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Sunday, August 17, 2008
funny story
so my friend cody took me to olive garden to get some drinks last night and we were getting some virgin smoothy things and i think when we got them they SO HAD ALCOHOL in them!! so cody's like "is there any...alcohol in these?" and the waiter was like "no but i can remake them for you" cody told him he didn't need to but the waiter was REALLY over anxious to remake them he took not only cody's drink but mine too. When we got them back they tasted soooo different. OMG he made a mistake, thought we were 21 (he didn't even card us) and then took our drinks away and replaced them with virgin drinks LOL.
nothing really tops that story so the rest of my day was like blah blah work, garage band blah THE FUNNY DRINK STORY blah END.
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Friday, August 15, 2008
Finally New Fan Art!!!
yes you heard right after 3 years of being gone i finally added something 2 fruits basket works i do wish that you take a look and tell me what you think critiques and comments are really appreciated
Aside from that i am pretty much done packing my boxes for college. I just need to go to the store and pick up last minute things such as some hot cocoa mix and manga ( you know that nessecary stuff for school life lol) i'm very excited to move into my dorm only 4 DAYS now until i move in and counting ^_^ you ever have those days when your so anxious for something that time is moving slower just to keep your prize further away from you? i'm in one of those day lol
but i still feel like i'm going to forget to pack something important....

oh well ^_^;;
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Sunday, August 10, 2008
i am Tepocoora i used to be really BIG on myO until high school i sort of dropped this for about 3 years but now i'm back :) any of my old friends i suppose if you don't respond i'll let you go but i'm very open to new friends as well
i hope that my site is nice and any comments or suggestions would be lovely ^_^ thank you
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Friday, November 11, 2005
I'm not going to be on myotaku posting as Tepocoora anymore it was really nice being a part of Adams otaku ring but i've got some social and school issues i have to deal with before i can spend my time with myotaku things. God bless you all and i hope you keep enjoying yourselves.
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Saturday, August 27, 2005
hey long time no see^^;;eheh
sorry i haven't seen you guys in foreverness i just spent a week in LA (and disneyland), then we left to go to Chicago for school clothes shoppin^_^ twas cool we bought most of my clothes from a stroe called Jimmy'z and all my clothes say Jimmy so it looks like i'm dating some guy named Jimmy O_o
o and we went to a real japanese resturant in LA where they cooked on a hotpad in front of us^_^ twas cool i got picys. here be some of my time in LA:

the only pic i've got right now is me eating a burgur in LA^^;; ehehe i'll be sure to get to you guys today
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Saturday, August 13, 2005
*sigh* my Scanner's sick so here's my whole bob script:
lol i made bob up as an into to my science project about pop fizz. but he ended up capturing the hearts of like all the girls in school.....weird.....o well here's the full bob thingy:

so there you go don't let 'da fizz' happen to you ....beware of the pop fizz lol take care you guys^_^
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Friday, August 12, 2005
NEW THEME!!^_^ lol
Theme: ukyo from Ranma 1/2 (she's the coolest)^.^
i apologise for my absence*bows* but it's only a few days before i leave on vacation and i've been hanging with my friends as much as possible for i won't see them for 3 weeks. o and i'm working on some fanart right now but so far all i've got that's done is this:

lol i'll post some REAL art in the next day or two.^_^ later amigos^_~
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Tuesday, August 9, 2005
Happy Random Day^_^ (where you can say whatever the hell you want and it's cool^_^)
oooo i'm so excited^_^ Krissy-chan's planing on kidnapping me later today and taking me to see the new miyazaki movie(ALL HAIL MIYAZAKI-SAMA :-P lol) Howl's movie castle it looks sooooo cool.
hm... am i doing anythin eles today? o i think i'm going to spread humor into the depressed minds of teenagers round the world and maybe even think up some world peace plan while i'm at it ^_~lol nope that's all.(my random moment)
HAPPY RANDOM DAY!!(be random... you know you wanna*poke poke*)

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Monday, August 8, 2005
mwhahahah--O_O um...i mean hi ya'll i'm back^_^;;;
the wedding was cool twas very casual. Twas a hawiian/japanese theme in honor of the grooms parents (who couldn't make it for his father is quite ill) so there was a lot of haikus read and hawiian shirts and leis wore XD but twas fun.
sides that um... we went to build-a-bear workshop and made teddys for me and my lil bro (what a great way to show my maturity huh? lol) and now i'm here.... tired as ever so i'll see you all in to morning -_-*yawn*
nighty night*waves bye*
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Thursday, August 4, 2005
Wedding this weekend... so alas i must leave you for a bit
my two good friends Ed+Jen are getting married this weekend and everyone in my family is doing something in the wedding, i'm the daycare kid(i'm the babysitter @ the reseption and rehersal dinner-_-boring), my dad's a weding singer, mom's the maid of honor, and my lil bro's a messanger boy (never heard of that job before)XD i think they made it up so he'd feel special. LOL
sorry i didn't getta on yesterday i was preping for the wedding and we're leaving for the twin cities tomorrow and i won't be back till monday so... i'll visit as many peeps as i can today but besides today i won't see ya for a bit^^;;
HANNAH LEFT ME!!! *sniff sniff* yes now she's in finlad T_T i miss her sooooo much i won't getta see that weird red-headed-jewish-vegitarian(ya don't hear that every day) for a WHOLE YEAR NOW!!
....hm... besides that ....hm... i think i'm just seeing Charlie and the Chocolate Factory... nothing special ^_^lol hope it's good.

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