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First anime watched: Ghost in the Shell, fan since forever
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All of 'em? *lol* Chobits, Love Hina, Excel Saga, X, Trigun, etc...
Learn Japanese, take sword-fighting lessons... *draws Katana and grins evilly*
Reading (manga and fantasy novels(R.A. Salvatore, Anne Rice...)), watching anime, playing ANY RPG (Except on Crap... Um, I mean X.... Box)
I have a talent?!?!? Since when? Why'd nobody tell me??
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Thursday, December 18, 2003
Ok.... I was wrong... I guess it is only the teachers computers that have DVD-rom... Damn... I don't think I can convince one to let me use their's either... It's not educational or anything so... Damn....
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Yeah... I rambled a bit yesterday, didn't I? Oh my....
Well today's the last day of school for me until Jan. 5, so I might not be on for a while, so I'll be safe and say Merry X-mas and Happy New Year now :)
Well, for once I have something to do (I think the schools new comps have DVD-rom, so I brought some anime to watch, just in case) so I'll say ta for now, and talk to you all after the holidays, maybe sooner!
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Wednesday, December 17, 2003
Time to torture...
Yes, once again I have nothing to do (what a surprise!) so I thought I'd come on and ramble on for a bit. I spent most of the morning reading. I'm on the last book of the Sevenwaters Trilogy by Juliet Marillier. It's called Child of the Prophecy, and it's really good, just like the first two. If you like fantasy novels, I would suggest you read this trilogy.
I have to start the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan this weekend, and let me tell you, it's gonna take forever to finish. There are somewhere between 10-13 books in the series, and they're all more than 1000 pages, with teensy print. :) Just the kind of book I love.
With Christmas break coming up I can curl up on the couch with so tea or whatever and read my sorry excuse for a 'life' into oblivion. Yay! :)
So yeah... I seem to be rambling, which is... I dunno, but at least it gives me something to do, right? Are you still reading, or did you give up hope and abandon poor bored little me?
I really don't have anything to do... I mean I could walk home since I'm done school for today (go figure my only class was first period) but it's freezing and windy out... and it takes 30-40 minutes to walk... I think I'll stay here nice and warm and wait for the bus.
Tomorrow is the last day of school for me. There is school Friday, but what is the point of coming for a half hour class?? I mean really! Give me a break! I'll sleep in instead.
I gotta go check the mail after school, and I am not looking forward to it because of the aforementioned weather, but I'm expecting bills and a package from Dad. Fun fun.
Oh yeah! My car completely broke down yesterday! The engine is shot... Piece of S***! So now I have to take money out of my college money so we can get a new car so my konyakusha can get to work. But it's better than him getting fired and moving in with one of our parents! We can always put the money back later.
Ok, I'll stop complaining. And maybe ranting to as I've run outta things to say. Lucky you! So yeah, Happy Christmas and Merry New Year to everyone!
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 Hello, Little Miss Bitch, and welcome to your profile! You don't take shit from nobody, and if anyone tries to pull something on you, you'll beat their ass. You demand the utmost respect, ordering people to tend to your needs. You plan to marry a cute, lazy boy like Yoh, but you are much better paired off with another bitch such as yourself (i.e. Ren).
What Shaman King Character are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 anna... yoh's fiance... you just want to be the first lady of all shamans! you boss ppl around while you do other stuff..
what shaman king character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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I really don't know what to say. I've almost beat FF X-2, but I restarted it... So yeah. That's been my life for the last 5 or 6 days... Boring huh? Well... One week till X-mas... 1 day till X-mas break! Yay! Then I can spend MORE time playing that game... But then again I've got a lot of reading to do... I have 13 books at home averaging 1000+ pages each... They're due back at the library soon, so I better get busy. And no they're not for school or anything, I just like reading... A lot... *lol* Yeah so Ato
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Tuesday, December 16, 2003
.... *eyes permanently stuck open*
Yep... I rented it.... Woah... That's all I can say... And next time... I'm using the walkthrough, cuz I think I missed a lot of cool stuff.... But I just wanted to beat it so I can play the new game+.... Yeah... Still haven't beat it... I'm on the last level though... Woah... Yeah, um.... BYE!
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Friday, December 12, 2003
Don't you just hate morning people?!? *bounce, bounce* j/k I couldn't be that hyper/ditzy if I tried... I'd probably collapse and die.... *lol* That's good though cuz those people annoy the hell outta me... Luckily I haven't run into any today... Yet...
Anyway... I'm listening to this anime type thing that's on some Japanese online radion station... Interesting... Can't understand 99.9% of it... but my japanese course said to listen to stuff to help with pronunciation and recognition of words and phrases, and I can pick some stuff out... kinda sounds like blah, blah blah blah sempai! Watashi wa blah blah blah.... Etc... but at least I can make out some, right? There's hope yet, right? Right? You're not saying anything! Don't roll your eyes at me!
*lol* I'll go now...
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Thursday, December 11, 2003
Don't mind me... I'm playing this really frustrating game on powerpets.... I have to beat it, but I keep getting eaten! AHHHHH!!!! I hate sharks!
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Wednesday, December 10, 2003
Well, I'm gone for today. TTFN, see ya tomorrow
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Freaky huh???

My blob will get you, and you can't even see him to stop him!! Mwahahahaha!! See, told you I was bored and had too much time on my hands! Now I will make and invisible blob army and take over the world!!!!
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