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Comic artist/ Animator
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3rd place in Skills Canada/ Graduating College/ Home playa on Video and Arcade Top 10 Baby!
Anime Fan Since
1980's Astro Boy. Seems like yesterday.
Favorite Anime
Shojo, FullMetal Alchemist, Ayashi No Ceres, Eureka Seven, Marvel Comics, Ryusei No Rockman
To become an Animator and/or web comic artist/Writer
Webcomics, Anime, Computer, Video games, Dancing and TV
Drawing, Writing, Gaming, Being too sexy for TV
| Tenshihoshino
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Sunday, November 11, 2007
Might be back next week.
To keep a story short. My computer was over-heated a few weeks ago, so I haven't been on for a bit. I hope to return again, sometime next week. I'll see. I dunno yet when, I'll be online.
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Monday, October 15, 2007
A new artwork! Amazing!
I finally got a new art piece up. Also I have one of those drawing board things like Sage. Leave some comments if you like. Well see you later. :)
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Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Is this really? Real?
OMG. I am alive!? Can you believe that? Sorry, I haven't been on here in awhile...Drawing, Music and YouTube have allured me into their evil clutches. I stood no chance even with all my spells, pentagram and alchemy circles I could conjure. I am back for now though. No new art to post although I have tons in production. I have been very slack I'm sorry forgive me, but I need a vicious bloodthirsty female or monster to keep me in check. *Points* Are you malicious enough? XD J/k Anyhow hope you all have a nice day and don't resent me for my abscene, if you still do...blame the aliens too then.
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Thursday, August 23, 2007
Today was my b day.
Well today was my b day. I got cake amd stuff. also I'm hooked to the game EBA on DS. lol. Maybe someday soon i'll have a new pic so bear with me.
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Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Designs seem to be going smooth, what up dood and doodettes
Just working on some more stuff on an ancient canvas. Some know it as paper they say it comes from trees. Alot of these new designs are going quite well. Also the scripting is going pretty good to. There must be a better process to do this. I think I should make a production schdule or something. Couldn't hurt. Man I've been lazy today. Haven't done alot cept character design, writing and other webcomic related things. I did play on my DS lite a bit on Pokemon Diamond. Probably going for a walk later on. I look forward to the games: Kingdom hearts III, Disgaea 3, Smash Bros Brawl. Final Fantasy Versus XIII I have a bad feeling about it call it a premonition. It feels too much like the others. This vid I watched on Youtube had a character that looked like Cloud with bluish black hair. Its not that I hate Cloud just wish I didnt look like a black haired Cloud look alike in a new game. Please Don't hate me if you dont share this option. I just wanted to express how I feel. Well anyhow have a great day. ^_^
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Monday, July 9, 2007
New upload and more
Howdy there. Its Monday, as usual. I uploaded a new art piece today. The other day I traded some Pokemanz with a friend. The microphone feature of Diamond and Pearl rocks. I got me a Bulbasaur and a Squirtle two of the original starters. I can't wait till July 21st to read the Deadly Hallows book. That's about it for now. Well Hope to hear from some of you guys. Later.
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Saturday, June 30, 2007
Finally a new art piece and more
Hello there Otaku denizens. I have returned again. lol and summited a new art piece after awhile. Anyhow today was pretty fun played some Pokemon Diamond and helped outside. I got to use tools like a grinder and electric welder. That was an interesting experience. Being the assistant mechanic is stuff. Mechanics are really under appreicated. I'm kinda bored at the moment walked outside and talked with a guy around the block. well That's about all. Oh ya probably gonna rain and thunder been doing that a lot recently.
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Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Hello denizens of Myotaku. How's it goin'? I feel a tad tired today maybe cause there's a mess of stuff in my clutter of a room. Anyhow have a good day. And I'll see if someday soon I might post some new art maybe. well ttyl.
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Thursday, May 17, 2007
Things turning out to be great
Things seem to be starting working out for the better now. More restful nights, getting out on walks, feeling much better. Tomorrow I'm gonna get some Wii Points at the mall so I can play some Classic games from older systems (Yep, I'm a sucker for the classics. "I really want Link to the past game). On Saturday I'm having a growth removed from my right foot toe so I won't be bothered by it any longer. I'm getting back to drawing on paper seems to be working and trying to get inspired and motivated again. As you noticed I haven't put anything new on Myotaku or my deviantart of the same name Tenshihoshino in a long time months I'm guessing. For whoever left comments on my posts much thanks. Just so you know I'm not trying to ignore you guys. Just through a lot of things at once with my mom being back its getting better. Thanks for listening, god bless.
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Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Didn't sleep so well
I had a decent sleep but I woke up about 3 in the morning. It took me a hour or so to fall back asleep probably more like 2 hours...anyhow its a new day coffee helps...Need to get some things rollin' like my character art and comics...and stuff. Well anyhow I wish you guys a great day.

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