITE. PLEASE! SHE'S ONLY HAD 12 VISITS AND IT'S BEEN A WHILE! PLEASE GO, AND BE HER FRIEND AND SIGN HER GB! PLEEEEAAASE!...Why aren't you going?! Huh? Oh yeah, heh, silly me. I forgot to give you her username. Angels halo. NOW GO! Before I doze off.*dozes off* Zzzzzz...zzzzzzz...zzzzzzz.........Wha?*snaps wide awake* ARE YOU WATCHING ME SLEEP!!! YOU BETTER NOT HAVE BEEN! IF YOU WERE, I'LL KILL YOU!!! Now go away, I'm sleepy. Shoo. I'm not ending with my usual smiley because I'm tired and I'm mad because you were watching me sleep! Go away. *dozes off once again* Zzzzzzzzzz.
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Wednesday, March 31, 2004
bluh bluh bluh
Got my name in the newspaper two days ago. It was because of the Science Fair. My mom was and is still making such a big deal about it. I know I should make a big deal about it too, but I just don't feel like it. I don't know why.
...Huh?...AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!! THEY TOOK YU YU HAKUSHO OFF THE AIR!!! AAAAAAAHHHH!!! WAAAHHHH!!! I just hope it's still on on the 17th like the people said. *sniff* Meh.
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Sunday, March 28, 2004
Yay! Over 100 people have visited my site!! YAAAAYY! Thanx to all the people who have visited here. Oooohhh, and it's like only been a month!
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Saturday, March 27, 2004
I was reaaally bored, so I took some YYH quizzes,actually, I took a lot of YYH quizzes. Hm, I actually got Hiei instead of Kurama on one of them. And I usually get Kurama. I didn't feel like writing a subject, as you can see. So I just wrote...wait, what did I write? Oh well, doesn't matter.
 Kurama would be your friend.
What Yu Yu Hakusho Character would You be best friends with. brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Genkai. You like to kick demon ass. You are the soul creator of the Spirit Wave technique.
Which Yu Yu Hakusho girl are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Genkai? Cool. Kick some demon ass. Only problem is she's old.
 Kurama!Your on a date with Kurama! Kurama is really romantic and girls are crazy for him. Well on your date with him he gave you red roses and took you to a beatiful restrant. Then you had a walk around a beatiful rose garden. That is so romantic! After all that he drove you home and kissed you, it felt tenderly. You are so lucky! I wish I was you. You better not let him go or he will be someone elses someday. I like him but I like Ray in Beyblade more.
What Yu Yu Hakusho Character will date you?(Girls only!) brought to you by Quizilla
 You're Kurama, the quiet, swift, and clever fox youkai!!! You can manipulate any plant into a weapon, and and you are a very formidable foe. Though you usually keep your thoughts to yourself, you are very intellegent and kind. You love your family and friends, and you'd do anything to protect them... usually.
Yu Yu Hakusho 'dun dun dun' The Quiz!!!! brought to you by Quizilla
Which Kurama Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 Your match is Kurama,the fox demon,he's got the brains,bronze,and the looks to hook any girl,we all envy you,Congrats!
What Yu Yu Hakusho are you like? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Kurama. You a quite the strategist. You are a good friend of Hiei's.
Which Yu Yu Hakusho character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Which Yu-Yu Hakusho Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Hiei? Interesting. I usually get Kurama.
 oh cool! you're like Kurama! he's cute...:). you're really kind but you're still a kick ass fighter despite your usual kind self. you have a cool ass whip too and you're really really smart. go Kurama! kick some ass!
The Yu Yu Hakusho Character Quiz brought to you by Quizilla
Which Yu Yu Hakusho Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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