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Teia Stormcaster
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If you don't know me, somewhere you'll never find me! >.<
Member Since
Doing loads of Homework -.-
Real Name
You can call me Mousy! Or Teia. Whichever you prefer. ^^
Got into the GSDSEF Science Fair (Big whoop), won 4th place in the GSDSEF Sci. Fair(Another big whoop), 1st chair Flute/Piccolo in band for 2 years. Whoo! ^0^
Anime Fan Since
umm....emm.....i really can't remember that far back.....^^;
Favorite Anime
HAGANE NO RENKINJUTSUSHI[FMA ^.^], Fruits Basket, MAR, D. Gray Man, Ral Grad, Kurohime, etc.
Not to fail high school...-_-
Drawing, playing the flute, playing video games, playing with bombs...
Drawing, Playing the flute, kicking butt in video games(especially if there's bombs involved)
Friday, July 1, 2005
Mood: …bored…-.-
Time of Posting: 9:00 AM
Hey allz, howz it goin? Hm, well welcome to the month of July. There’s this thing that Sophie and I did when she was here three days ago that I guess I forgot to mention. It was really weird. I’ll explain it by a little script type thing. It’s this weird…um… ‘top/bottom’ thing with cheeseburgers…
Mom: Come and eat.
Teia: What are we gonna eat?
Mom: McDonalds
Teia: *turn to Sophie* Wanna eat now?
Sophie: Sure *puts PS2 controller down and we go to the kitchen*
Teia: *to mom* Are there still onions in these?
Mom: Sorry, I forgot.
Teia: Hmmm…. *to Sophie* You wanna swap my top for your bottom? I don’t like onions.
Sophie: Sure. So I’m gonna have two bottoms?
Teia: XD Hahaha! *gives burger top to Sophie and takes Sophie’s burger bottom. Had a bit of trouble with Sophie’s burger bottom cuz of the cheese*
[we’ll now refer to the top I gave her as her burger bottom and vice versa]
Sophie: D, you’re fingerprints are all over my bottom.
Teia: Oh well yeah, I had to grab it.
*both laugh*
Teia:…my top’s flat…and squished…
Sophie: My top and bottom are round.
Teia: Well at least they’re round. Both my top and bottom are flat.
*both laugh harder*
And that’s about it for that. Weird, ne? Oh yeah, she calls me D cuz that’s the first letter of my name, if you look in the menu, or even my intro, you’ll see. So newayz…
It was a pretty boring day yesterday, but it was okay I guess. My aunt and I were talking about how my foster brother can look so innocent, yet be so mischievous. Like how he asks “Can I help?” and he helps, but afterwards, he throws everything in the air and makes a complete mess. *sigh* And he’s also so energetic that he’s too energetic. His social workers were thinking of putting him on meds to sedate him a bit. I’m saying to myself ‘Thank goodness’ because I hafta take care of him by myself next week. I’m gonna go crazy! That boy’s too much! Well, at least I’m gonna get paid to do it. I hope I’m able to get some pictures done in that time I have to take care of him.
And on that subject of drawing, I can’t believe how fast I’ve been drawing pictures nowadays. And coloring too. I put two pics up today that are just in black and white and…plain. And tomorrow I’ll have them up in color. I got the idea for the first one when I was watching Dancing with the Stars two nights ago. I just saw them dancing, and so I just got this sudden urge to draw people dancing, or in this case, dressed up to dance and are about to dance. The second picture…I just felt like drawing someone with ears, and I didn’t want it to be a girl or a neko. So I made a wolf guy. My mom was watching me draw this one and she kept telling me how to draw it. I was just about to go crazy with that. She kept looking over my shoulder and saying stuff like “No, no, no. That doesn’t look good.” or “No, no, no. This shouldn’t be so plain.” or “Do this.” “Do that.” and all that kinda stuff. QUIT TELLING ME WHAT TO DO!! YOU DON’T DRAW!! *humph*. Well, newayz, here they are.

Well there ya go. So please check em out. I may also have more pictures other than these in color up tomorrow. I dunno, I’ve just been dying to draw a pic with Balmung and Kite. And something from Dragon Knights…oh and if you’d perhaps like to request something, anything, that’d be good. I’m bored on my break and I need things to draw! Hmm…*looks up at post* wow…this is long…maybe the longest I’ve written…so I’d better get going and start coloring, ne? Take care all and have a great and wonderful day! ^_^ *hugs*
~~Teia~~ =^n.n^=
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