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Friday, October 7, 2005

   Getting back up from the loss of life

It is hard to get back up from a situation that is going to change a person's life forever. I already knew it was going to happen someday, I didn't think it would happen in my freshman year of school. For people who are already damaged from the emotional pain not from Katrina, but from other things; they are the one who last the longest without breaking down. But they are the ones that break down with an explosion of emotions at peaceful times. I'm just one of those people.
Lets get back to a better picture! Well I'm back at school and rabid munchies man~nickname for a fellow study hall classmate~ hasn't changed a bit. The forigen dude I really like very much ~it's comparative to the Sakura falling head over heels for Sasuke~ but he went back to Demark. (T_T) well enough rambling and Sayanora! ~dissappears in a puff of light pink smoke~

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Saturday, September 17, 2005

   Hello. I'm alive.

Sorry I haven't got to talk to the Otaku communinity for a while. I live in South Mississippi and I think you guys get the picture. I got to see the first two esipodes of Naruto on Cartoon Network all because my grandmom got a generator. My parents took over me and my sister's room, but I'm glad that my family is alright.
I got to make some more wallpapers which was very good. I also made some E-cards. Well I have to stop so sayanora!

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Friday, August 26, 2005


I finally got a Neopet's account, the name of my account is ariketa. My sister is being a butt because she is a cheerleader. I also got another wallpaper posted (if it would ever come up) and It is for Naruto.
well sayanora!

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Tuesday, August 23, 2005

   this is stupid

Aw come on! This is totally stupid, the school edit blocker doesn't block the shinobi-inn, so I can chat online during school, but it sucks that they block the Otaku. The also can't block msn groups, so I can update my wallpapers that I can't put on theotaku.com.(sorry for the random jibberish)
Well Sayanora! (^^)

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Sunday, August 21, 2005

Suspense is good for the souless...

I started another fan fiction a while back. The name of it was The L33t Letters. You can find it on www.animespiral.com under my penname, Vicki.

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Thursday, August 18, 2005


I can't find a computer with a scanner. The reason why for the scanner: I want to post some of my art on www.theotaku.com, that what. The same people who are doing www.narutochuushin.com is now doing a new website with other comics on it too. The web address is www.mangaviewer.com. It has FMA, Chobits, HunterxHunter, Prince of Tennis, and One Piece.
I have noticed something about the Shonen Jump in America actually edits the mangas, so I have to find websites so I could find unedited mangas from Shonen Jump.
(sorry if I am being a critic for everything that I'm talking about, I really want is the "true facts" not the edited 5h17 that America gives us[great I'm doing it again] {^^'})
well Sayanora people, that all that I wanted to talk about.

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Sunday, August 14, 2005


Yawn, another nice Sunday morning before school starts again this week. I got my butt kicked at the tourament(bad spelling). My sister is a cheerleader now.[creepy, one of them is now my little sister]
I am somewhat coming to think that Cartoon Network isn't going to show the commericals for Naruto until a little too late. Paranoia Agent is becoming awsome. The assistant dective(cruddy spelling) wears an awsome pair of glasses that you can connect onto the computer and search the web on.
Sorry if I just keep rambling on and on. (^^')

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Friday, August 12, 2005


Well at least I'm getting lessons in Japanese and know how to use the character map on the computer. Maybe I can finally use it for making wallpapers because I would be writing the Japanese names for the shows.
I'm officially stuck with two books, three binders, and a bunch of pencils and pens stuck in my backpack for the weekend. I really want a box of strawberry pocky for a snack.
It's less than a month until the dubbed version of Naruto comes on on Cartoon Network, and the only times I seen the commericals for it was only during the summer peremeir-thingy, and they haven't shown any since then. They didn't do the same thing like they did to Zatch Bell, D.I.C.E., and One Piece. Well at least there is one thing that I can sleep in peace and that is 4Kids (infamous for their terrible anime editing) isn't dubbing the series.
[Recent Update:
Cartoon Network has finally put up their site area for Naruto.(well at least they did one thing right, just start the commericals already.)]
Well, sayanora.

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Thursday, August 11, 2005


Something is bothering me. I think it's that the first esipode of Naruto comes on the U.S. in less than a month. It has already have been confirmed that Steven Blum(Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo) is playing Kakashi-san's voice. Then there is the part about the editing. *shiver, twich* It really sucks that the editing laws in the U.S. cause great animes to die.
*yawn* (*o*) I have officially got back into the habit of drawing.(all because of my Study Hall teacher)I was also working on another fan fiction, but it is an orinigal one. The name of the fan fiction is
The L33t Letters

That's all I have to say, so Sayanora people.

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Wednesday, August 10, 2005

   Somethings wierd on Lycos...

This is wierd. I was looking around at Lycos (read todays otaku update by Adam) and it had Teen Titan characters going against Naruto characters. To read this article press on the Teen Titans picture below.
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