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Graduated (Amazing ain't it???)
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First anime watched: Ghost in the Shell, fan since forever
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All of 'em? *lol* Chobits, Love Hina, Excel Saga, X, Trigun, etc...
Learn Japanese, take sword-fighting lessons... *draws Katana and grins evilly*
Reading (manga and fantasy novels(R.A. Salvatore, Anne Rice...)), watching anime, playing ANY RPG (Except on Crap... Um, I mean X.... Box)
I have a talent?!?!? Since when? Why'd nobody tell me??
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Thursday, December 4, 2003
I've had my first 50 visitors!!! Isn't that great??? Yay!
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Wednesday, December 3, 2003
 You would have sex with Marik Ishtar. You love those exotic types with the tan skin and accents. He's just so hot, and you just want to lick those tattos on his back.
Which male Yu-Gi-Oh character would you have sex with? brought to you by Quizilla
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 Marik Ishtar, who believes he will be the future pharaoh! You know exactly what to say to him, and you are only too willing to be his loving servant!
Which Yugioh Guy could YOU go all the way with? (Girls only take this) (COMPLETED, PLEASE RATE!) brought to you by Quizilla
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I don't know what to say really, but I have nothing better to do so I suppose this is better than nothing. I figure if I go on for a while I'll drift into a worthwhile topic.
I just came from my computer course. My Sensei gave us a project to do, and made it due by Christmas break. I finished in 10 minutes... Now I have nothing to do at all. I wish someone would recommend something. If not then I'll continue sitting here day after day ranting about nothing in particular. You don't want that do you?
I thought not. And don't think you can run away either, I'll find you, I always find you! Mwahahaha!!! j/k
On a more serious note: I am pissed at Square Enix. I recently heard that for the version of FF X-2 released in North America, they changed the opening song originally sung by Koda Kumi. It is now an english translation sung by someone else. This really pisses me off. How could they do that? They should know that FF fans like the original Japanese material and want to keep it in the NA versions!! Geez!
Anyhow, there's nothing I can do about it so I'll just buy my game and shut up about it.
I've begun reading a translation of Clamps RG Veda manga as of today. I want to see the anime for it, but haven't gotten the chance yet. Judging from the trailer it looks pretty cool.
Well, I'll shut up now, and let you all get on with your lives, as YOU probably have better things to be doing than sitting here and listening to me babble on endlessly. I'll be back tomorrow! Later everyone!
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 You sure like food, travel and money, huh? And a good fight now and then doesn't hurt, either. If that is so, you're most like Slayers Next. You're cute, quirky, and not to be messed with. Your friends aren't the closest you've ever had, but they're okay people, and you work well together... most of the time. You're trying to fit into the world around you, but true happiness seems somewhat elusive. Above all else, you want knowledge and power. So do your friends, one day, you realise you might end up working against them for something important to you. You're in love, but you'll never admit it, and that love is returned, by someone who will care and protect you the rest of his/her matter what. Lucky you.
Which Anime Series Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Oh my, the school admin are stupid! They give you 40 pages to print for free at the beginning of the year, but I printed that many out, and then when I went to ask how much it was to buy more printing credit, they told me they haven't gotten the program to count what you print working yet!!! *lmao* Oh goddesses, I've been printing at least 10 pages a day since, and they still sren't counting!
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I knew it!! Mwahahahaha
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*Tosses snowball at you* Yay! I love snow!!! Maybe we will still have snow for Christmas! Oh, it's so pretty!
I'm sitting in the library (again *lol*) and watching the snow fall outside...
It's so relaxing.
That's all for now I guess, I have nothing to rant about today... Later
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Tuesday, December 2, 2003
14 minutes
Then I finally get to go to class. Yes I know everyone thinks I'm crazy becuase I wanna go to class, but you try having NOTHING to do for 6 hours... Mwahahaahahaha, you'll go crazy like me! Haha, sure come join me, I dare you! *lol* I'll shut up... I am taking the Japanese lessons at to take up some time. I must say it's a confusing laguage, but at the same time it's easy... I like it better than English, I find English very harsh and I dunno... I just think other languages allow things to be expressed better. Am I alone in this???
Well, I guess I better go for today, but I'll be back!
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 Ah, you are Yumi. Very cheerful, outgoing, and kind, you also shoulder a sad past. You may also jump to conclusions too easily.
What Chobits character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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