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In my room, writing stories and poems... and writing about beautiful things
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A romantic and Kouga's wife
Real Name
hmm... InuGirl16, Tenshi Okami or just Okami ^-^v
Getting through lifes hardships everyday and not showing my tears
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha,Tokyo Mew Mew, Sailor Moon, Full Metal Alchemist, Naruto, Oh My Goddess!, Samurai Champloo, s - CRY - ed
To get a date with the guy I like *~blush~*
Being on the Net and ahything else having to do with anime
I have a great artistic talent and Im probably the best dreamer you've ever met
| Tenshi Okami
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Raven:"... So?"
Kristen:"What do you mean So? Aoshi really likes you and all you've got to say is So? He's a really nice guy."
"What do you want me to say? Besides, I'm not the issue here. So, what's happenin' with you and Kotsu?"
"You know I'm talking about. Could we be looking at Kristen's new boyfriend? I mean, he loves you right? Since you and Kanari are almost the same and everything. So what's your next move Kanari? I mean Kristen?"
"How do you know?"
"Kotsu mentioned it while he was explaining why you fainted. So, what did you do after he told you everything Kana - I mean Kristen?"
"Your the worst sister ever. Making fun of me like that."
"I love you too. So what happened?!"
"Kotsu... I think while he was talking to me... something slipped out. I think he told me he loved me."
"Serious? Wow!! And what did you say?"
"I... didn't say anything."
"What?! You didn't sat anything?!"
"I don't like him. He's like a best friend to me. Why are you getting all bent out of shape?"
"Cause your acting unfair. Kotsu told you he loves you, but you couldn't even say, 'I don't see us being together like that'."
"It's not a big deal!! Quit lecturing me!! I'm not three!!"
"Yes it is!! You could have really hurt him."
"What do you mean I could have hurt him?"
"Think about it. Right now he might feel rejected."
"Look at him!! Does he seem rejected?!"
"On the inside!! You have to consider his feelings!!"
"Who are you to be talking to me like I'm a baby?! Why should I just stand around and take this?! Give me one good reason!!"
"Because you need to finally get over your stupid ex!!!! And act happy for once!!!"
"What are you talking about? I'm over him."
"No your not. Eveer since the party you've been moody and depressed. Something's wrong. Sometimes I actually feel like I don't to be around you. So for your own good, get over Brian, cheer up tell Kotsu how feel! Please!!"
"... Do I really act like that?"
"Yes. So do you understand what I'm saying?"
"I guess so, but you didn't have to be so harsh about it."
"Sorry. It all just exploded out of me. So, what are you going to do about Kotsu now?"
"I don't know. I guess I'll just have to wait for Kotsu to come back."
January 20, 2005
But Kotsu didn't come back. He didn't come back for the whole week. Maybe Raven was right. Maybe I had hurt Kotsu, and now he wasn't talking to me. Man, I've got to think.
Antway, the party us party is tomorrow. Maybe Kotsu'll come then. I hope so. I've been missing him for some reason lately. I hope he comes soon.
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