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myOtaku.com: TenkuPetri25

Thursday, March 9, 2006

   Sweet Sweet Relief *le sigh* Take 2
Okay, I wrote this long post, and then it didn't submit properly... Let me try to remember what I wrote. -.- Sometimes, I hate technology...

Okay, as of 1:10 am last night/this morning, that comstume I was talking about last post is now DONE!!! I'm very proud of it. It could be better, but with the amount of time and lack of sleep and energy, it's good enough. From a distance it looks AWESOME! Up close though, you can see some little problems and quick fix-ups. Oops...
We (myself and the person this costume was for) are already planning version 2. -.- I am not looking foreward to remaking this costume.
I asked him what his 'dream costume' would be. He answered the Game master armor. I thin I could do it, if given a lot of foam, glue and time. Like 6 months time, cause I'm a procrastinator.
But I'm so happy with this costume. I feel so good. The post-costume rush/high is really good. Y'all should try it some time. ^^
But I'm already planning Demon Form Chrno for Metrocon when I see Chibi-chan! (I miss you!!!) That's like 2 and a half months from now, but I'll need all the time I can get. It's gonna be dificult, but if I do it right, it'll look so freakin' awesome! *spazzes out* Huzzah!
One last thing before I go, I've downloaded a new anime series: Black Cat. After reading the first manga and learing that it had an animated series, I had to find it. I have currently seen the first episode and have episodes 2 and 3 downloading, hopefully finished within 30 minutes. Key word, hopefully.
I know I have an unhealthy obsession with catboys... -.- Next is Loveless! Ha-tcha! ^^

~end Transmission

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